PURPOSE Help displays quick answers to your questions about Agenda. STEPS 1. Press F1 (HELP) for assistance on your current activity. 2. Use keys shown below to look for other info while in Help. 3. Press F9 (RETURN) or ESC to leave Help and return to work. LOOK PRESS TO DO THIS FOR INFO ------------------ ------------------------------------------- ñ, ò, ï, ð, HOME, Highlight any related topic shown in bold END then ENTER to display Help info about it (you can also highlight topic by typing its first letter) F3 (INDEX) Choose from an index of Help topics F5 (FIND) Type a topic you want to search for in Help F6 (KEYS) Display info on Agenda keys and commands F8 (REVIEW) or Travel back through the Help screens you BACKSPACE just looked at
STEPS In Help: · F5 (FIND) TYPE THE Once you press F5, Help prompts for the topic that you want TOPIC info about. Type a word (example: item) or phrase (example: category manager) and press ENTER. SELECT A Help then displays a list of Help screens about this word or SCREEN phrase. Here's how to use the list: IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- Select a Help screen Highlight it (ñ, ò, ï, ð, HOME, END) from the list and press ENTER Display next/previous Press ALT-N (NEXT) or ALT-P (PREVIOUS) screen from the list from any Help screen Redisplay the list Press F5 (FIND) and then ENTER for the current topic
Pick a page and press ENTER +---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---+ | A || B || C || D || E || F || G || H || I || J || K || L || M | +---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---+ +---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---+ | N || O || P || Q || R || S || T || U || V || W || X || Y || Z | +---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---++---+ To return to this screen: press F3 +---+ Abandon a file | Alphabetize (See also Sort) | A | Actions | Categories +---+ Attach to a category | Items Clear | View names Copy | ALT keys Date | Ancestor categories Execute | Append Numeric | Note text to a category Special | Note text to an item Values | Text to macros Add | Applications, starter Categories | Assignment Columns | Automatic actions Files | Automatic conditions Items | Break Sections | Categories, change Views | Categories, enter Agenda, general | Items AgendaTown | Make Alarms | Profile for item(s) | Attributes for printing | Categories Automatic assignment | Date Automatic completion | Demote Automatic reservation | Discard | Edit +---+ Back up files | Enter | B | Boxes, fill in | Exclusivity for +---+ Break assignments | Filters for Browse through dates | Hierarchy of | MAIN +---+ Calendar | Notes for | C | Categories | Numeric +---+ Actions for | Parent categories Add new | Promote Assign to an item | Properties of Child categories | Protection for Column entries | Remove Column heads | Replace Commands for | Section heads Conditions for | Select | Categories (continued) | Colors, change Sort | Columns Standard | Add Types of | Ancestor format Unindexed | Categories notes as heads Category manager | Child categories as heads Commands for | Commands for Indicators in | Date Keys for | Edit Print in | Entries in Category notes | Formats for Use as column title | Heads, select Child categories | Item column Exclusive children | Link to other sections Use as section heads | Move Choices | Numeric Clear | Parent:Category format Conditions/actions | Properties of Filters | Properties, change Notes | Properties, item column | Columns (continued) | Conditions Remove | Copy Star format | Date Types of | Execute Unindexed | Numeric Width, adjust | Remove Yes/No format | Text Commands | Values for Cancel with ESC | Confirm mode Charts of | Copy Function key commands | Conditions/actions Issue | Files Macro commands | Items Menu commands | Text Compress files | Views Conditions | Create (See Add) Actions, compared to | Customize (See also Properties) Assignment | Colors Attach to a category | Date formats Clear | Screen | +---+ Dates | Datebook views (See also Views) | D | Calendar, pop-up | Add +---+ Done dates | Browse through dates Enter | Delete (See Remove and Discard) Entry dates | Directory (See Files) Formats for | Discard Global settings for | Categories Ranges of | Items Times | Display When dates | Done dates Date categories | Done items Actions for | Export Add new | Hide in a view Columns | DOS, exit to Conditions for | Filters for |+---+ Edit Date columns || E | Categories Properties of |+---+ Column heads | Items | Keys | Edit (continued) | External files Macros | Macros Mode | Notes Notes | Empty the trash |+---+ Family, categories Enter (See Add) || F | Files Entry dates |+---+ Abandon Erase, files (See also Discard) | Backup Exclusive categories | Commands for Execute conditions and actions | Create Exit (See also Launch) | Description for Agenda | Erase Category manager | Export Help | External macro files Note | External note files To operating system | Import Export | Maintenance of Done items | Network Files | Password for | Properties of | Files (continued) | Formats Reservation for | Columns Retrieve | Date Save | Print Select | Function key maps Size of | Structured |+---+ Headers, printed pages Transfer || H | Hide Fill in a box |+---+ Conditions/actions Filter | Dependent items Attach | Done items Browse through dates | Empty sections Clear | Inherited items Date | Numeric |+---+ Import Section || I | Files Values for |+---+ Macros View | Notes Fonts | Indent Footers, printed pages | Indicators on the screen | Information | Items Categories | Edit Items | Enter Initial section | Hide Initial view | Mark Input (See Add) | Move Insert (See Add and Edit) | Notes for International (See Customize) | Number Items | Prerequisite Add new | Print Assign to categories | Profile of assignments for Assignment profile for | Properties of Break assignments of | Properties, item column Column, item | Recover Commands for | Remove (See also Discard) Conditions/actions, apply to | Search Copy | Section heads for Dependent | Sort Discard (See also Remove) | Split into two items Done | Undiscard | +---+ Launch another program | Macros | L | Learn mode (macros) | Manager +---+ Limits | Properties of File size | Run Items | Variables in Memory | MAIN category Notes | Margins, for printing Lines, print | Mark items Link columns | Markers List of items (See Sections) | Attribute LM2STF utility | Display choices Locate (See Search, Text Match) | Enter in text | Settings for +---+ Macros | Match strength | M | Commands in | Memory limits, change +---+ Edit | Menu commands Import | Category manager Indicators for | Macros Keys for | Notes Learn mode | Views | Move (See also Sort) | Numeric categories Columns | Actions for Items | Conditions for Sections | Enter values in | Filters for +---+ Named print sets | Numeric columns | N | Commands for | Add new +---+ Network files | Calculations in Reservations for | Properties of Save read-only files |+---+ New (See Add) || O | Open (See File Retrieve) Notes |+---+ Category notes |+---+ Pages, print Clear || P | Parent categories Commands for |+---+ Passwords Edit | Paste text (See also Edit) Enter | Pop-up calendar External files for | Position (See Move and Sort) Keys for | Preferences (See Customize) Print | Preview printouts Search for text in | Printers, select | Properties Print | Macros Attributes | Sections Commands for | Views Final | Fonts |+---+ Question assignments Footers || Q | Quit Agenda (See also Return) Headers |+---+ Items |+---+ Recover Layout || R | Damaged files Named print sets |+---+ Discarded items from trash Notes | Removed items Preview a printout | Remove (See also Clear) Set up | Categories Profile, assignment | Columns Properties | Items Categories | Sections Columns | Views Files | Rename (See Edit) Items | Replace categories | Reservations for files | Search for text in items/notes Get | Sections Release | Add Save an unreserved file | Child categories as heads Retrieve a file | Columns in Create a new file | Commands for Select a file | Filters for Return from (See also ESC) | Go to Category manager | Heads, select Help | Item column of Macro editor | Move Note | Properties of View manager | Properties, change Run another program (Launch) | Remove | Sort +---+ Save | Select (See also Boxes/Choices) | S | Automatic save setting | Categories +---+ Backups | Column heads Files | Files Named print sets | Section heads | Settings (See Add, Properties) | Switch views Shortcuts | Symbols on the screen Show schedules | System, exit to Show views | Add |+---+ Templates, transfer Commands for || T | Text Sort |+---+ Conditions Categories | Edit Items | Items Macros | Match Sections | Notes Views | Print Special actions | Search for Special keys | Values in unindexed columns Start (See Run) | Time Starter applications | Alarms Structured files | Display in column Import | Enter TXT2STF utility | Formats for Suspend a session | Pop-up calendar | Transfer files |+---+ Variables in macro commands Export || V | View manager Import |+---+ Add a new view Partial files | Alphabetize view names Structured files | Discard a view Template | Switch views Trash | Views Empty, change settings for | Add Recover items from | Alphabetize TXT2STF utility | Browse through dates Typefaces | Columns in | Commands for +---+ Underline | Copy | U | Undiscard items | Datebook views +---+ Unindexed categories | Discard Unmark items | Filters for Update defaults | Indicators in Utilities commands | Keys for | Print | Properties of | Views (continued) | Sections in | Sort items in | Sort sections in | Show views | Types of | | +---+ When dates | | W | Widths of columns | +---+ |
+------------------------+-(In Order of Appearance)-+------------------------+ |Todd Drake |Sarah Meyer |Bonnie Steinroeder | |Sharon Jason |Maureen Kennedy |Marjorie Clark | |Marc Germani |Barbara Baird |Marlena Rupp | |Diana MacDonald |Fran Taussig |Anna Marie Saintonge | |Steve Zagieboylo |Sonjaya Tandon |Eric d'Arbeloff | |Jeanne Heston |Jamie MacEachern Clegg |David Voncannon | |Bob Maher |Susan Soley |Marlene LoPresti | |Lynne Levine |Susan Wood |Maire Murphy | |David Burns |Doug Fleming |Joe Najjar | |Lauren Hasselriis-Ghom |Karen Axelrod |Julie Zinkus | |Andrew Hammond |Steve Meister |Larry Mancini | |Robin Palmer |John Klobucher |Scott Brown | |Beth Macy |Don Bayly |Julie Haranzo | |Mike Kraley |Roseann Lilly |Alison Kuryla | |Paul Paget |Julie Donnelly |Chad Huemme | |Steve Szymanski |Patty MacKinnon |Dennis Archibald | |Polly Nichols |Cathy Pawelczyk |Donagh Noone | |Dianna Koukoutchos |Sylvia Reed |Kevin Shea | |Kaiss Kirata |Mark VanDine |The Cheshire Cat | | |Ron Turcotte | |
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File Retrieve, create, save, manipulate Agenda files Item Assign, modify, discard, manipulate items in current view Category Add, modify, discard categories in current Agenda file View Add, modify, discard, browse views in current Agenda file and manipulate columns, sections Print Print information from current view Utilities Manage and get info about your Agenda file and environment System Suspend Agenda session temporarily to use operating system Quit End Agenda session and exit to operating system (ALT-Q)
About views, Use a menu, About Agenda, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve Retrieve or create an Agenda file (ALT-G) Save Save an Agenda file (ALT-W saves current file) Abandon Abandon all unsaved changes made to current Agenda file Properties Display, modify characteristics of current Agenda file Transfer Transfer info between current Agenda file and other files Maintenance Copy, erase, compress Agenda files or request a network file reservation
About files, Ways to import/export info, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Import Copy items, notes, categories from a structured text file (STF) to current Agenda file Export Copy items, notes, categories from current Agenda file to a structured text file Template Copy entire structure of current Agenda file (everything but items) to another Agenda file
About files, Ways to import/export info, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- MakeCopy Save a copy of current Agenda file to a different file name Erase Delete an Agenda file from disk Compress Remove unused space from current Agenda file so it takes up less room on disk Reservation Get or release a network reservation for current Agenda file
About files, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties Display, modify characteristics of current item (F6) MakeAssign Assign current item to a particular category (ALT-M) Discard Delete current item from file and place it in trash (ALT-F4) Undisc Recover discarded item(s) from trash and insert them below highlight in current section (ALT-Y recovers latest one) BrkAssign Break assignment of current item to section head -- so item no longer appears in current section (DEL) Reposition Change order of items in current section by moving current item Alarm Set an alarm on current item (ALT-A)
Use a menu, About items, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties Display, modify characteristics of current category (F6) Add Add a new category to the category hierarchy Discard Delete current category from the category hierarchy -- which means it's completely deleted from current Agenda file (ALT-F4)
About categories, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties Display, modify characteristics of current view (in view manager: F6) Add Add a new view to current Agenda file (in view manager: INS) Browse Browse through current view by date (ALT-B) Discard Delete current view from current Agenda file (in view manager: F4 or ALT-F4 or DEL) Column Add, modify, remove, manipulate columns in current view Section Add, modify, remove, manipulate sections in current view
About views, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties Display, modify characteristics of current column (F6) Add Add a new column to current section or all sections (ALT-L or ALT-R) Remove Remove current column from current section or all sections (DEL) Move Change order of columns in current section by moving current column (ALT-F10) Width Change width of current column
About columns, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties Display, modify characteristics of current section (F6) Add Add a new section to current view (ALT-D or ALT-U) Remove Remove current section from current view (DEL) Move Change order of sections in current view by moving current section (ALT-F10)
Use a menu, About sections, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Final Print items and notes from current view to printer or file Preview Display output on screen to see how it will look when printed Layout Define page layout for printed view info (any layout changes you make apply only to current Agenda file) Setup Select printers, ports, fonts, and preview display driver to use with Agenda Named Use a separate file of print settings (including Final, Preview, and Layout settings)
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve Retrieve a print settings (NPS) file whose settings you want to use as the defaults for the current Agenda file Save Save the Layout, Preview, and Final print settings from the current Agenda file to a print settings file Erase Delete a print settings file from disk Attach Specify a print settings file from which the current view is to get its print settings (doesn't affect other views) Detach Discontinue the current view's use of a print settings file that has been attached to it
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Customize Set personal preferences for your Agenda environment (including colors and other screen display options) Execute Evaluate conditions and actions for all or part of current Agenda file (ALT-E executes conditions/actions of current category, ALT-X executes all conditions/actions in file) Show Display various info about items in current Agenda file Questions Confirm questionable (?) assignments in current Agenda file Trash Clear all discarded items from trash (making them unrecoverable) Launch Suspend Agenda session temporarily to run another program
Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Match Show items that contain a particular word or phrase Prereqs Show items on which the current item depends (&) Depends Show items that depend on (&) the current item ItemsDone Show items that are marked done (!!) Circular Show items caught in circular references (o) Alarm Show items with pending or triggered alarms (@) Sched Show items assigned to a particular date Every Show all items in the current Agenda file
Use a menu, About show views, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- One Level Show items immediately prerequisite to current item All Levels Show entire chain of items prerequisite to current item Every Item Show every item that has prerequisites (all dependent items)
Use a menu, About show views, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- One Level Show items immediately dependent on current item All Levels Show entire chain of items dependent on current item Every Item Show every item on which other items are dependent
