The Checker Maven

The World's Most Widely Read Checkers and Draughts Publication
Bob Newell, Editor-in-Chief

Published each Saturday morning in Honolulu, Hawai`i

Contests in Progress:

Composing Championship #77

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A Message from Gerry and Alan

Our postal mail today brought us a very nice letter from none other than Gerry Lopez, who is a top player and a tireless organizer and promoter of our great game. Gerry is a major force behind this year's Nationals, coming up sooner than you think in July, 2007.

Gerry enclosed two short notes, one from himself and the other from American Checker Federation President Alan Millhone. We're pleased to be able to reproduce these messages here.

From Gerry: "It took a lot of work to get a good deal at the Plaza in Las Vegas for the GAYP National. Now the ACF needs help with pledges to meet the bid that we made to get it there. Anything you can do to help with a check or pledge will be much appreciated. Please help our game by mailing your check or pledge to: Gerry Lopez (ACF Nat'l), 41959 Corte Selva, Temecula, CA 92591. My phone number: (951)-695-2499. Email:"

From Alan: "The National Tourney is coming up in July. Unfortunately, for many people, one of the measuring sticks for the value of a game is its prize fund. Checkers, one of the most beautiful games in the world, is not understood by most people. They think it's a game for children. When they read that the National Champion of the game receives a first prize of only $1,000, their conception is strengthened. It's high time to support our game. If every checker player contributes something, that terrible misconception can be changed. Let's do something to affect that change with your contribution, big or small, to this year's National. To support the game, please mail your check to Gerry Lopez, GAYP 2007, at 41858 Corte Selva, Temecula, CA 92591. All contributions will be credited in the ACF bulletin. Let's get more respect for our game!"

We couldn't agree more, and The Checker Maven encourages you to help out in any way you can. We'll be sending in a little something ourselves, and we challenge you to do the same if at all possible.

04/28/07 -Printer friendly version-
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ACF and GoldToken Sign Contract

The American Checker Federation and GoldToken have announced the signing of a contract agreement which will make GoldToken the official ACF online checker play site. Under the terms of the contract, GoldToken will provide a wide-ranging set of checker-play enhancements to their site.

GoldToken was chosen by the ACF via a rigorous competitive bidding process. Potential bidders were pre-qualified and those who passed the first screening were sent a detailed set of bid specifications. The responses were evaluated and GoldToken emerged as the top bidder. Contract negotiations proved successful and contract signing was completed a little over a week ago.

The exact contract terms and conditions contain vendor proprietary information, so we're not allowed to give all the details here. But we can tell you that GoldToken will be adding a lot of checker-related improvements and additions to their site in the coming months. Completion of this work is expected in six to twelve months, and we know we'll find the wait practically unbearable--- but definitely worth it.

03/03/07 -Printer friendly version-
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SQL Injection

The Checker Maven was subject to another cyberattack: our checker postcard site was mildly defaced. It seems that, unknown to us, the postcard software we use had a certain flaw which allowed a type of attack called "SQL injection." We won't bore you with all the technical details; suffice it to say that we've restored the site to normal and patched up our software to hopefully avoid such problems in the future.

More importantly, we do need to (someday!) redo our postcard site. While we think it's a great feature, it relies on the postcard recipient clicking on a link to our site to see their postcard. Unfortunately in today's world, clicking on links to sites that are unfamiliar (and we admit that not quite everyone knows about our site, at least not yet!) can be very risky. So when we redo the site, we'll provide a postcard mechanism that won't require anything more than opening your email.

02/28/07 -Printer friendly version-
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ACF Announces Five Thousand Dollar Youth Prize


It's been said that practically no one has made a living at checkers, and those few that did found that living to be pretty slim.

We're not saying that this has all changed now, but thanks to the great generosity of an anonymous donor, Big Money has come to youth checkers!

This year's Arther Niederhoffer Youth Tournament, to be held in Las Vegas at the Plaza Hotel on July 21 and 22, offers a five thousand dollar first prize to the winner of the top section. That's no misprint; the top prize is five thousand dollars in the "Expert Youth" group, intended for ages 16-21. Clocks will be used and games recorded, just like they do uptown.

If you're in the age range listed and have what it takes (or you know someone who qualifies), you won't want to miss this incredible event, with a cash prize the likes of which youth checkers has never seen.

More information can be found on the American Checker Federation website.

02/17/07 -Printer friendly version-
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A Joe Job

The Checker Maven has suffered from what computer geeks call "a joe job." It's an almost universal spammer's trick: they take an email address or domain name found on the internet, and then use that address as a phony "from" address for millions of spam emails. The idea is that bounced and undeliverable mail, and especially angry complaints, won't get forwarded back to the spammer, but instead go to the address that the spammer "borrowed."

Believe us when we tell you The Checker Maven hasn't been sending out solicitations to buy pirated software or the like! Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about this rash of spam mail which some low-life has sent out in our name.

01/02/07 -Printer friendly version-
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What's on the Tube?

In this article, we're offering you something quite different: a quick survey of what's on the tube. The "tube" we're referring to, of course, is the popular internet video site YouTube. Curious about the hype surrounding this site and its recent acquisition by Google for a fantastic sum of money, we decided to take a look for ourselves, and see if--- against all odds--- YouTube had anything to offer the checker enthusiast.

Apparently, YouTube has something for everyone, and we found checker-related videos (at least of a sort) in great quantity. We spent a little time (actually a little too much time) sorting through some of these and have selected a small sampling that might interest our readers.

Don't expect great technical production and professional acting, and above all don't expect great checkers. But do expect some unusual and unexpected checker-related entertainment. Here's our pick of the bunch, and we'd be interested to hear what you think. Write us at

Xtreme Checkers
A video game spoof.

King of Checkers
Rather humorous video
about "crowning."

Checker Shots
An attempt to teach checkers;
rather hard to follow.

They use red and white pieces
but ignore compulsory jumps!

Checker Master
An amazing win;
apparently Turkish checkers.

Checkers Gone Wrong
A surreal experience;
some rough language.

Ghost Checkers
Checkers and the supernatural!

Checker Battle
Checkers as drama,
played on an unusual board.

Split Personality

As suggested by reader
"Pal" Bucker.

12/23/06 -Printer friendly version-
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An Interview With ACF President Alan Millhone

The Checker Maven had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Alan Millhone, President of the American Checker Federation (ACF), via email. Mr. Millhone was kind enough to give us many insights into his own life, his checker career, and his aspirations as ACF President.

Checker Maven: Tell us a little about your background.

Alan: I am married to Victoria Lee Millhone and have a grown daughter, Joclaire, and her husband Thomas and our three grandsons, Forest, Solomon and David. I was born in Parkersburg, W.Va. in 1948 and have lived all my life in Belpre, Ohio. I graduated from Belpre High School in 1966. My 9th and 10th grades were spent at Fork Union Military Academy in Fork Union, Va. I attended 4 years at Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio and earned a B.S. in Business Administration. After college I was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1970, and spent time in the US and in Korea. (I was) Honorably Discharged in 1972. My father was a building contractor in Belpre since 1955 and I helped him in my school years, summers and while I was in college. After the Army I began full time work as a builder/remodeler and do that to this day in the Belpre,Ohio area. Aside from being ACF President I am also the local Board President for Habitat for Humanity.

Checker Maven: When and how did you become interested in checkers?

Alan: I used to play my father when I was little and he would get me into little 2x1 shots, etc. That must have been the early beginning to learn more about the game. In high school I was tutored by the late Walter Kaneff of Constitution, Ohio. While attending college in Columbus, Ohio I met and was mentored by the late Mr. B.T. Shafer. He loved problems and would always have one set up for me to solve when I visited his home in New Albany, Ohio. He taught me early on to never 'touch' the pieces and always try to 'sight solve' and visualize solutions to board problems.

Checker Maven: What made you interested in a leadership role in checkers, and how did it come about that you became ACF president?

Alan: In 1970 I left checkers when I entered the Army and forgot about the game till around 1999. That Christmas I was visiting our daughter in Charlotte,N.C. and her husband Tom had a computer and indicated he knew I played checkers years back. he told me I could play on line which fascianted me as to date I had never touched a computer. He set me up with a nickname and got me onto MSN gaming zone. I played the afternoon and was 'hooked' once more. At the Pennsylvania Open I met Mr. Alexander Moiseyev and we chatted in my room one evening. Later on I met him again at the Ohio Tournament and he told me he liked what he saw in me and offered to be my campaign manager if I would run for ACF President. I ran as an unknown after my 30 year absence and won over Mr. Charles Walker by a mere 7 votes!