Use a menu, About show views, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File Use an external file as source of current note/macro Print Print all or marked text from current note/macro Import Copy all text from an external file into current note/macro Export Copy all or marked text from current note/macro to an external file Clear Delete entire contents of current note/macro Return Save current note/macro, exit from editor, and return to previous activity (F5) Quit End Agenda session and exit to operating system (ALT-Q)
About macros, Use a menu, About notes, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Attach Specify an external file as source (dynamically read and updated) of current note/macro Detach Break link to external file and clear contents of current note/macro (does not affect contents of external file) Erase Delete from disk the external file attached to current note/macro
External macro files, External note files, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Final Print all or marked text from current note/macro to printer or file Preview Display output on screen to see how it will look when printed Layout Define page layout for printed note/macro info (any layout changes you make apply only to current Agenda file) Setup Select printers, ports, fonts, and preview display driver to use with Agenda Named Use a separate file of print settings (including Final, Preview, and Layout settings)
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve Retrieve a print settings (NPS) file whose settings you want to use as the defaults for the current Agenda file Save Save the Layout, Preview, and Final print settings from the current Agenda file to a print settings file Erase Delete a print settings file from disk
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Category Add, modify, discard categories in current Agenda file Print Print category hierarchy or info about current Agenda file Return Return to current view (F9) Quit End Agenda session and exit to operating system (ALT-Q)
About category manager, About categories, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Final Print category hierarchy or Agenda file info to printer or file Preview Display output on screen to see how it will look when printed Layout Define page layout for printed category manager info (any layout changes you make apply only to current Agenda file) Setup Select printers, ports, fonts, and preview display driver to use with Agenda Named Use a separate file of print settings (including Final, Preview, and Layout settings)
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve Retrieve a print settings (NPS) file whose settings you want to use as the defaults for the current Agenda file Save Save the Layout, Preview, and Final print settings from the current Agenda file to a print settings file Erase Delete a print settings file from disk
About printing, Use a menu, » Index
+----+ | +------------+ |VIEW| | |MACRO EDITOR| +----+ | +------------+ Accelerator Keys | Accelerator Keys Function Keys | Function Keys Movement and Special Keys | Movement and Special Keys Menu Commands | Menu Commands +----+ | +-----+ |NOTE| | |OTHER| +----+ | +-----+ Accelerator Keys | Auto Completion (Search) Keys Function Keys | Calendar Keys Movement and Special Keys | Category List Manipulation Keys Menu Commands | Date Browse Keys +----------------+ | Dialog Box Keys |CATEGORY MANAGER| | Edit Mode Keys +----------------+ | File Selection Keys Accelerator Keys | Help Keys Function Keys | Macro Manager Keys Movement and Special Keys | Print Preview Keys Menu Commands | View Manager Keys
ALT-A.....Set an alarm on the current |ALT-M.....Make assignment of current item | or marked items to category ALT-B.....Browse current view by date |ALT-N/P...Display next/previous view (requires a date filter) |ALT-O.....Make current item dependent ALT-C.....Display calendar | on marked item(s) ALT-D/U...Insert section below/above |ALT-Q.....Quit Agenda current section (down/up) |ALT-S.....Sort items according to ALT-E.....Execute conditions/actions | current sort settings of current category |ALT-V.....Display/hide empty sections ALT-F.....Close current file and open | (that have no items) previous file |ALT-W.....Save (write) current file ALT-G.....Retrieve (get) a file |ALT-X.....Execute all conditions and ALT-H.....Hop to next occurrence of | actions in current file item in current or next view |ALT-Y.....Insert (yank back) last ALT-I.....Insert new item | removed item into current ALT-J.....Jump to next marked item in | section current view |ALT-Z.....Run current macro ALT-K.....Display/hide function key map|ALT-+/-...Expand/collapse current ALT-L/R...Insert column to left/right | section to display/hide of current position | items
ALT-C.....Display calendar |ALT-W.....Delete next word | ALT-D/T...Insert current date/time into|ALT-Z.....Run current macro note text at cursor | | ALT-K.....Display/hide function key map| | ALT-M.....Insert hard carriage return | (new line) at cursor | | ALT-N/P...Go to note for next/previous | item or category | | ALT-Q.....Quit Agenda | | ALT-S.....Repeat search using criteria | specified with ALT-F6 | (SEARCH) |
ALT-A.....Set actions (assignment, date|ALT-Q.....Quit Agenda or numeric) for this category| |ALT-R.....Insert category right (as a ALT-C.....Display calendar | child of current category) | ALT-D/U...Insert sibling category |ALT-Z.....Run current macro below/above current category | (down/up) |ALT-+/-...Expand/collapse current | category to display/hide ALT-I.....Insert sibling category below| children highlight (same as ALT-D) | | ALT-K.....Display/hide function key map| | ALT-L.....Insert category left (as an | uncle of current category) | | ALT-P.....Set conditions (assignment, | date or numeric) for this | category |
ALT-C.....Display calendar |ALT-S.....Repeat search using criteria | specified with ALT-F6 ALT-D/T...Insert current date/time into| (SEARCH) macro at cursor | |ALT-W.....Delete next word ALT-K.....Display/hide function key map| | ALT-M.....Insert hard carriage return | (new line) at cursor | | ALT-Q.....Quit Agenda |
F1 HELP........Display Agenda Help info|ALT-F1 COMPOSE...Type international F2 EDIT........Edit current item or | or special characters category name |ALT-F2 WHEN......Set When date for F3 CHOICES.....Change assignments for | current or marked item or choose category | item(s) for section/column head,|ALT-F3 MACRO.....Run or create macros or column entry |ALT-F4 DISCARD...Delete current item F4 DONE........Designate current or | or category from file marked item(s) as done |ALT-F5 GO TO.....Move quickly to F5 NOTE........Display note for current| another section item or category |ALT-F6 SEARCH....Search items/notes F6 PROPS.......Modify properties of | for particular text item, section/column |ALT-F7 UNMKALL...Unmark all marked head, or column entry | items in view F7 MARK........Mark one or more items |ALT-F8 LAST VW...Return to previously to modify as a group | used view F8 VW MGR......Use view manager |ALT-F9 COPY......Copy item(s) to F9 CAT MGR.....Use category manager | another section F10 MENU.......Use view command menu |ALT-F10 MOVE.....Move current item, | column, or section
F1 HELP........Display Agenda Help info|ALT-F1 COMPOSE...Type international F2 PASTE.......Paste text you've cut or| or special characters copied |ALT-F2 MAKECAT...Make text into new F3 COPY........Copy text so you can | category (without paste it elsewhere | removing it from the F4 CUT.........Remove text so you can | note) paste it elsewhere |ALT-F3 MACRO.....Run or create macros F5 RETURN......Save changes to note and|ALT-F4 DELETE....Remove text from the return to view or | note category manager |ALT-F6 SEARCH....Search the note for F6 MARKER......Specify attributes for a| particular text region of text |ALT-F7 MAKEITM...Make text into new F7 MARK........Mark a region of text | item (and remove it you want to work with | from the note) F10 MENU.......Use note command menu |ALT-F8 GETITMS...Copy marked items | and their notes into | current note |ALT-F9 APPEND....Move text to end of | current item or | category name
F1 HELP........Display Agenda Help info|ALT-F1 COMPOSE...Type international F2 EDIT........Edit current category | or special characters name |ALT-F3 MACRO.....Run or create macros F5 NOTE........Display note for current|ALT-F4 DISCARD...Delete current category | category from file F6 PROPS.......Modify properties of |ALT-F5 SORT......Arrange children of current category | current category in F7 PRM (ï).....Promote current category| alphabetical order up one level in the |ALT-F6 SEARCH....Search hierarchy for hierarchy | a category name F8 DEM (ð).....Demote current category |ALT-F7 SHOWC/A...Turn on/off display down one level in the | of conditions and hierarchy | actions in hierarchy F9 TO VIEW.....Return to current view |ALT-F8 CLR C/A...Clear conditions or F10 MENU.......Use category manager | actions from category command menu |ALT-F9 CPY C/A...Copy conditions or | actions from one | category to another |ALT-F10 MOVE.....Reposition current | category in hierarchy
F1 HELP........Display Agenda Help info|ALT-F1 COMPOSE...Type international F2 PASTE.......Paste text you've cut or| or special characters copied |ALT-F4 DELETE....Remove text from the F3 COPY........Copy text so you can | macro paste it elsewhere |ALT-F6 SEARCH....Search the macro for F4 CUT.........Remove text so you can | particular text paste it elsewhere | F5 RETURN......Save changes to macro | and return to view, note| or category manager | F7 MARK........Mark a region of text | you want to work with | F10 MENU.......Use macro editor command| menu |
ñ...........Up one item or category |INS.........Add an item (if highlight (same as BACKSPACE) | on item or head) or assign ò...........Down one item or category | category, date, or number (same as ENTER) | to item (if highlight on ï...........Left one column (same as | column entry) SHIFT-TAB) |DEL.........Remove item from section, ð...........Right one column (same as | unassign current column TAB) | entry, or remove current PGUP........Up one screen | section/column (if PGDN........Down one screen | highlight on head) CTRL-PGUP...Up one section |ENTER.......Complete the item or CTRL-PGDN...Down one section | category you are editing CTRL-ï......To far-left column | (press ENTER again to move CTRL-ð......To far-right column | to next item or category) HOME........To section/column head |ESC.........Back out of current END.........To last item or column | operation entry in section | CTRL-HOME...To first section head or | column head in view | CTRL-END....To last item or column | entry in view |
ñ...........Up one line |INS.........Switch between Insert and ò...........Down one line | Overwrite modes ï...........Left one character |DEL.........Delete character at cursor ð...........Right one character |BACKSPACE...Delete character to left PGUP........Up one screen | of cursor PGDN........Down one screen |CTRL- CTRL-ï......Left one word |BACKSPACE...Delete word to left of CTRL-ð......Right one word | cursor HOME........To beginning of line |ENTER.......Insert new line (hard END.........To end of line | carriage return) at cursor CTRL-HOME...To beginning of note |CTRL- CTRL-END....To end of note |ENTER.......Delete from cursor to end | of line |ESC.........Back out of current | operation
ñ...........Up one category (same as |INS.........Add a category to current BACKSPACE) | family ò...........Down one category (same as |DEL.........Discard current category ENTER) | from file PGUP........Up one screen |ENTER.......Complete the category you PGDN........Down one screen | are editing (press ENTER CTRL-PGUP...To previous sibling | again to move to next CTRL-PGDN...To next sibling | category) HOME........To parent of current family|ESC.........Back out of current END.........To last child of current | operation family | CTRL-HOME...To first category in | hierarchy (MAIN) | CTRL-END....To last category in | hierarchy |
ñ...........Up one line |INS.........Switch between Insert and ò...........Down one line | Overwrite modes ï...........Left one character |DEL.........Delete character at cursor ð...........Right one character |BACKSPACE...Delete character to left PGUP........Up one screen | of cursor PGDN........Down one screen |CTRL- CTRL-ï......Left one word |BACKSPACE...Delete word to left of CTRL-ð......Right one word | cursor HOME........To beginning of line |ENTER.......Insert new line (hard END.........To end of line | carriage return) at cursor CTRL-HOME...To beginning of macro |CTRL- CTRL-END....To end of macro |ENTER.......Delete from cursor to end | of line |ESC.........Back out of current | operation
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Save to file 1 to 8 character name of Agenda file to save. Specify a path if you want to save file in a directory other than current one. Don't specify a file extension in file name. (Agenda adds extension .AG when storing file in DOS.) The file you save becomes the current Agenda file. For example, to save the Agenda file named SAMPLE on the C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample Also save backup Yes.......Save backup copy of the Agenda file. Backup is stored in same directory as original and has same name except for extension (.BG). No........Don't save backup.
Fill in a box, Select a file, About saving, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Revert to last Yes.......Throw away all changes made to current Agenda saved version file since you last saved it and display contents as they were. If you have not saved during this session, file reverts to the way it was when you began the session. Caution: You can't recover your changes to the file once you abandon them. No........Cancel the Abandon command.
Fill in a box, About abandoning, Save a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File description (Optional) 1 to 40 characters of text that describes this Agenda file. Set file password (Optional) Displays the Enter Password box to set or change password for this Agenda file. Make backup on Yes.............Whenever you retrieve this Agenda file, open save contents to backup file. Backup is stored in same directory as original and has same name except for extension (.BG). No..............Don't make backup when retrieving. Get How you get a reservation for this file: reservation Automatically...Try to get a reservation for file whenever retrieving it (so you can update the file). Manually........No automatic reservation. You must use File Maintenance Reservation command to get one. Auto-import file (Optional) 1 to 8 character name of structured text (STF) file to be imported automatically whenever you retrieve this Agenda file. Specify a path if STF file is not in current directory. Agenda assumes file has .STF extension (if other extension, specify it). For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ that is stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz Insert new Where to insert new columns in this Agenda file's views: columns in All sections........Insert new columns in all sections of current view. Current section.....Insert new columns in only the current section of the current view. You can override this setting for a particular column when you use View Column Add command. Empty trash When to clear discarded items from this Agenda file (making them unrecoverable): On demand................Only when you use Utilities Trash command. When file is closed......Whenever you close this file, leave Agenda, or use Utilities Trash command. End of day...............Whenever system date changes or you use Utilities Trash command. When item is discarded...As soon as items are discarded (do not keep items in trash at all). Tab size Number of spaces (0 to 40) that the cursor jumps when you press TAB in a note or the macro editor. Global date Displays the Global Date Settings box to control date and settings time processing for this Agenda file. Auto-assign Displays the Auto-Assign Global Settings box to control settings how automatic assignments (conditions and actions) work in this Agenda file. Global Displays the Global Protection Settings box to control protection how views, categories, and protection settings in this Agenda file are protected from users. File statistics Displays the File Statistics box to show info about the contents of this Agenda file. Update defaults Displays the Update Defaults box to make the File Properties settings and Print settings of this Agenda file the default settings for all new Agenda files you create.
Fill in a box, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Password 1 to 12 character password for this Agenda file that protects it from unauthorized use. For security, the password doesn't appear when you type it. There are 2 different kinds of passwords in Agenda: · Retrieval password: Agenda prompts for this whenever you try to retrieve the file. You can define this password when creating a new file or by using the File Properties command (Set File Password). · Seal/Unseal password: Agenda prompts for this when you try to unseal a sealed file. (You must unseal the file to change any of its protection settings). To seal/unseal the file, use the File Properties command (Global Protection).
File properties, Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Display format Displays the Display Format box to control the format in which dates and times appear in Agenda. Input format Displays the Input Format box to control the format you use to enter dates and times in Agenda. Morning, Specific time of day Agenda is to display in a date column Afternoon, when interpreting the word "morning," "afternoon," or Evening "evening." For example, when you type "morning" in an item or when entering a date, Agenda translates this word into the time specified in Morning setting (such as 9:15am). To change the time in each setting: press SPACEBAR to switch between hour and minute, press GREY + (on numeric keypad) to increase hour/minute, press GREY - to decrease. Or simply type the entire time yourself (example: 6:30pm). Beginning/End Day on which the week begins/ends (choices: Sun through of week Sat). For example, you might specify that week begins on Sun and ends on Sat or begins on Mon and ends on Fri. First quarter Month (Jan through Dec) and day (1 through 31) on which the first quarter begins (example: Jun 1). Beginning/End Month and day on which the year begins/ends (example: you of year might use a fiscal year that begins Apr 1 and ends Mar 31). Month alone Day of the month Agenda is to display in a date column means if you type just the name of a month (for example, if you type "this May" in an item or when entering a date): First day.....The first day of that month (example: May 1). Last day......The last day of that month (example: May 31). Nth day.......You type day number to use in Day # setting (that appears only if you choose Nth day). Day # (Only if Month Alone Means set to Nth day) Number for the day of the month (from 1 to 31). This number applies to every month of the year. Process done What Agenda is to do with items marked as done (!!): items No action..............No special processing on done items. Discard................Place done items in trash. (You must also fill in When setting.) Export to done file....Discard done items from this Agenda file and save them in a structured text file. (You must also fill in When and Done File settings.) When (Only if Process Done Items set to Discard or Export) When Agenda is to discard or export done items: Immediately............As soon as you mark item done or system date matches Done date. When file is closed....If you quit, open different file, or use commands Print, System, Launch. End of day.............When system date exceeds Done date. Done file 1 to 8 character name of a structured text (STF) file to which done items are to be exported. Specify a path if STF file is not in current directory. Agenda assumes file has .STF extension (if file has other extension, specify it). For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ that is stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz
Fill in a box, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Display date Whether date columns should display date, time, or both: and/or time Date only...11/30/90 Time Date...12:15pm 11/30/90 Date Time...11/30/90 12:15pm Time only...12:15pm Show day of week Yes.........Mon 11/30/90 No..........11/30/90 Date format How date columns should display dates: MMDDYY......11/30/90 MMMDDYYYY...Nov/30/1990 MMDDYYYY....11/30/1990 DDMMM.......30/Nov DDMMYY......30/11/90 DDMMMYY.....30/Nov/90 DDMMYYYY....30/11/1990 DDMMMYYYY...30/Nov/1990 YYMMDD......90/11/30 <Day>#......334 YYYYMMDD....1990/11/30 Day#........Day 334 YYDDMM......90/30/11 <Week>#.....47 YYYYDDMM....1990/30/11 Week#.......Week 47 MMMDD.......Nov/30 Relative....next Fri MMMDDYY.....Nov/30/90 Relative#...7 days Date separator Punctuation mark to display between elements in a date: Slash(/)....11/30/90 Comma(,)....11,30,90 Hyphen(-)...11-30-90 Space( )....11 30 90 Period(.)...11.30.90 Colon(:)....11:30:90 Clock Which format date columns should use to display time: 24 hr.......13:30 12 hr.......1:30pm Show am/pm (Only if Clock set to 12 hr) Yes.........1:30pm No..........1:30 Time separator Characters to display between elements in a time: Colon(:)....1:30 hm..........1h30m
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Number order Order in which you type the elements in a date: MDY.........If you type 11/12/90, it means Nov 12, 1990. MYD.........If you type 11/90/12, " DMY.........If you type 12/11/90, " DYM.........If you type 12/90/11, " YDM.........If you type 90/12/11, " YMD.........If you type 90/11/12, " Input date Punctuation mark you use when typing dates: separator Slash(/)....11/30/90 Comma(,)....11,30,90 Hyphen(-)...11-30-90 Colon(:)....11:30:90 Period(.)...11.30.90 Input clock Which format you use when typing times: 24 hr.......If you type 15:00, it means 3:00 in afternoon. 12 hr.......If you type 3:00pm, "
Fill in a box, Enter dates & times, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Text matching On.............Enable text conditions in the file (assign items to categories based on text matching between them). You can control text conditions for specific categories with the Category Properties command. Off............Disable text conditions for the entire file. Match on (Only if Text Matching set to On) What text to search when trying to match items to categories: Item text......Search only text of items to seek matches. If an item's text contains a match for a category's text (name or text conditions), Agenda assigns the item to the category. Note text......Search each item's note (but not the item text itself). Both item & note.........Search each item and its note. Required match (Only if Text Matching set to On) How strong the text strength match must be for an item to be assigned to a category: Exact (100%).....All words in the category's name (or text conditions) must appear in item. (Matching is not case-sensitive.) Partial (50%)....At least half of the words. Minimal (2%).....At least one of the words. Confirm (Only if Text Matching set to On) In which instances Agenda assignments is to ask for your confirmation before making assignments based on text matches: Always...........For all text matches. Sometimes........Only for partial or minimal text matches. Never............Make all assignments without confirmation. ? appears in control panel if there are assignments to confirm. Use Utilities Questions command to confirm them. Ignore text (Only if Text Matching set to On) Characters you use to enclosed by enclose item/note text that Agenda should skip over when searching for matches: " "......"Ignore this text" / /....../Ignore this text/ < >......<Ignore this text> # #......#Ignore this text# ' '......'Ignore this text' [ ]......[Ignore this text] ( )......(Ignore this text) { }......{Ignore this text} Ignore suffixes (Only if Text Matching set to On) Yes......Words match if they are same except for suffixes (s, es, d, ed, er, est, ing, ful, wise, able, ible, ly, ally, ment, al, ies, ier, ied, iful, ily, y). To control suffix matching for specific categories, use Category Properties command. Note: Suffixes never ignored for words under 4 letters. No.......Words must have same suffixes in order to match. Note: Possessive endings ('s) are always ignored. Ignore accents (Only if Text Matching set to On) Yes......Words match if they are same except for accents. No.......Words must have same accents in order to match. Assignment On.......Enable the file's assignment, date, and numeric conditions conditions. You can control these conditions for specific categories with the Category Properties command. Off......Disable all of the assignment, date, and numeric conditions in the file. Assignment On.......Enable the file's assignment, date, and numeric actions actions. You can control these actions for specific categories with the Category Properties command. Off......Disable all of the assignment, date, and numeric actions in the file. Apply conditions When Agenda should apply the text, assignment, date, and numeric conditions in the file: Automatically......Whenever you enter or edit an item. On demand (O)......Only when you explicitly request it by using Utilities Execute command, ALT-E, or ALT-X. Useful for large files. Never (N)..........Don't apply any conditions in file. If an assignment What to do when conditions in the file make new item conflicts with assignments that conflict with existing assignments (such another as assigning an item to 2 mutually exclusive categories): Keep the old.......Ignore the new assignment made by the condition and retain the old assignment. Override the old...Break the existing assignment and use the new one made by the condition. Relationship of For every category in the file, how Agenda is to combine text and the category's text conditions with the other conditions assignment (assignment, date, and numeric) it has: conditions OR (|).......An item need only meet one of the category's text conditions OR one of the category's other conditions in order to be assigned to the category. AND (&)......An item must meet one of the category's text conditions AND all of the category's other conditions in order to be assigned to the category.
Fill in a box, Category properties, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Default view How all views in this file are protected from modification: protection No protection.....User can modify views in any way. Append only.......Let user add new sections/columns, but don't allow modification of existing sections/columns, changing of view properties, or deletion of views. Full protection...Don't let user add sections/columns, modify sections/columns, change view properties, or delete views. You can override default view protection for a specific view with the View Properties command. User can add Yes...............Let user create new views in this file. new views No................Prevent user from adding any new views to this file. Default category Yes....Prevent user from discarding categories or changing protection their properties. No.....Let user discard/change categories. You can override default category protection for a specific category with the Category Properties command. Default category Yes....Let user add new categories as immediate children of can have new an existing category. children No.....Prevent user from adding child categories. You can override this setting for a specific category with the Category Properties command. Seal/Unseal the Press SPACEBAR to switch between sealed and unsealed. Seal file the file if you want to prevent users from changing ANY of the protection settings in the file. Agenda prompts you for a password that users must specify in order to unseal the file again.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Unused space Shows percentage of the file's allocated space not in use. If above 25%, recover unused space with File Maintenance Compress command. For large files, compress even sooner. Items Shows total number of items in this Agenda file. Items in trash Shows number of discarded items stored in trash. (To recover them use Item Undisc command. To clear them use Utilities Trash command.) Items with notes Shows number of items in this Agenda file that have notes. Categories Shows total number of categories in this Agenda file. Avg items/cat Shows average number of items assigned to a category in this Agenda file. Avg cats/item Shows average number of categories that an item is assigned to in this Agenda file.
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Update new file Yes.......Use the File Properties settings and the Print properties? settings you've specified for the current Agenda file as the default settings for all new Agenda files you create. No........Cancel the Update Defaults operation.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Import from 1 to 8 character name of structured text (STF) file to file import info from (default is TRANSFER.STF). Specify a path if file isn't in current directory. Agenda assumes file has .STF extension (if other, specify it). For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ that is stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz Assign to New or existing category that items from the STF file are category imported to in the Agenda file. Default is current section head. All imported items are automatically assigned to the category you specify. Import items Yes....Import all items from STF file to the Agenda file. No.....Don't import any items. Import (Only if Import Items set to Yes) assignments Yes....Import all assignments (of items to categories) from STF file to the Agenda file. If a given category already exists in the Agenda file, any new item assignments from STF file are added to the category. No.....Don't import any assignments. Import Yes....Import all explicitly-created categories (as opposed categories to categories used only in assignments) from STF file to Agenda file. These are categories previously exported from an Agenda file to the STF file. No.....Don't import any explicitly-created categories. Import new Yes.............Import only info that is new in STF file data only since last import. (Don't edit Import From File setting between imports. Don't modify STF file except to append new info.) No..............Import all info from the file. Categories How Agenda decides if a category in STF file matches a match if category in Agenda file (when match occurs, the imported category's items are assigned to the existing category): Category names match...........Category name in STF file is the same as category name in Agenda file. Category name matches any expression......Category name in STF file is the same as category text (name or text conditions) in Agenda file. Create unmatched (Only if Import Items and Import Assignments set to Yes) categories Yes....If a category is assigned to item(s) in STF file but used in doesn't match an existing category (as determined by assignments Categories Match If setting), add it to Agenda file. No.....Don't import non-matching categories specified only in assignments. Items assigned to such categories in STF file won't be imported into Agenda file. Create unmatched (Only if Import Categories set to Yes) categories Yes....If a category is used in conditions/actions in STF used in file but doesn't match an existing category (see conditions and Categories Match If setting), add it to Agenda file. actions No.....Don't import non-matching categories specified only in conditions/actions. Strip carriage Yes....Remove single carriage returns from imported notes returns (wrap text to line length of 79). Keep strings of 2 or more carriage returns. No.....Don't strip carriage returns (keep original text formatting, except wrap any lines longer than 79). Delete Yes....Delete the STF file from disk after import. structured file after importing No.....Don't delete it.
Fill in a box, Select a category, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Export to file 1 to 8 character name of structured text (STF) file to export info into (default is TRANSFER.STF). Specify a path if file isn't in current directory. Agenda assumes file has .STF extension (if file has other extension, specify it). Example of path and extension: c:\info\sample.xyz File already Replace............Replace entire contents of STF file. exists Append.............Keep current contents of STF file and just add the newly exported info. Export items Which items from Agenda file to export to STF file: None...............No items or their notes. Current item.......The current item and its note. Marked items.......All marked items (t) and their notes. Items in section...All items in section and their notes. Items in view......All items in view and their notes. All items..........All items in file and their notes. Export (Not used if Export Items set to None) How assignments assignments are to be exported from Agenda file to STF file: Do not export assignments..............Don't record any assignment info in the STF file. Export explicit assignments only.........Export only assignments that were made explicitly by you or by assignment actions. Export all assignments as explicit..............Export all assignments to STF file and record them all as explicit, even the conditional ones. Export Yes......Export the category specified in the Export categories Category and Children Of setting (below) as well as its descendents. Category structure and properties are included in the export. No.......Don't export categories except those with items assigned (properties of these categories are not exported). Export category (Only if Export Categories set to Yes) Name of existing and children of category that heads the family you want to export. Default is MAIN (which exports all categories, structure, and category properties from the Agenda file). Record categories (Not used if Export Items or Export Assignments set to referenced in none) When exporting categories specified in assignments, assignments using how to record them in STF file: Category name only....Export category but not its ancestry info (parents, grandparents, etc.). Complete ancestry.....Export category along with its full ancestry. Record categories (Not used if Export Categories set to No) When exporting referenced in categories specified in conditions/actions, how to record conditions and them in STF file: actions using Category name only....Export category but not its ancestry info (parents, grandparents, etc.). Complete ancestry.....Export category along with its full ancestry. Discard items (Not used if Export Items set to None) Yes....Once an item is exported, discard it from the Agenda file (put it in the trash). No.....Don't discard items after they're exported.
Fill in a box, Select a category, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Replace the Yes.......Completely replace the current contents of the existing file target Agenda file (which already exists on disk) with your new information. Caution: You can't recover the file's current contents once you replace them. No........Cancel the command and leave the target Agenda file unchanged. Agenda returns you to the Select File box where you can either select a different existing file to use as the target or type the name of a new file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete Yes.......Erase the specified Agenda file from disk. (filename)? Caution: Once you erase an Agenda file, you can't recover it. No........Cancel the Erase command and leave the specified Agenda file unchanged. Agenda returns you to the Select File box where you can select a different file to erase (if appropriate).