Checker Maven: How would you characterize the state of "organized" checkers today? How does that compare with the past and what are the hopes and prospects for the future? How do you think the ACF will do in years to come?

Alan: Checkers and the ACF has been on the decline since the advent of television in the early 60s. For the game to survive and for the ACF to remain we have to attract and keep young players. The ACF needs a corporate sponsor to help our youth. My goal is to find that sponsor and have them join ranks with the ACF to promote one of the finest mind sports ever conceived by man. The ACF cannot continue to do 'business as usual' or we will perish in time. It is time for different thinking and for the infusion of new ideas if we are to survive in today's video oriented world.

Checker Maven: What do you think the effects of computers have been on the game of checkers? Do you think checkers will ever be solved, and what difference do you think that might make, if any?

Alan: Computer programs have been a blessing to analysts and those who want to 'hammer' out new lines of play. Checkers may be solved one day, but that will not make me another Tinsely when it does become solved. The computer/internet lets players from all over the globe interact and chat while playing on a variety of playing sites. Even the mail players are using the internet now to play mail games where it used to take months via snail mail. Many contend that computer programs have killed mail play.

Personally I love going to different tournaments and meeting and playing a variety of players from all over the USA and abroad. I consider checker players as my second family.

Checker Maven: What about the effect of computers on correspondence play?

Alan: I have never played any correspondence checkers, but realize that many new lines of play come from the mail players and the lines they have 'hammered' out from those games. Checkers used to be a game of mental analysis. My good friend Mr. Karl D. Albrecht will be noted in checker history as one of the greatest analyists who ever played the game. However today one can program in the moves you want and go to bed and let the computer program do the rest. Programs to me have taken the human element out of the game to some degree.

Checker Maven: What would you say to those who think that checkers is boring, or just a kid's game?

Alan: Most people play 'skittle' checkers and never scratch the surface of the game nor ever learn to appreciate its deep beauty . I have had many tell me checkers is a game of luck; well, luck comes to those who are well prepared. The late and great football coach, Mr. Vince Lombardi once remarked , "Luck is the residue of preparation" . The great William F. Ryan once remarked that one should avoid those who do not appreciate the deep intricacies of checkers. Yes, checkers is a game you can learn to play in a few minutes (how pieces move, taking jumps, movement of King,etc.) but then spend the rest of your life attempting to master.

Checker Maven: You often call yourself an "average" player but your tournament results are quite outstanding. Do you have any ambitions such as winning titles or being a grandmaster level player?

Alan: My goal is to improve my play over time and to see my rating inch up a little now and then. I know just enough about checkers to now realize how little I actually know about the game. I fear no player and love to play the best at any opportunity. To play better you have to play the better players.

Checker Maven: What moments in checkers are you personally most proud of?

Alan: In the late 60s while in college I organized two simultaneous exhibitions for Mr. Tommie Wiswell and Mr. Newell W. Banks. Both men also stayed at my home years ago. The great Marion Tinsley was a house guest years ago on several occasions. Most recently getting to play on the USA International Team vs. GB, Ireland and Scotland was a highlight in my life. I went to observe the match and ended up playing 7 rounds. A fine book commemorating this match will be published soon.

Checker Maven: What advice would you give to the young or up-and-coming player, or to the plain-old ambitious checkerist?

Alan: As Dr. Gerry Lopez likes to admonish, " Knowledge is Power." You can't beat the player who is well 'booked' on published play and has crossboard ability as well. Attend and enter tournaments as you can, get yourself a good program to play against on your computer, and build yourself a good checker library of reference books. I like Mr. Fortman's Basic Checkers, Dr. Shuffett's and Tommie Wiswell's America's Best Checkers , and Mr. Alex Moiseyev's new book Sixth .

Checker Maven: Anything else?

Alan: The American Checker Federation is always looking for new members and we publish six bulletins a year full of checker news, games, etc. Visit our web site at for more information.

Our thanks to Mr. Millhone for granting us this information-filled interview.