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Ok to get the (Only if the file doesn't currently have a reservation) reservation? Yes....Try to get the reservation for the current Agenda file. While you have a reservation for this file, you can read it and update it. Other network users can't update the file, but they can read it. No.....Cancel the Get Reservation request. You can read the file but not update it. Ok to release (Only if the file currently has a reservation) the reservation? Yes....Release the reservation for the current Agenda file. Once you release the file's reservation, you can read it but not update it. (This also allows another user to get a reservation for this file.) No.....Cancel the Release Reservation request. This means you can still read and update the file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Item text 1 to 350 characters of item text. If you want, you can edit the existing text that appears in this setting. Note Displays the item's note so you can read or edit it. If the item already has note text, the Note setting displays the first few words of it. Note file (Optional) 1 to 8 character name of a separate text file to attach as the source of this item's note. If file has an extension, specify it. Specify a path if the file isn't in current directory (example of a path and extension: c:\info\sample.txt). When you display the item's note, Agenda retrieves the text from this file. When you edit the note, Agenda saves the changes to this file. Item statistics Displays the Item Statistics box to show info about the current item. Assigned to List of 1 or more categories to which current item is assigned. To explicitly assign item to other categories, add them to this list. Enter existing category names or new ones. To break assignment of item to a category, remove that category from this list (press DEL). When assigning the item to a date, numeric, or unindexed category, you can also specify a value (a date/time, a number, or text) for the assignment. You can press F4 (VALUES) to change the value for highlighted category. Example of an item assigned to the standard category Calls and the date category When: Assigned to: Calls When(11/05/90)
Use the assignment profile, Fill in a box, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Categories Shows total number of categories in the file to which assigned to the current item is assigned (both explicitly and conditionally). Items that depend Shows total number of items in the file for which the on this one current item is a prerequisite. Items that this Shows total number of items in the file that are one is dependent prerequisites for the current item. on
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard Which item(s) to discard from the Agenda file and put in the trash: Current item.....Discard only the item that is currently highlighted. Marked items.....Discard all items in the Agenda file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Tip: In either case, you can recover the discarded items later in the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard this Yes.......Discard the current item from the Agenda file and item? put it in the trash. Tip: You can recover discarded items later in the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command. No........Cancel the Discard command and leave the current item unchanged.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Undiscard Which discarded items to recover from the trash: Last item in trash.....Recover just the most recently discarded item and insert it in the current section below the highlight position. All other discarded items in the trash remain there after this operation. All items in trash.....Recover every discarded item from the trash and insert them in the current section below the highlight position.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Item has no other Yes.......Proceed with the Break Assignment operation to assignments. break the assignment between the current item and Discard the item? the current section head. Because this item is not assigned to any other categories, Agenda discards it from the file (puts it in the trash). Tip: You can recover discarded items during the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command. No........Cancel the Break Assignment operation and leave the current item assigned to the current section head.
Fill in a box, Assign an item, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove the item's Yes.......Break the assignment between the highlighted assignment to category (used as a column entry) and the current this category? item (on the same line as that column entry). Agenda removes this column entry from the view but retains the category in the category hierarchy and anywhere else it is used in views. No........Cancel the operation and leave the current item assigned to the highlighted category.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, Assign an item, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove this Yes.......Break the assignment between the highlighted item from the item and the current section head (under which section? the item appears). This causes the item to be removed from that section. But the item is still assigned to one or more other categories, so it won't be discarded from the Agenda file. Tip: If you want to completely discard the item from the file, use the Item Discard command or ALT-F4 (DISCARD). No........Cancel the operation and leave the highlighted item assigned to the current section head.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, Assign an item, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Category name 1 to 69 character name for this category. Once you specify the name, you can edit it any time. Parent is (Only for Category Properties) Displays the parent category of the current category. You can't change this setting. To place the current category under a different parent, go to the category manager and press ALT-F10 (MOVE). Make child (Only for Category Add) New or existing category that is to be the parent of the category you're adding. Short name (Optional -- appears only if Type is Standard) 1 to 69 character synonym for the category name. Agenda displays the short name in columns that are too narrow to display the category name. Type What this category is to be used for: Standard.....Organize items by assigning them to 1 or more of the categories in a family (hierarchy). Unindexed....Assign text values to items. A text value can contain letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). Numeric......Assign numeric values (to be used in calculations) to items. Date.........Assign date/time values to items. If you make a category Unindexed, Numeric, or Date, you can't change it to another type later. Match category (Only if Type set to Standard) name Yes.....Look for the category's name within item text and assign all matching items to this category. No......Don't match item text with category name. Match short (Only if Type set to Standard) name Yes.....Look for the category's short name within item text and assign all matching items to this category. No......Don't match item text with category short name. Also match (Optional -- appears only if Type is Standard) One or more text conditions for this category (max of 69 characters). Agenda searches for items that meet these conditions and assigns those items to the category (this gives you several ways to match items to the category, in case they don't match category name or short name.) Can include punctuation and control characters: * ? ; , ~ ! \ ( ) ^ " " (example: Pat* matches Pat, Patty, or Patricia). Note Displays the category's note so you can read or edit it. If the category already has note text, the Note setting displays the first few words of it. Note file (Optional) 1 to 8 character name of a separate text file to attach as the source of this category's note. If file has an extension, specify it. Specify a path if file isn't in the current directory (example of a path and extension: c:\info\sample.txt). When you display the category's note, Agenda retrieves the text from this file. When you edit the note, Agenda saves the changes to this file. Exclusive (Only if Type set to Standard) children Yes.....Make all child categories of this parent category mutually exclusive (so that an item can't be assigned to more than one of these children at a time). Agenda displays brackets next to mutually exclusive children in category hierarchy. No......Allow this category to have children that aren't mutually exclusive (so that items can be assigned to more than one of them). Special actions How items are to be processed as soon as they're assigned to this category or to one of its children: No action...........Don't do anything special to the items. Discard item........Put these items in the trash. Designate as done...Give these items the current date as their Done date and mark them done (!!). Export item.........Save the items in structured text file. (See: Discard Items & Export to File.) Discard items (Only if Special Actions set to Export Item) Yes.................Put items in trash after export. No..................Keep items in Agenda file after export. Export to file (Only if Special Actions set to Export Item) 1 to 8 character name of a structured text (STF) file to hold exported items. Specify path if STF file not in current directory. If file extension is other than .STF, specify. Statistics Displays the Category Statistics box to show info about the current category. Advanced Displays the Advanced Category Settings box to control settings these characteristics of the current category: conditions, actions, assignments, protection, and new children. Assignment (Only if Type is Standard) Conditions under which items conditions are automatically assigned to current category. Define assignment conditions (using standard or unindexed categories), date conditions (using date categories), or numeric conditions (using numeric categories). Assignment Actions to perform automatically on items as they are actions assigned to the category. Define assignment actions (using standard or unindexed categories), date actions (using date categories), or numeric actions (using numeric categories).
Fill in a box, Select a category, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Items in category Shows number of items in the file currently assigned to this category. Child categories Shows number of child categories in the file for which this category is the parent. Used as section Shows number of sections in the file for which this heads category is used as the section head. Included in view Shows number of views in the file that use this category filters as a filter. Included in Shows number of conditions in the file that refer to this conditions category. Included in Shows number of actions in the file that refer to this actions category.
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Assign items How this assignment condition is to test the specified to (current category to determine which items to conditionally assign category) if to the current category: they are (choice) to (specified Assigned.......Assign items to the current category when category) they are either conditionally or explicitly assigned (+) to the specified category. Not assigned...Assign items to the current category when they are not assigned (-) to the specified category.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- When items are What this assignment action is to do with items as they are assigned to assigned (either conditionally or explicitly) to the (current current category: category) also (choice) to/from Assign (specified item to...........Explicitly assign (+) to the specified category) category all items that are assigned to the current category. Remove assignment from...Remove (-) from the specified category all items that are assigned to the current category. (In other words, break the assignments between these items and the specified category.)
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Assign items How this numeric condition is to test the specified numeric to (current category to determine which items to conditionally assign category) if to the current category: they are (choice) to (numeric Assigned..........Assign items to the current category when category) they're (conditionally or explicitly) assigned to specified numeric category. (You can optionally fill in Minimum and Maximum Value settings to specify a range of numbers that items must have in the numeric category in order to be assigned to the current category.) Not assigned......Assign items to the current category when they're not assigned to the specified numeric category. Clear condition...Remove this numeric condition from the current category. Minimum/Maximum (Optional -- appears only for Assigned) Range of numbers value that items in the specified numeric category must have in order to be assigned to the current category. Examples: The number 100 or greater Numbers from 100 to 250 Minumum Value: 100 Minimum Value: 100 Maximum Value: Maximum Value: 250 The number 250 or less The number 100 only Minimum Value: Minumum Value: 100 Maximum Value: 250 Maximum Value: 100 Items should be Inside range.....Items must have numbers that are included in the specified Minimum/Maximum Value range (as shown in examples above). Outside range....Items must have numbers that are not included in the range.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Assign items How this date condition is to test the specified date to (current category to determine which items to conditionally assign category) if to the current category: they are (choice) to (date Assigned..........Assign items to the current category when category) they're (conditionally or explicitly) assigned to specified date category. (You can optionally fill in the Start and End Date settings to specify particular dates or times that items must have in the date category in order to be assigned to the current category.) Not assigned......Assign items to the current category when they're not assigned to the specified date category. Clear condition...Remove this date condition from the current category. Start/End date (Optional -- appears only for Assigned) Range of dates or times that items in specified date category must have in order to be assigned to current category. Type the dates or press ALT-C (or F3) to select from calendar. Examples: On or after Nov 12, 1990 From today through tomorrow Start Date: 11/12/90 Start Date: today End Date: End Date: tomorrow At or before 3:00pm today This coming Friday only Start Date: Start Date: Fri End Date: today at 3:00pm End Date: Fri Items should be Inside range.....Items must have dates or times that are included in the specified Start/End Date range (as shown in examples above). Outside range....Items must have dates or times that are not included in the range.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- When items are What this numeric action is to do with items as they are assigned to assigned (conditionally or explicitly) to current category: (current category) also Assign item to....Explicitly assign to specified numeric (choice) to/from category all items that are assigned to (numeric the current category. category) Remove assignment from...Remove from specified numeric category all items that are assigned to current category (break the assignments between these items and the numeric category). Clear action to...Remove this numeric action from the current category. With value (Optional -- appears only for Assign Item To) A number that items are to be given when the numeric action assigns them to the specified numeric category (example: 100).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- When items are What this date action is to do with items as they are assigned to assigned (conditionally or explicitly) to current category: (current Assign item to....Explicitly assign to specified date category) also category all items that are assigned to (choice) to/from the current category. (date category) Remove assignment from...Remove from specified date category all items that are assigned to current category (break assignments between these items and the date category). Clear action to...Remove this date action from category. With date (Optional -- appears only for Assign Item To) A date or time that items are given when the date action assigns them to the specified date category. Type the date or press ALT-C (or F3) to select from calendar. Examples: 11/12/90, Fri, today, today at 3:00pm, 2 weeks from today.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Text matching On............Enable the category's text conditions (assign items whose text matches category's text). Off...........Disable the category's text conditions. Global........Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Match on (Only if Text Matching set to On) What text to search when trying to match items to this category: Item text.....Search only text of items to seek matches. If an item's text contains a match for this category's text (name or text conditions), Agenda assigns the item to the category. Note text.....Search each item's note (but not item text). Both item & note..........Search each item and its note. Global........Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Required match (Only if Text Matching set to On) How strong the text strength match must be for an item to be assigned to this category: Exact - 100%....All words in category's text condition or name must be in item. Not case-sensitive. Partial - 50%...At least half of the words. Minimal - 2%....At least one of the words. Global..........Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Confirm (Only if Text Matching set to On) When Agenda should ask assignments you to confirm assignments that are based on text matches: Always - ?......For all text matches in this category. Sometimes - ?...Only for partial or minimal text matches. Never...........Make all assignments without confirmation. Global..........Use default (from File Properties command). ? appears in control panel if there are assignments to confirm. Use Utilities Questions command to confirm them. Ignore suffixes (Only if Text Matching set to On) Yes......Words match if they are the same except for suffixes (s, es, d, ed, er, est, ing, ful, wise, able, ible, ly, ally, ment, al, ies, ier, ied, iful, ily, y). Note: Suffixes are never ignored for words under 4 letters. No.......Words must have same suffixes in order to match. Note: Possessive endings ('s) are always ignored. Global...Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Ignore accents (Only if Text Matching set to On) Yes......Words match if they are same except for accents. No.......Words must have same accents in order to match. Global...Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Assignment On.......Enable the category's assignment, date, and conditions numeric conditions. Off......Disable the category's assignment, date, and numeric conditions. Global...Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Assignment On.......Enable the category's assignment, date, and actions numeric actions. Off......Disable the category's assignment, date, and numeric actions. Global...Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Apply conditions When Agenda should apply the text, assignment, date, and numeric conditions of this category: Automatically......Whenever you enter or edit an item. On demand - O......Only when you explicitly request it by using Utilities Execute command, ALT-E, or ALT-X. Useful for large files. Never - N..........Don't apply the category's conditions. If an assignment What to do when this category's conditions make new item conflicts with assignments that conflict with existing assignments (such another as assigning an item to 2 mutually exclusive categories): Keep the old - ±...Ignore the new assignment made by the condition and retain the old assignment. Override the old...Break the existing assignment and use the new one made by the condition. Global.............Use the file's default for this setting (made with File Properties command). Allow explicit Yes......Agenda allows items to be explicitly assigned to assignments this category. Explicit assignments are those you make manually as well as those made automatically by actions. No - ó...Don't allow explicit assignments to the category. Items can be assigned to it only by conditions. (You can specify more about explicit assignments in the Make Items Fit setting below.) Make items fit (Only when Allow Explicit Assignments set to No) the category Yes......Agenda converts category's explicit assignments settings to conditional assignments (by forcing the items assigned to this category to fulfill the conditions attached to the category). No.......Don't allow any explicit assignments to this category. Agenda simply ignores these assignments. Relationship of How Agenda is to combine the category's text conditions text and with the other conditions (assignment, date, and numeric) assignment it has: conditions OR - |.......An item need only meet one of the category's text conditions OR one of the category's other conditions in order to be assigned to the category. AND - &......An item must meet one of the category's text conditions AND all of the category's other conditions in order to be assigned to the category. Global.......Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Category is Yes - ¶...Prevent user from discarding this category or protected changing its properties. No........Let user discard/change this category. Global....Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Category can Yes.......Let user add new categories as immediate children have new of this category. children No - ª....Prevent user from adding children to this category. Global....Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Assign item date (Only for date categories) How and when Agenda is to assign a date to items in this category: Never..................Don't assign the date automatically. When item is entered...Assign the system date when the item is entered. When item text is edited.................Assign the system date when the item is entered or whenever it is edited. When note text is edited.................Assign the system date when the item's note is entered or whenever it is edited. When item or note text is edited.........Assign the system date when the item or its note is entered, or whenever the item or its note is edited. Assign item date When item is assigned...............Assign the system date when the item is entered or whenever it is assigned to another category. When item is assigned or edited.....Assign the system date when the item is entered, or whenever it is edited or assigned to another category. From the item text.....Assign the date from the text of the item. (See the Which One setting.) From the note text.....Assign date from text of the item's note. (See the Which One setting.) From the item or note text..............Assign date from text of item or its note. (See the Which One setting.) Which one (Only for date categories that assign the item date from item text, note text, or both) Which date Agenda uses when it finds more than one date in the item or note text. Type a number from 1 to 10 (for example, if you type 3, Agenda uses the third date it finds in the item or note). Set the item (Only for date categories) date from done Yes.....Assign the current system date to an item in this key category when you press F4 (DONE) for that item. If the item already has a date assigned, the new date overrides the old one. No......Don't assign a new date to an item in this category when you press F4 (DONE) for that item. Set the item (Only for date categories) date from when Yes.....Assign a new date to an item in this category when key you press ALT-F2 (WHEN) for that item. (When you press ALT-F2, Agenda prompts you to enter the date you want to assign.) If the item already has a date assigned, the new date overrides the old one. No......Don't assign a new date to an item in this category when you press ALT-F2 (WHEN) for that item. Category can use (Only for date categories) recurring dates Yes.....If a date in this category includes the word "each" or "every", treat it as a recurring date (for example, "every Tuesday" is treated as a recurring date). No......Don't treat dates in this category as recurring dates (for example, "every Tuesday" is interpreted as "Tuesday").
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Accept these (Only if you try to add a new category while the file is category settings sealed and Default Category Protection is set to Yes) (they can't be changed later)? Yes....Add this category to the hierarchy using current settings in Category Add box. But be aware that the category is protected, so you can't modify it later (unless you unprotect it). Tip: To unprotect this category later, use the File Properties command to unseal the file. Then use the Category Properties command (Advanced Settings) to change the Category Is Protected setting to No. No.....Return to the Category Add box. If you want to unprotect this category before adding it, select Advanced Settings then change the Category Is Protected setting to No.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Category has Yes.......Discard the highlighted category from the Agenda assignments (or file. If the category has items that aren't children, or assigned to another category, those items are conditions/actions). discarded (put in the trash). If the category has Discard the child categories, they are discarded too. If category? you have defined conditions or actions for the category, they are discarded with it. Caution: You can't recover the category once you discard it from the Agenda file. Any sections or columns that use this category as a section/column head are deleted from views. No........Cancel the discard operation and keep the highlighted category as is in the Agenda file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard this Yes.......Discard the highlighted category from the Agenda category? file. (This category does not have any items, children, or conditions/actions.) Caution: You can't recover the category once you discard it from the Agenda file. Any sections or columns that use this category as a section/column head are deleted from views. No........Cancel the discard operation and keep the highlighted category as is in the Agenda file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- View name 1 to 37 character name for view. When adding or copying a view, specify the name for the new view. When displaying View Properties, you can edit existing name if you want. Type (Only for View Add) Which kind of view you want to create: Standard.....More common kind of view. Use standard for any view that won't present info by date/time. Datebook.....Specialized kind of view that presents info by date/time. Use datebook views for appointment book and scheduling applications. Section(s) For Standard views: List of 1 or more categories to appear in view as section heads. Enter existing category names or new ones. Sections in view appear in same order as this list (unless you use Section Sorting setting). For Datebook views: Specify the category to be used as the section head for all sections in the datebook view. Item sorting Displays the Item Sorting in All Sections box to control the default sorting of items in every section of the view. (Override this default for a particular section by using the View Section Properties command.) Section sorting (Only if Type set to Standard) How section heads are sorted in the view to determine the order of sections: None.............Don't sort section heads. Category order...Sort section heads according to their order in the category hierarchy. Alphabetic.......Sort section heads in alphabetical order. Numeric..........Sort section heads in numeric order. Order (Only if Section Sorting not set to None) The direction in which to sort sections: Ascending........Top to bottom of hierarchy, A to Z, 0 to 9 Descending.......Bottom to top of hierarchy, Z to A, 9 to 0 Hide empty Yes....Don't display a section unless it has items. sections No.....Display all sections, even those with no items. Hide done items Yes....Don't display items that are marked done (!!). No.....Display done items. Hide dependent Yes....Don't display items that depend (&) on other items. items No.....Display dependent items. Hide inherited Yes....Don't display items inherited by a section head. items No.....Display inherited items. Hide column Yes....Display column heads only in the first section on heads the screen. Enables you to eliminate the display of redundant heads when all sections in the view have the same columns (and they're in the same order). No.....Display column heads in every section. Section Yes....Display a line between each section in the view. separators No.....Don't display lines. Number items Yes....Number items sequentially (within each section). No.....Don't number the items. View statistics Displays the View Statistics box to show info about the current view. Named print set (Optional) 1 to 8 character name of a print settings file that is to provide the print settings for this view. File must be created with Print Named Save command. Specify a path if file isn't in current directory. Agenda assumes the file has extension .NPS (if other, specify it). Example of file named SAMPLE.XYZ stored on C drive in INFO directory: c:\info\sample.xyz View protection How the view is protected from change by users: No protection.....User can modify the view in any way. Append only.......User can add sections/columns but can't alter existing ones or delete the view. Full protection...Don't let user add columns/sections, alter columns/section, or delete views. Global............Use the file's default for this setting (specified with File Properties command). Filter (Optional) Criteria you use to control which items appear in view. Specify standard or unindexed categories to display only items assigned (or not assigned) to them. Specify date categories to display only items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular date/time value. Specify numeric categories to display only the items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular numeric value. Filter Example that displays only items assigned to the standard categories Smith and Chan: Filter: Smith Chan Date category (Only if Type set to Datebook) New or existing date category that Agenda uses to organize items in the datebook view. The default is the date category When (which is probably what you want to use in most cases). End category (Optional -- only if Type set to Datebook) New or existing date category that tracks end dates for items. Use only if datebook view is to show duration of events. (Use Date Category setting to specify category that tracks the start of these events.) Period (Only if Type set to Datebook) The span of time that the datebook view covers: Day........Make view look like a daily appointment book with sections for each hour of the day. Week.......Make view look like a weekly appointment book with sections for each day. Month......Make view look like a monthly calendar with sections for each day or week. Quarter....Make view look like a quarterly calendar with sections for each day, week, or month. Interval (Only if Period isn't Week) How much time each section in the datebook view is to cover: 15 min.....Sections for each 15 minutes of day (1:00, 1:15, 1:30, etc.). For Period of Day only. 30 min.....Sections for each 30 minutes of day (1:00, 1:30, 2:00, etc.). For Period of Day only. Hourly.....Sections for each 1 hour of day (1:00, 2:00, 3:00, etc.). For Period of Day only. Daily......Sections for each day (Mon 11/05/90, Tue 11/06/90, etc.). For Period of Month or Quarter only. Weekly.....Sections for each week (Mon 11/05/90ó Fri 11/09/90, Mon 11/12/90óFri 11/16/90, etc.). For Period of Month or Quarter only. Monthly....Sections for each month of the quarter Thu 11/01/90óFri 11/30/90, Sat 12/01/90ó Mon 12/31/90, etc.). For Period of Quarter only. Start/End at (Only if Period set to Day or Week) The day or time on which the datebook view is to start and end. If Period is Day, enter a time in each setting. To change the time in either setting: press SPACEBAR to switch between hour and minute, press GREY + (on numeric keypad) to increase hour/minute, press GREY - to decrease. Or simply type the entire time yourself (example: 6:30pm). If Period is Week, enter a day in each setting. Default for Start At is Mon. Default for End At is Fri. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of days. Base date on (Only if Type set to Datebook) Absolute or relative date that is the start of the specified Period. Relative date examples: today, tomorrow, this week, next week. Absolute date example: 11/05/90.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Show items How this filter is to test the specified category to if they are determine which items to display in the view or section (choice) to (depending on whether you're defining the properties of (specified a view or a particular section in a view): category) Assigned.......Display only those items that are either conditionally or explicitly assigned (+) to the specified category. Not assigned...Display only those items that are not assigned (-) to the specified category.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Show items How this filter is to test the specified date category to if they are determine which items to display in the view or section (choice) to (depending on whether you're defining the properties of (date category) a view or a particular section in a view): Assigned.......Display only those items that are assigned to the specified date category. (You can optionally fill in the Start and End Date settings to specify particular dates or times that items must have in the date category in order to be displayed.) Not assigned...Display only those items that are not assigned to the specified date category. Clear filter...Remove this category from the filter for the current view or section. Start/End date (Optional -- appears only for Assigned) Range of dates or times that items in specified date category must have in order to be displayed. Type the dates or press ALT-C (or F3) to select from calendar. Examples: On or after Nov 12, 1990 From today through tomorrow Start Date: 11/12/90 Start Date: today End Date: End Date: tomorrow At or before 3:00pm today This coming Friday only Start Date: Start Date: Fri End Date: today at 3:00pm End Date: Fri Items should be Inside range.....Items must have dates or times that are included in the specified Start/End Date range (as shown in examples above). Outside range....Items must have dates or times that are not included in the range.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Show items How this filter is to test the specified numeric category if they are to determine which items to display in the view or section (choice) to (depending on whether you're defining the properties of (numeric a view or a particular section in a view): category) Assigned.......Display only those items that are assigned to the specified numeric category. (You can optionally fill in the Minimum and Maximum Value settings to specify a range of numbers that items must have in the numeric category in order to be displayed.) Not assigned...Display only those items that are not assigned to the specified numeric category. Clear filter...Remove this category from the filter for the current view or section. Minimum/Maximum (Optional -- appears only for Assigned) Range of numbers value that items in the specified numeric category must have in order to be displayed. Examples: The number 100 or greater Numbers from 100 to 250 Minumum Value: 100 Minimum Value: 100 Maximum Value: Maximum Value: 250 The number 250 or less The number 100 only Minimum Value: Minumum Value: 100 Maximum Value: 250 Maximum Value: 100 Items should be Inside range.....Items must have numbers that are included in the specified Minimum/Maximum Value range (as shown in examples above). Outside range....Items must have numbers that are not included in the range.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Attach named Yes.......Use the specified print settings (NPS) file to set to view provide the Layout, Preview, and Final print settings for this view (overriding the current default settings). Selecting this choice has no effect on any other views. No........Cancel the attach request and leave the view's print settings as they were.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Sort new items When Agenda is to sort the items in a section: On leaving a section....When you highlight another section. When item is entered....Each time you edit/insert an item. On demand...............Only when you press ALT-S (SORT). In each case, you can press ALT-S anytime to sort based on current sort settings. Note: Agenda automatically sorts when you complete the Item Sorting box. Primary sort These settings define the major sort you want to perform. key Example: Sort by Lastname category to get alphabetical list of who's responsible for each item (Adams, Baker, Chan). Secondary sort (Optional) These settings let you further sort items that key primary sort leaves bunched together. Example: Primary sort by Lastname leaves all Bakers bunched together in a random order. A secondary sort by Firstname arranges each last name bunch by first name (Ann Baker, Bob Baker, Cal Baker). Sort on What info Agenda should use to sort the items: None............Return items to order in which they were entered. Cancel sorting of new items. Item text.......Sort alphabetically based on text of items. Category........Sort child categories of a specific parent category (which causes items assigned to those child categories to be rearranged). Category note...Same as Category except children are sorted not by category name but by the text of a specified line in their category notes. Order (Only if Sort On not set to None) The direction in which to sort the info specified in the Sort On setting: Ascending.......Top to bottom of category hierarchy, A to Z, 0 to 9, January to December. Descending......Bottom to top of category hierarchy, Z to A, 9 to 0, December to January. Category (Only if Sort On set to Category or Category Note) New or existing parent category whose children you want to sort in the section(s). Sequence (Only if sorting by Category Note or by standard category) What kind of sort to perform on the child categories: Category hierarchy...Sort children based on their order in category hierarchy. Alphabetic...........Sort names (or note text) of children alphabetically. Example: Apples, Bananas, Cherries. Numeric..............Sort names (or note text) of children in numeric order. Example: 100-Series, 200-Series, 300-Series. Date.................Sort names (or note text) of children as if they're dates. Example: April 1, May 1, June 1. Line number (Only if Sort On set to Category Note) Number from 1 to 999 that specifies the line in a category note that Agenda should use to perform the sort. Sort n/a's (Only if Sort On not set to None) Where Agenda places items that can't be sorted because the specified Sort On value is not available for them: Bottom of section....Put them at the end of the section, after the sorted items. Top of section.......Put them at the beginning of the section, before the sorted items. When sorting by Item Text, n/a means the item text is blank. When sorting by Category or Category Note, n/a means the item isn't assigned to a child of the specified parent category. With Category Note, n/a can also mean that the item is assigned to a child that has no note.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Marked items Shows total number of marked items (t) in all sections of the current view. These items were marked with F7 (MARK). Sections in view Shows total number of sections in the current view (including any empty sections). Items in view Shows total number of items displayed in all sections of the current view.