10/14/06 -Printer friendly version-
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Let's Play Checkers

While we're a bit behind schedule, we still plan to release our electronic edition of Richard Pask's book Key Endings by the end of 2006. And, we've previously noted that in 2007 we'll be starting on the very ambitious project of a full electronic reissue of Mr. Pask's Solid Checkers.

However, we've chosen the next book to appear after Key Endings. We're very pleased to announce that you can expect a newly-typeset, electronic edition of Ken Grover and Tom Wiswell's enduring classic, Let's Play Checkers, some time in the first half of 2007 (we're estimating a June 1 release date).

Let's Play Checkers is one of the best selling checker books of all time. Long out of print, this 1940 book still commands respect over 65 years later. It's one of the first of very few checker books to ever present the "repertoire" concept, well-known to chess players, of playing a selected set of opening moves which have been carefully studied.

The "repertoire" concept of course applies only to freestyle or "go as you please" checkers, but as this is what is played by many an average checker fan, Let's Play Checkers is of great value and interest. Rounded out with formation or "landing" studies, endgame studies, and a great collection of problems, it isn't hard to see why this book became a classic best-seller.

Of course, as is the case with all of our electronic reissues, it will be available absolutely free of charge. We only ask that you too support and play our great game of checkers!

10/07/06 -Printer friendly version-
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In Times to Come at The Checker Maven

We've been busy working on ideas for Checker Maven columns, and we'd like to share with you a few of the things that will be happening here in times to come.

As always, your comments and suggestions are our guide, and we'd love to hear from you at

08/12/06 -Printer friendly version-
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Mac Banks, Sportsman and Champion

Recently Mac Banks, the postal play World Champion, defended his title against Canada's Bill Carter. As reported here earlier, the match was played not with traditional postcards and stamps, but on the Internet at the turn-based Wyllie site.

Mr. Carter proved a most formidable opponent, and the match ended in a deadlock, with all 24 games being played to a draw. Mr. Banks retained his title by virtue of this undecided match.

But Mac is no ordinary champion, much as he is no ordinary player. Mr. Banks took the unprecedented step of offering Mr. Carter an immediate rematch. The return engagement will be played in September, also on the Wyllie site.

And Mac didn't stop there. As he stated in a note on the Wyllie site, "I have decided to be a playing champion and not just wait the two years that I am allotted to do." So, even before Mac has his rematch with Bill Carter, he will play a match with Irish challenger Tommy Canning. Tommy finished second in the world qualifiers and is a winner of the British mail title, and is a tough competitor by any measure. Mac adds, "If I still am champ I will play Bill Carter on or about 15 September." The match with Tommy will start on July 31.

That's three, count them, three title defenses in as many months!

It takes a real champion and a man of courage and character to step up and take on all comers without hesitation, fear, or delay. We can't help but recognize that Mac plays the game for its own sake, believes strongly that the best player should be the champ, and backs up his beliefs with action.

In doing this, Mac Banks proves himself to be a true sportsman and a champion for the ages. We applaud and admire him.

07/29/06 -Printer friendly version-
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The Checker Maven is produced at editorial offices in Honolulu, Hawai`i, as a completely non-commercial public service from which no profit is obtained or sought. Original material is Copyright © 2004-2025 Avi Gobbler Publishing. Other material is the property of the respective owners. Information presented on this site is offered as-is, at no cost, and bears no express or implied warranty as to accuracy or usability. You agree that you use such information entirely at your own risk. No liabilities of any kind under any legal theory whatsoever are accepted. The Checker Maven is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Bob Newell, Sr.

MAVEN, n.:

An expert or connoisseur, often self-proclaimed.


Numbered Board and Notation

Book Reviews

Game Site Reviews

Program Reviews

A Mind Sport for the Common Man

Learning Checkers

The Unknown Derek Oldbury

Rediscovering Checkers

Regulation Checker Sets

Marvin's World


Richard Pask Publications

Reisman: Checkers Made Easy

Clapham Common Draughts Book

Grover/Wiswell: Let's Play Checkers

Bob Murray's School Presentation

Jim Loy Publications

PDN collections

Oldbury: MoveOver

Reinfeld: How to Win

Ginsberg: Principles of Strategy