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Discard the current or highlighted view from the current view? Agenda file. Discarding a view has no effect on the items and categories in the file. Caution: You can't recover the view once you discard it from the Agenda file. No........Cancel the discard operation and keep the view as is in the Agenda file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Section head Category used as the section head (the section head is always the head of the item column). To change the section head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of the current one. Width Number from 5 to 77 that specifies how wide the item column is (applies if Manually is specified for Set Width). Set width How Agenda adjusts the width of the item column: Automatically....Make the item column as wide as possible. Manually.........Use the width specified in Width setting. Minimum width (Only if Set Width set to Automatically) Number from 5 to 77 that specifies the minimum width for the item column. Link with other Yes....Link this column to the item columns in other sections sections of the view. Agenda treats linked columns as a unit, so the changes you make to one of them (such as width, formatting, column head) are automatically made to all of them. Example: If you change the width of one of the linked item columns to 50, all of the other linked item columns change to a width of 50 too. The unlinked item columns are unchanged. No.....Unlink this column from the item columns in other sections of the view. Changes you make to this column won't affect any columns in other sections.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Column head Category to use as the column head. To change the column head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of current one. Category type What the category (column head) is to be used for: Standard.....Organize items by assigning them to 1 or more of the categories in a family (hierarchy). Numeric......Assign numeric values (to be used in calculations) to items. Date.........Assign date/time values to items. Unindexed....Assign text values to items. A text value can contain letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). If you make a category Numeric, Date, or Unindexed, you can't change it to another type later. Width Number from 1 to 76 that specifies how wide the column is. Insert in (Only for Column Add) Where to add this new column: Current section...........Only in the highlighted section. All sections..............In all sections of current view. Position (Only for Column Add) Positioning of new column in section: Right of current column...To the right of the highlight. Left of current column....To the left of the highlight. Link with other (Only for Column Properties) sections Yes.......................Link this column to columns in other sections with same head. Linked columns are treated as a unit: changes to one (such as width, formatting, column head) are automatically made to all. No........................Unlink this column so changes to it won't affect other columns. Format What kind of info this column is to display about each standard category it holds (you get different choices if you set Category Type to Numeric, Date, or Unindexed): Name only..........Name of category that item is assigned to. Example: In Staff column, category name Cooks appears beside an item. Parent:Category....Name of category that item is assigned to, preceded by the name of its parent category. Example: In Staff column, Staff:Cooks appears beside an item. Ancestor...........Ancestor of category that the item is assigned to. (Agenda displays ancestor that is the immediate child of column head.) Example: In Staff column (where the hierarchy Staff:Cooks:Pierre exists), the ancestor name Cooks appears beside items that pertain to Pierre. Format Star(*)............Display * if adjacent item is assigned to (or inherited by) the column head. Otherwise, display nothing. Yes/No.............Display Y if adjacent item is assigned to (or inherited by) the column head. Otherwise, display N. Category note......Display one line from the category's note. (Such as a phone number.) Line number (Only if Format set to Category Note) Number from 1 to 999 that specifies which line from the note to display. Column title (Only if Format set to Category Note) 1 to 69 character title to display in this column (in place of the usual column head).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Column head Category to use as the column head. To change the column head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of current one. Category type What the category (column head) is to be used for: Standard.....Organize items by assigning them to 1 or more of the categories in a family (hierarchy). Numeric......Assign numeric values (to be used in calculations) to items. Date.........Assign date/time values to items. Unindexed....Assign text values to items. A text value can contain letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). If you make a category Unindexed (or Numeric, or Date), you can't change it to another type later. Width Number from 1 to 76 that specifies how wide the column is. Insert in (Only for Column Add) Where to display this new column: Current section...........Only in the highlighted section. All sections..............In all sections of current view. Position (Only for Column Add) Positioning of new column in section: Right of current column...To the right of the highlight. Left of current column....To the left of the highlight. Link with other (Only for Column Properties) sections Yes.......................Link this column to columns in other sections with same head. Linked columns are treated as a unit: changes to one (such as width, formatting, column head) are automatically made to all. No........................Unlink this column so changes to it won't affect other columns.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Column head Category to use as the column head. To change the column head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of current one. Category type What the category (column head) is to be used for: Standard.....Organize items by assigning them to 1 or more of the categories in a family (hierarchy). Numeric......Assign numeric values (to be used in calculations) to items. Date.........Assign date/time values to items. Unindexed....Assign text values to items. A text value can contain letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). Once you make a category Date (or Numeric, or Unindexed), you can't change it to another type later. Width Number from 1 to 76 that specifies how wide the column is. Insert in (Only for Column Add) Where to display this new column: Current section...........Only in the highlighted section. All sections..............In all sections of current view. Position (Only for Column Add) Positioning of new column in section: Right of current column...To the right of the highlight. Left of current column....To the left of the highlight. Link with other (Only for Column Properties) sections Yes.......................Link this column to columns in other sections with same head. Linked columns are treated as a unit: changes to one (such as width, formatting, column head) are automatically made to all. No........................Unlink this column so changes to it won't affect other columns. Display date Whether the date column should display date, time, or both: and/or time Date only...11/30/90 Time Date...12:15pm 11/30/90 Date Time...11/30/90 12:15pm Time only...12:15pm Show day of week Yes.........Mon 11/30/90 No..........11/30/90 Date format How the date column should display dates: MMDDYY......11/30/90 MMMDDYYYY...Nov/30/1990 MMDDYYYY....11/30/1990 DDMMM.......30/Nov DDMMYY......30/11/90 DDMMMYY.....30/Nov/90 DDMMYYYY....30/11/1990 DDMMMYYYY...30/Nov/1990 YYMMDD......90/11/30 <Day>#......334 YYYYMMDD....1990/11/30 Day#........Day 334 YYDDMM......90/30/11 <Week>#.....47 YYYYDDMM....1990/30/11 Week#.......Week 47 MMMDD.......Nov/30 Relative....next Fri MMMDDYY.....Nov/30/90 Relative#...7 days Date separator Punctuation mark to display between elements in a date: Slash(/)....11/30/90 Comma(,)....11,30,90 Hyphen(-)...11-30-90 Space( )....11 30 90 Period(.)...11.30.90 Colon(:)....11:30:90 Clock Which format the date column should use to display time: 24 hr.......13:30 12 hr.......1:30pm Show am/pm (Only if Clock set to 12 hr) Yes.........1:30pm No..........1:30 Time separator Characters to display between elements in a time: Colon(:)....1:30 hm..........1h30m
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Column head Category to use as the column head. To change the column head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of current one. Category type What the category (column head) is to be used for: Standard.....Organize items by assigning them to 1 or more of the categories in a family (hierarchy). Numeric......Assign numeric values (to be used in calculations) to items. Date.........Assign date/time values to items. Unindexed....Assign text values to items. A text value can contain letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). Once you make a category Numeric (or Date, or Unindexed), you can't change it to another type later. Width Number from 1 to 76 that specifies how wide the column is. Insert in (Only for Column Add) Where to display this new column: Current section...........Only in the highlighted section. All sections..............In all sections of current view. Position (Only for Column Add) Positioning of new column in section: Right of current column...To the right of the highlight. Left of current column....To the left of the highlight. Link with other (Only for Column Properties) sections Yes.......................Link this column to columns in other sections with same head. Linked columns are treated as a unit: changes to one (such as width, formatting, column head) are automatically made to all. No........................Unlink this column so changes to it won't affect other columns. Label or What symbol (if any) to display next to numbers: currency symbol None ....... 43 ¢ .......... 43¢ % .......... 43% £ .......... £43 $ .......... $43 ¥ .......... ¥43 Decimal places How many digits to display to right of decimal point (from 0 to 12). Agenda rounds numbers that have more decimal places than what is specified in this setting. (Rounded numbers are used only for display. When performing calculations, Agenda uses the entire number.) Use thousands Yes ........ 1,234 No .......... 1234 separator (Choose the separator character with the Utilities Customize command.) Negative - .......... -1234 () .......... (1234) indicator Display % of Yes....Display a special "% tot" column next to the numeric total column. For each number in the numeric column, this special column calculates and displays what percent of the column's total that number represents (in the section). You can't enter info in the "% tot" column. Example: SAMPLE-ITEMS NUMBER % TOT · Item1 $5 10% · Item2 $10 20% · Item3 $25 50% · Item4 $10 20% No.....Don't display "% tot" column. Count, Total, Yes....Display selected calculations at end of section Average, Minimum, (results for a section apply only to that section): Maximum COUNT calculates how many numbers are in column. TOTAL sums up the numbers in column. AVERAGE gives the average of the numbers in column. MINIMUM gives the smallest number in column. MAXIMUM gives the largest number in column. Example: SAMPLE-ITEMS NUMBER · Item1 $5.00 · Item2 $10.00 COUNT 2 TOTAL $15.00 AVERAGE $7.50 MINIMUM $5.00 MAXIMUM $10.00 No.....Don't display that particular calculation.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Section head Category used as the section head (the section head is always the head of the item column). To change the section head, specify a different category (new or existing) or edit the name of current one. Insert (Only for Section Add) Where to insert the new section in the view: Below current section.....After the highlight position. Above current section.....Before the highlight position. Item sorting Displays the Item Sorting in Current Section box to control the sorting of items in this section of the view. (Overrides the default item sorting specified with the View Properties command). Section Displays the Section Statistics box to show info about the statistics current section. Select numeric (Only if the current section includes a numeric column) functions Displays the Select Numeric Functions box to control the computations you want to perform in every numeric column of current section. (To specify computations for particular numeric columns, use the View Column Properties command.) Filter (Optional) Criteria you use to control which items appear in the section. Specify standard or unindexed categories to display only items assigned (or not assigned) to them. Specify date categories to display only items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular date/time value. Specify numeric categories to display only the items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular numeric value. Items must pass section filters and any view filters (set up with View Properties command) to be displayed. Filter Example that displays only items assigned to the standard categories Smith and Chan: Filter: Smith Chan Columns List of 1 or more categories to display as column heads in current section. To insert more column heads in section, add the appropriate categories to list. Enter existing categories or new ones. The order of category names in the list determines the order of columns in section. To remove a column head from section, remove that category from list (press DEL). To rearrange column order: ALT-F10 (MOVE). The section's item column always appears in the list as <Items>. You can't remove this column from the list.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Count, Total, Yes....Display selected calculations at end of section Average, Minimum, (results for a section apply only to that section): Maximum COUNT calculates how many numbers are in column. TOTAL sums up the numbers in column. AVERAGE gives the average of the numbers in column. MINIMUM gives the smallest number in column. MAXIMUM gives the largest number in column. Example: SAMPLE-ITEMS NUMBER · Item1 $5.00 · Item2 $10.00 COUNT 2 TOTAL $15.00 AVERAGE $7.50 MINIMUM $5.00 MAXIMUM $10.00 No.....Don't display that particular calculation.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Items in Shows the total number of items displayed in the current section section of the view.
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- No sections left Yes.......Discard the current view from the Agenda file. in the view. (This view is currently empty because you've Discard the view? removed all sections from it.) Discarding a view has no effect on the items and categories in the file. No........Keep this view in the file. Agenda automatically displays the View Properties box so you can specify section(s) for the view (you must specify at least one section to keep this view from being removed from the file).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Print What part of the current view to print (use Include setting to specify what info to print from this part of the view): View...................All of the current view. Marked items in view...All items you've marked (t) in view. Section................The current section only. Current item...........The highlighted item only. Assignment profile.....Category assignments of current item or marked items (if any). Include (Except if Print is set to Assignment Profile) What kinds of info to print: Items..................The text of each selected item. Items & notes..........The text of each selected item and its accompanying note text. Notes only.............The note text of each selected item (but not the item text itself). Print to Where to send the print output: Printer................The printer specified in the Printer setting. File with printer codes..................A ready-to-print output file (.PRN) with codes to do print formatting. Text file (without printer codes).........A plain ASCII text file (.PRT) containing no special codes. Lotus Manuscript file...................A file created in the Lotus Manuscript format (.DOC). DCA file...............A file in standard word processing format (.DCA). Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. File (Only if Print To specifies a file type) 1 to 8 character name of file to hold print output. Specify a path if file is not in current directory (for example, c:\info\sample). Agenda automatically appends appropriate extension to file name depending on file type (see description of Print To setting). If you want a different extension, specify it. If you don't specify a print file name, default is the name of current Agenda file (with the appended print extension). From/To page The range of pages to print. From Page is number of page on which to start printing (from 1 to 999). To Page is number of last page to print (from 1 to 999). To print just one page, specify it in both settings. Page number of The page number Agenda is to print on the starting page first page (specify starting page in From Page setting). Example: 25 Copies The number of copies to print (from 1 to 99). Double sided Yes..........Print on both sides of the paper (only for printers that support this feature). No...........Print on just one side. Sort output Yes..........Print pages in first-to-last order (1, 2, 3, pages etc.). If your printer stacks pages backwards, Agenda still sorts the document in the correct order (so first page ends up on top). No...........Don't sort the pages. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Forms What type of paper the printer uses: Continuous......Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (auto feed).....Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (manual feed)...Agenda prompts you to feed sheets to printer. Print headers Yes.............When printing document, include the headers and footers and footers specified with the Print Layout command. No..............Don't include headers and footers on the printed document.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Print What part of the current note/macro to print: All text in note.......The entire note/macro. Marked text............Only the text marked with F7 (MARK). Print to Where to send the print output: Printer................The device named in Printer setting. File w/printer codes...A ready-to-print output file (.PRN) with codes to do print formatting. Text file (without printer codes).........A plain ASCII text file (.PRT) containing no special codes. Lotus Manuscript file...................A file created in the Lotus Manuscript format (.DOC). DCA file...............A file in standard word processing format (.DCA). Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. File (Only if Print To specifies a file type) 1 to 8 character name of file to hold print output. Specify a path if file not in current directory. Agenda appends extension to name depending on file type (see Print To setting). To use a different extension, specify it. Default print file name is same as Agenda file's name (with appended print extension). From/To page The range of pages to print. From Page is number of page on which to start printing (from 1 to 999). To Page is number of last page to print (from 1 to 999). To print just one page, specify it in both settings. Page number of The page number Agenda is to print on the starting page first page (specify starting page in From Page setting). Example: 25 Copies The number of copies to print (from 1 to 99). Double sided Yes..........Print on both sides of the paper (only for printers that support this feature). No...........Print on just one side. Sort output Yes..........Print pages in first-to-last order (1, 2, 3, pages etc.). If your printer stacks pages backwards, Agenda still sorts the document in the correct order (so first page ends up on top). No...........Don't sort the pages. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Forms What type of paper the printer uses: Continuous......Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (auto feed).....Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (manual feed)...Agenda prompts you to feed sheets to printer. Print headers Yes.............When printing document, include the headers and footers and footers specified with the Print Layout command. No..............Don't include headers and footers on the printed document.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Print What part of the current Agenda file to print: Category hierarchy.....The list of all categories in this Agenda file. Use the Include setting to specify what info to print from these categories. File info..............Information about this Agenda file, including: description, associated files, and statistics. Include (Only if Print is set to Category Hierarchy) What kinds of info to print: Categories.............The names of all categories (in hierarchical order). Categories & notes.....The names of all categories and their accompanying note text. Notes only.............The note text of each category (but not the hierarchical list). Print to Where to send the print output: Printer................The printer specified in the Printer setting. File with printer codes..................A ready-to-print output file (.PRN) with codes to do print formatting. Text file (without printer codes).........A plain ASCII text file (.PRT) containing no special codes. Lotus Manuscript file...................A file created in the Lotus Manuscript format (.DOC). DCA file...............A file in standard word processing format (.DCA). Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. File (Only if Print To specifies a file type) 1 to 8 character name of file to hold print output. Specify a path if file is not in current directory (for example, c:\info\sample). Agenda automatically appends appropriate extension to file name depending on file type (see description of Print To setting). If you want a different extension, specify it. If you don't specify a print file name, default is the name of current Agenda file (with the appended print extension). From/To page The range of pages to print. From Page is number of page on which to start printing (from 1 to 999). To Page is number of last page to print (from 1 to 999). To print just one page, specify it in both settings. Page number of The page number Agenda is to print on the starting page first page (specify starting page in From Page setting). Example: 25 Copies The number of copies to print (from 1 to 99). Double sided Yes..........Print on both sides of the paper (only for printers that support this feature). No...........Print on just one side. Sort output Yes..........Print pages in first-to-last order (1, 2, 3, pages etc.). If your printer stacks pages backwards, Agenda still sorts the document in the correct order (so first page ends up on top). No...........Don't sort the pages. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Forms What type of paper the printer uses: Continuous......Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (auto feed).....Agenda automatically feeds sheets to printer as needed. Single sheet (manual feed)...Agenda prompts you to feed sheets to printer. Print headers Yes.............When printing document, include the headers and footers and footers specified with the Print Layout command. No..............Don't include headers and footers on the printed document.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. Paper size The kind and size of paper your printer is to use. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of many common form types. To use a non-standard paper size, select Custom then fill in the Width and Length settings. Width (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The width of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 17 (default is 8.5 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Length (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The length of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 22 (default is 11 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Margin units Unit of measure to use for layout sizes (margins, custom width/length, spacing and indents for headers/footers): in.....Inches. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 9.25 in). cm.....Centimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 23.16 cm). mm.....Millimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 1 decimal place (example: 231.6 mm). When you change units, Agenda automatically converts all settings to the appropriate equivalent. Line spacing Vertical spacing to leave between each printed line (from 1 to 150). Example: Enter 2 for double-spaced printing. Indent notes Number of spaces (from 0 to 99) to indent from left and right margins when printing item notes and category notes. Align notes with margins: Enter 0. Indent into print area: Enter positive number (example: 5). Header/Footer Displays the Header and Footer box to specify header and/or footer text to print at top and bottom of each page. The header/footer text you enter applies to all documents you print from this Agenda file (except views with a Named Print Settings file attached). But for other layout info, Agenda maintains separate settings for the 3 different kinds of documents: view, note/macro, category. Margins The spacing of margins on the printed page: +-----------------+ For each margin, specify a decimal | TOP | number from 0 to 10 (default: 1 in). | +-----------+ | Use Margin Units setting to switch |L | | R| from inches to millimeters (0 to 254) |E | | I| or centimeters (0 to 26). |F | | G| |T | | H| | | | T| | +-----------+ | | BOTTOM | +-----------------+ Note: Some printers have minimum margin sizes. If the margins you specify are too narrow, Agenda uses the appropriate minimum sizes. Separators What kind of visual separation you want on the printed page between different kinds of info: None.........Don't print a separator line. Line.........Print a solid line to separate the info. Page break...Start a new page to separate the info. You can specify a separator for these 4 different areas of the page: After Items/Notes, Between Item and Note, After Section Head, After Sections. Spacing How many lines of spacing to leave between different kinds of info on the printed page. Enter a number from 1 to 150 with up to one decimal place (example: 1.5). You can specify spacing for these 4 different areas of the page: After Items/Notes, Between Item and Note, After Section Head, After Sections. Font Which fonts to use to print notes, items, section heads, column heads, column entries, and calculation labels. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of the available fonts for your primary or secondary printer (depending on which is specified in Printer setting). To change which fonts are available for your printers, use the Print Setup command. Attribute Which attributes to use to print notes, items, section heads, column heads, column entries, and calculation labels. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select one or more of these attributes: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore Words, Underscore All, Double Underscore Words, Double Underscore All, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Small Caps. Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations. Alignment How to align notes, items, section heads, column heads, column entries, and calculation labels on the printed page. Select from 4 kinds of alignment: Left, Right, Center, or Even. +----------------------+ Each kind of alignment |Example of LEFT | justifies text within the | | appropriate "column" (for | Example of RIGHT| example, item text is aligned | | within the item column, note | Example of CENTER | text is aligned on the full | | page). |Example of EVEN| +----------------------+ Note: Numeric columns are automatically Right aligned. You can't change their alignment.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. Paper size The kind and size of paper your printer is to use. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of many common form types. To use a non-standard paper size, select Custom then fill in the Width and Length settings. Width (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The width of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 17 (default is 8.5 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Length (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The length of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 22 (default is 11 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Margin units Unit of measure to use for layout sizes: in.....Inches. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 9.25 in). cm.....Centimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 23.16 cm). mm.....Millimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 1 decimal place (example: 231.6 mm). If you change units, Agenda automatically converts affected settings (such as Margins) to the appropriate equivalent. Line spacing Vertical spacing to leave between each printed line (from 1 to 150). Example: Enter 2 for double-spaced printing. Header/Footer Displays Header and Footer box to specify text to print at top & bottom of page. Header/footer text applies to entire Agenda file (except views with Named Print Settings file attached). All other header/footer layout info is specific to current document type (view, note/macro, or category). Margins +-----------------+ Spacing of margins on printed page: | TOP | | +-----------+ | For each margin, enter decimal number |L | | R| from 0 to 10 (default: 1 in). Use |E | | I| Margin Units setting to switch from |F | | G| inches to millimeters (0 to 254) or |T | | H| centimeters (0 to 26). | | | T| | +-----------+ | Note: Some printers have minimum | BOTTOM | margin sizes. If your margins are too +-----------------+ narrow, Agenda uses those minimums. Font Which font to use to print notes/macros. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of the available fonts for your primary or secondary printer (depending on which is specified in Printer setting). To change which fonts are available for your printers, use Print Setup command. Attribute Which attributes to use to print notes/macros. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select one or more of these attributes: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore Words, Underscore All, Double Underscore Words, Double Underscore All, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Small Caps. Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations. Alignment How to align notes/macros on the printed page. Select from 4 kinds of alignment: Left, Right, Center, or Even. +----------------------+ |Example of LEFT | | | | Example of RIGHT| | | | Example of CENTER | | | |Example of EVEN| +----------------------+
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer The device on which to print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. Paper size The kind and size of paper your printer is to use. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of many common form types. To use a non-standard paper size, select Custom then fill in the Width and Length settings. Width (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The width of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 17 (default is 8.5 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Length (Only if Paper Size is Custom) The length of the paper your printer is to use. Specify a decimal number from 1 to 22 (default is 11 in). Use Margin Units setting to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+ Margin units Unit of measure to use for layout sizes (margins, custom width/length, spacing and indents for headers/footers): in.....Inches. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 9.25 in). cm.....Centimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 2 decimal places (example: 23.16 cm). mm.....Millimeters. Lets you specify sizes to 1 decimal place (example: 231.6 mm). When you change units, Agenda automatically converts all settings to the appropriate equivalent. Line spacing Vertical spacing to leave between each printed line (from 1 to 150). Example: Enter 2 for double-spaced printing. Indent notes Number of spaces (from 0 to 99) to indent from left and right margins when printing category notes. Align notes with margins: Enter 0. Indent into print area: Enter positive number (example: 5). Header/Footer Displays the Header and Footer box to specify header and/or footer text to print at top and bottom of each page. The header/footer text you enter applies to all documents you print from this Agenda file (except views with a Named Print Settings file attached). But for other layout info, Agenda maintains separate settings for the 3 different kinds of documents: view, note/macro, category. Margins The spacing of margins on the printed page: +-----------------+ For each margin, specify a decimal | TOP | number from 0 to 10 (default: 1 in). | +-----------+ | Use Margin Units setting to switch |L | | R| from inches to millimeters (0 to 254) |E | | I| or centimeters (0 to 26). |F | | G| |T | | H| | | | T| | +-----------+ | | BOTTOM | +-----------------+ Note: Some printers have minimum margin sizes. If the margins you specify are too narrow, Agenda uses the appropriate minimum sizes. Separators What kind of visual separation you want on the printed page between different kinds of info: None.....Don't print a separator line. Line.....Print a solid line to separate the specified info. You can specify a separator for these 2 different areas of the page: After Categories/Notes, Between Category and Note. Spacing How many lines of spacing to leave between different kinds of info on the printed page. Enter a number from 1 to 150 with up to one decimal place (example: 1.5). You can specify spacing for these 2 different areas of the page: After Categories/Notes, Between Category and Note. Font Which fonts to use to print categories and their notes. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of the available fonts for your primary or secondary printer (depending on which is specified in Printer setting). To change which fonts are available for your printers, use the Print Setup command. Attribute Which attributes to use to print categories and their notes. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select one or more of these attributes: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore Words, Underscore All, Double Underscore Words, Double Underscore All, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Small Caps. Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations. Alignment How to align notes on the printed page. Select from 4 kinds of alignment: Left, Right, Center, or Even. +----------------------+ |Example of LEFT | | | | Example of RIGHT| | | | Example of CENTER | | | |Example of EVEN| +----------------------+
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Font Font for headers/footers. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from list of valid fonts for your primary or secondary printer (depending on which is specified in Print Layout box). To change fonts for your printers, use Print Setup command. Tip: To use other fonts in a portion of header/footer text, press F2 (EDIT) on a particular line and then F6 (MARKER). Attribute Attributes for headers/footers. Press F3 (CHOICES) to select one or more: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore Words, Underscore All, Double Underscore Words, Double Underscore All, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Small Caps. Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations. Tip: To use other attributes in a portion of header or footer text, press F2 (EDIT) on a particular line and then F6 (MARKER). Space Amount of whitespace between the header (Space Below) or below/above footer (Space Above) and the rest of the page's text. Enter a decimal number from 0 to 10 (default is 0.5 in). Use Margin Units setting in Print Layout box to switch from inches to millimeters or centimeters. Indent Number of spaces (from -10 to 10) to indent from left and right margins when printing header or footer. Align header or footer with margins: Enter 0. Indent into print area: Enter positive number (example: 5). Outdent into margins: Enter negative number (example: -5). Line Yes.....Draw a line between the header (Line Below) or below/above footer (Line Above) and the rest of the page's text. No......Don't draw a line. Line 1, Line 2, The header or footer text to print on each page. For Line 3 example, if you specify this header text: Left Center Right Line 1: LARGE CORP. : DEPT Z : Line 2: : : PREPARED BY Line 3: WEEKLY REPORT : : F. QUIMBY You get a printed header that looks like this: +---------------------------------------------------------+ | LARGE CORP. DEPT Z | | PREPARED BY | | WEEKLY REPORT F. QUIMBY | +---------------------------------------------------------+ Line 1, Line 2, You can enter header/footer text on any one of the lines or Line 3 on any combination of lines (examples: just on Line 1 or just on Lines 1 and 3). On each line, the combined Left, Center, and Right text can contain up to 237 characters. The Left, Center, and Right settings scroll to accommodate long text. Tip: To change fonts and attributes of header/footer text or to print special info such as the date and time, press F2 (EDIT) on a particular line and then F6 (MARKER).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Print Which info from current Agenda file to preview on screen before printing. (To print this info, use Print Final command. Changes you make to Preview settings are automatically applied to Final settings, and vice versa.) When previewing from a view, you can choose: View...................All of the current view. Marked items in view...All items you've marked (t) in view. Section................The current section only. Current item...........The highlighted item only. Assignment profile.....Category assignments of current item or marked items (if any). When previewing from a note/macro, you can choose: All text in note.......The entire note/macro. Marked text............Only the text marked with F7 (MARK). Print When previewing from the category manager, you can choose: Category hierarchy.....The list of all categories in this Agenda file. File info..............Information about this Agenda file, including: description, associated files, and statistics. Include (Only in a view or the category manager) What kinds of info to preview. When previewing from a view, you can choose: Items..................The text of each selected item. Items & notes..........The text of each selected item and its accompanying note text. Notes only.............The note text of each selected item, but not the item text itself. Include When previewing from the category manager, you can choose: Categories.............The names of all categories (in hierarchical order). Categories & notes.....The names of all categories and their accompanying note text. Notes only.............The note text of each category, but not the hierarchical list. Printer The device you plan to use later when you actually print. The choices are the primary and secondary printers specified with Print Setup command. From/To page The range of pages to preview. From Page is number of page to start previewing (from 1 to 999). To Page is number of last page to preview (from 1 to 999). To preview just one page, specify it in both settings. Page number of The page number Agenda is to display on the starting page first page (specify starting page in From Page setting). Example: 25 Print headers Yes..........When previewing document, include the headers and footers and footers specified with the Print Layout command. No...........Don't include headers and footers on the previewed document. Orientation The orientation of the print on output pages: Portrait.....+---+ Landscape.....+--------+ | | | | | | +--------+ +---+
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of the file in which you want to save the Layout, Preview, and Final print settings from the current Agenda file. Specify a path if you want to save the file in a directory other than current one. Agenda gives the file the extension .NPS (unless you type a different extension). For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz Once you save an NPS file, you can retrieve it in any other Agenda file or attach it to any view to use the print settings it contains.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of the named print settings (NPS) file you want to retrieve. Agenda uses the print settings from this NPS file (Layout, Preview, and Final settings) as the defaults for the current Agenda file. (But these settings won't affect views that have other NPS files attached to them.) Specify a path if the NPS file isn't stored in current directory. Agenda assumes the file has .NPS extension (if file has a different extension, specify it). The file must have been created with the Print Named Save command. For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Replace the Yes.......Completely replace the contents of the target existing named NPS file (which already exists on disk) with the print set file? print settings (Layout, Preview, and Final settings) from the current Agenda file. Views that have this NPS file attached to them automatically use the new settings you save. No........Cancel the command and leave the existing NPS file unchanged. Agenda returns you to the Save Print Settings box where you can specify a different name for the NPS file to save.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of the named print settings (NPS) file you want to erase from disk. Specify a path if the NPS file isn't stored in current directory. Agenda assumes that the file has the extension .NPS (if file has a different extension, specify it). For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz Important: When you erase an NPS file, Agenda automatically detaches it from all views it was attached to in the current Agenda file. If the erased NPS file is attached to views in other Agenda files, you are prompted to detach it when you work with those Agenda files.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Erase the named Yes.......Erase the specified NPS file from disk. Once you print set file erase the file, you can't recover it in Agenda. from the disk? Important: When you erase an NPS file, Agenda automatically detaches it from all views it was attached to in the current Agenda file. If the erased NPS file is attached to views in other Agenda files, you are prompted to detach it when you work with those Agenda files. No........Cancel the Erase command and leave the specified NPS file unchanged.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File has Yes.......Erase the specified NPS file from disk. Once you attachments to erase the file, you can't recover it in Agenda. views in current file. Erase from Important: When you erase an NPS file, Agenda disk? automatically detaches it from all views it was attached to in the current Agenda file. If the erased NPS file is attached to views in other Agenda files, you are prompted to detach it when you work with those Agenda files. No........Cancel the Erase command and leave the specified NPS file unchanged.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of the named print settings (NPS) file you want to attach to the current view. Agenda uses the print settings from this NPS file (Layout, Preview, and Final settings) as the defaults for the view. (These settings won't affect printing in other views.) Specify a path if the NPS file isn't stored in current directory. Agenda assumes the file has .NPS extension (if file has a different extension, specify it). The file must have been created with the Print Named Save command. For example, to specify file named SAMPLE with extension XYZ stored on C drive in the INFO directory, type: c:\info\sample.xyz
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Detach the Yes.......Stop using the current NPS file to provide this current named view with its print settings. Instead, use the print set file new NPS file you have specified (or, if none, use from the view? the default print settings of the Agenda file). Note: Detaching does not change the contents of the NPS file or delete it from disk. Detaching an NPS file from one view doesn't detach it from other views it is attached to. No........Cancel the request and keep the current NPS file attached to this view. Special case: Agenda may display this prompt if it can't find the NPS file that is currently attached to the view you're using. (This can happen if you've erased the NPS file or moved it to a different directory.)
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Color Which set of screen colors you want to display in Agenda: Mono......Use the standard Agenda monochrome screen format. Color.....Use the standard Agenda screen colors. Plasma....Use the standard Agenda plasma screen format. Custom....Specify your own colors for the Agenda screens. Use the Set Custom Colors setting (shown below). Set custom (Only if Color is set to Custom) Displays the Custom colors Colors box to let you specify your own colors for various parts of Agenda. Display key map Yes.......Display the function key map at the bottom of the screen. (You can also press ALT-K to turn the key map on and off.) No........Remove the function key map so that Agenda can use more of the screen to display items, categories and other info. Display cond/act Yes.......Display condition and action descriptions after info each category name in category manager. Example: SampleCategory C= Fred A= HighPriority No........Don't display this info after each category name. Display carriage Yes.......Display the triangle symbol («) wherever there is returns a carriage return. No........Don't display symbols to show carriage returns. Item tag The character to display in front of each item in a view. character Example of the default (·): · Call Fred at 10:00 today · Meet with Ralph tomorrow Select any one of these tag characters: = o » ð + - > * = · · + ¿ ¿ ¿ (and space). Beep on Yes...........Agenda beeps whenever you type a name that auto-completion matches an existing one. No............Don't beep when a name match occurs. Suppress snow Yes...........Stop video interference (use only if you see snow on monitor when running Agenda). This option slows performance on most systems. No............Don't use snow suppression. Decimal Which symbol Agenda uses for decimal point in numbers: separator . (dot)...... $123.45 , (comma).... £123,45 Thousands Which symbol Agenda uses to separate thousands in numbers: separator , (comma).... 123,456 . (dot)...... 123.456 (space).... 123 456 Text marker How attribute, font, and special markers in text are to display appear on screen (doesn't affect printing): Hidden...............Don't display markers on screen. Diamond (t)..........Display t where each marker is. Long.................Display the name of each marker. Example: [Date] appears on screen at the location of each date marker. To insert markers, press F6 (MARKER) while editing text. Character set The character set Agenda uses for multilingual characters: Use Agenda default (CP 850).............The correct choice for most computers. Translate (CP 850 to 437)..............If the computer uses Code Page 437 and your text has multilingual characters not supported by Code Page 850. Auto-save How often Agenda is to automatically save the current interval Agenda file to disk. If you don't want the file to be saved automatically, type 0. Otherwise, type the number of minutes (from 1 to 60). Memory usage Displays the Memory Usage box to control how Agenda uses the computer's memory and to show current memory info. Confirm mode Yes.....Turn on Confirmation mode (which causes Agenda to prompt you for confirmation before performing major operations). No......Turn off Confirmation mode.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- View, Category Select screen colors for various parts of Agenda. Press Manager, Boxes, F3 (CHOICES) for the list of available colors. Notice the etc. Sample Text at the bottom of the box -- it shows a sample of the currently selected color. Drop shadow Yes....Display shadows behind the dialog boxes that appear on the screen (to make them look 3-dimensional). No.....Don't display shadows. Animation Yes....Use animation to pop up dialog boxes on the screen (so they appear to grow toward you). No.....Don't use animation. Wide border Yes....Display wide borders around dialog boxes. No.....Display narrow borders. Use default Displays the Default Colors box to let you change all colors current custom color settings to the default settings. You can choose to take the defaults from one of the 3 pre-defined Agenda color sets: Color, Mono, or Plasma.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Take colors Which default color settings to use to replace the current from custom colors: Mono......Take the defaults from the standard Agenda monochrome set. Color.....Take the defaults from the standard Agenda color set. Plasma....Take the defaults from the standard Agenda plasma set. If you don't want to replace all of your custom colors with one of these sets, press ESC.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- DOS memory used How much regular memory is available on your computer to for data is hold the data from Agenda file. (You can't type here.) Expanded memory If you have expanded memory (EMS), shows how much is used used for data is to hold the data from Agenda file. (You can't type here.) Expanded memory If you have expanded memory, shows how much is used to used for program temporarily store portions of the Agenda program itself. is (You can't type here.) Maximum expanded Maximum amount of expanded memory allocated to hold data memory for data from Agenda file. Type number from 64 to 8192 (K bytes). Maximum memory Amount of virtual memory Agenda can use for printing (in K for printing bytes). To print long documents (over 50 pages), you may need to increase this value. Press GREY + key (on numeric keypad) to increase print memory (GREY - to decrease).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Apply conditions Name of an existing category whose conditions you want to attached to apply. Agenda automatically applies all conditions defined category and for this category's children as well. To apply all children of conditions in the Agenda file, specify the category MAIN. Against Which items to evaluate when applying conditions: Current item............The highlighted item only. Marked items............All items you marked (t) with F7. Items in section........All items in the current section. Items in view...........All items in the current view. All items...............All items in current Agenda file. Apply actions Which items to apply a category's actions to: to New assignments only....Just those items newly assigned to the category, not items already assigned to category. Old & new assignments...All items assigned to the category.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Search for 1 to 60 characters of text to search for in current file. Can include control characters allowed in text conditions: * ? ; , ~ ! \ ( ) ^ " " (example: Pat* matches Pat, Patty, or Patricia). Result is a show view of all items that contain each word in this setting (words don't have to be in same order). To search for a specific phrase (where word order matters), enclose phrase in parentheses. Match on Where to look for matching text: Item text...........Search only the text of items. Note text...........Search each item's note (but not the item text itself). Both item & note....Search each item and its note. Ignore case Yes.................Match letters regardless of case. Example: Fred matches fred. No..................Letters must be same case.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Date category Existing date category by which to filter items for the show view. Default date category is When. Section head Existing category to use as show view's section head. Select the category whose items you want to display in the schedule. The default section head is the same category specified in the Date Category setting. Date The date that items in specified date category must have in order to be displayed. Press ALT-C (or F3) to select from pop-up calendar or just type the date yourself. Default is the current system date. Examples: 11/12/90, Fri, today, today at 3:00pm, 2 weeks from today. Filter (Optional) Additional criteria you use to control which items appear in the show view (items must meet this filter criteria AND the Date Category criteria). Specify standard or unindexed categories to display only items assigned (or not assigned) to them. Specify date categories to display only items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular date/time value. Specify numeric categories to display only the items that are assigned (or not assigned) to them and have a particular numeric value. For example, to display only those items assigned to standard categories Smith and Chan: Filter: Smith Chan
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Discard the current show view from the Agenda existing show file. Because only 1 show view can exist at a view? time, you must delete the current one in order to perform another Utilities Show command. (If you want to keep the current show view, use the view manager to rename it before performing another Utilities Show command.) Discarding a show view has no effect on anything else in the file. No........Cancel the Utilities Show command and keep the current show view as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Empty the trash? Yes.......Permanently delete all items that are currently in the trash. (The trash contains all items that you've discarded in the current session by using ALT-F4 or the Item Discard command.) Caution: You can't recover these items once you empty them from the trash. No........Cancel the Empty operation and leave the contents of the trash unchanged. Tip: You can recover items from the trash by using the Item Undisc command.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Program to run 1 to 8 character name of the program to launch. (Launching suspends the current Agenda session and runs the specified program. You automatically return to Agenda when done with the launched program.) Enter a path if the program is stored in a directory other than the current one (for example, c:\programs\prog1). You can specify the program's file extension (such as .COM) if necessary (to distinguish between similarly named files such as PROGRAM.COM and PROGRAM.BAT). Caution: Don't launch terminate-and-stay resident (TSR) programs such as Lotus Metro or most network software. Don't launch memory-resident DOS commands (such as PRINT.COM) unless you load them before starting Agenda.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Description (Optional) 1 to 40 characters of text that describes this Agenda file. Password (Optional) 1 to 12 character password for this Agenda file that protects it from unauthorized use. Agenda requires you to specify this password whenever you try to retrieve the file. For security, the password doesn't appear when you type it.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Opening backup Yes.......Write over the specified Agenda file (on disk) file (name.BG) with the contents of its backup file. Agenda Replace existing then retrieves the backup file and displays it on (name.AG) the screen. Caution: Once you write over the original Agenda file, you can't recover the erased info later. No........Retrieve the backup file and display it on the screen, but don't change the contents of the original Agenda file.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove column Which occurrences of the current column to remove from the from view: Current section only....Remove the column from the current section only. Does not affect how the column is used in other sections of the view. All sections in view....Remove the column from each section in which it appears. In either case, the category used as the column head remains in the category hierarchy after you remove the column. Also, assignments in the Agenda file are not affected when you remove the column.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove this Yes.......Remove the current column from the view. (The column from category used as the column head remains in the the view? category hierarchy after you remove the column. Also, assignments in the Agenda file are not affected when you remove the column.) No........Cancel the remove request and keep the current column as is in the view.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Set a when date Yes.......Prepare to set the When date for every item in for the marked the file you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once items? you select Yes, Agenda prompts you to specify the When date for the marked items. The When date is simply the date/time that an item has in the When category. No........Cancel the request to set a When date.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Set when date Which item(s) you want to specify a When date for: for Current item.....Set the When date for the currently highlighted item only. Marked items.....Set the When date for every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you complete this setting, Agenda prompts you to type the When date to use. (The When date is simply the date/time that an item has in the When category.)
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Search for 1 to 60 characters of text to search for in current view. Can include any of the punctuation and control characters allowed in text conditions: * ? ; , ~ ! \ ( ) ^ " " (example: Pat* matches Pat, Patty, or Patricia). Agenda searches for the items that contain each word in this setting (words don't have to be in same order). To search for a specific phrase (where word order matters), enclose phrase in parentheses. For example, to find the text Wankel Rotary Engine, type: (Wankel Rotary Engine). Match on Where to look for matching text: Item text...........Search only the text of items. Note text...........Search each item's note (but not the item text itself). Both item & note....Search each item and its note. Direction Which way to search: Backward.......Search backward from the current highlight position to the beginning of the view. Forward........Search forward from the current highlight position to the end of the view. Search from beginning......Search from the beginning of the view to the end. Ignore case Yes............Match letters regardless of case. Example: Fred matches fred. No.............Letters must be the same case (uppercase or lowercase).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Assign Which item(s) you want to assign to a category: Current item.....Assign only the currently highlighted item. Marked items.....Assign every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you complete this setting, Agenda prompts you to specify the category to which the item(s) will be assigned.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Assign the Yes.......Prepare to assign every item in the file that marked items to you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you a category? select Yes, Agenda prompts you to specify the category to which the marked items will be assigned. No........Cancel the request to make assignments.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Date category An existing date category. Agenda compares the item's date/time in this category to the current system date/time. When they match, Agenda rings the item's alarm. The default date category is When. Minutes before How many minutes before the actual event (when the category date/time matches the system date/time) Agenda is to ring the alarm. Type an integer number from 0 to 60. The default is 5 minutes.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Designate the Yes.......Switch the done indicator (!!) on or off for every marked items as item in the file that you've marked (t) with done? F7 (MARK). Each marked item that isn't already done is now set to done. Each marked item that is already set to done is switched to not done (and its !! indicator is removed). Once you designate an item done, the date/time of its completion appears in the Done category. Tip: You can specify how Agenda is to process done items by using the File Properties and View Properties commands. No........Cancel the request to set items to done (or not done).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Set to done Which item(s) you want to set to done (or not done): Current item.....Only the currently highlighted item. Marked items.....Every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you complete this box, Agenda switches the done indicator (!!) on or off for the item(s) you've specified. Each item that isn't already done is now set to done. Each item that is already set to done is switched to not done (and its !! indicator is removed). Once you designate an item done, the date/time of its completion appears in the Done category. Tip: To specify how Agenda is to process done items, use the File Properties and View Properties commands.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard What to discard from the Agenda file: Marked items.........Discard all items in file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Does not affect currently highlighted category. Agenda places discarded items in the trash. Tip: You can recover them later in the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command. Current selection....Discard the currently highlighted category from the Agenda file. Agenda warns you if the category has items, children, or conditions/actions that are affected by the Discard operation. Caution: You can't recover a category once you discard it.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Copy the marked Yes......Copy every item in the file that you've marked (t) items to another with F7 (MARK). section? Once you complete this box, Agenda prompts for the section to copy to. Agenda automatically assigns the copied item(s) to the category that heads the target section. Copied items remain assigned to their original sections as well (unless you copy from one mutually exclusive category to another). No.......Cancel the copy request.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Copy Which item(s) to copy to another section of current view: Current item.....Copy only the currently highlighted item. Marked items.....Copy every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you complete this box, Agenda prompts for the section to copy to. Agenda automatically assigns the copied item(s) to the category that heads the target section. Copied items remain assigned to their original sections as well (unless you copy from one mutually exclusive category to another).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Move Which item(s) to move to another section of current view: Current item.....Move only the currently highlighted item. Marked items.....Move every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Once you complete this box, Agenda prompts for the section to move to. Agenda automatically breaks the assignment between each moved item and the original section head, and then assigns these items to the target section head.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Move What to move: Marked items.........Move all items in file marked (t) with F7 (MARK). Agenda prompts you for the section to move to. It unassigns the items from original section head and assigns them to target section head. Current selection....If highlight on section head: lets you change order of sections in view. If highlight on column head: lets you change order of columns in section. If highlight on column entry: lets you move the adjacent item to a different section.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Make the current Yes.......Make the highlighted item dependent (&) on every item dependent item in the file that you've marked (t) with on marked items? F7 (MARK). The marked items become prerequisites of the highlighted item. (Prerequisites are items that should be completed before the dependent item is acted upon.) Tip: You can hide dependent items by using the View Properties command. You can display dependency info by using the Utilities Show command. No........Cancel the request to make the current item dependent.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Clear the Yes.......Remove all dependencies (&) from the highlighted existing item. In other words, this item is no longer dependencies? dependent on any prerequisite items. (Prerequisites are items that should be completed before the dependent item is acted upon.) No........Cancel the request to clear the item's dependencies and keep them as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File is set Yes.......Try to get a reservation for the current Agenda to manual file. While you have a reservation for this reservation. Get file, you can read it and update it. Other the reservation? network users can't update the file, but they can read it. Tip: You can change the default reservation status of the file (to automatically try to get a reservation) with the File Properties command. No........Don't get a reservation for the file. This means you can read it but not update it. Tip: If you want to try to get a reservation for this file later in the session, use the File Maintenance Reservation command.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Enter time The hour and minute you want to specify (example: 9:17am). To change the time: · Press SPACEBAR to switch the highlight between hours and minutes. · Press GREY + (on the numeric keypad) to increase the hour or minute. · Press GREY - to decrease the hour or minute. Or you can simply type the new time yourself.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Options The file you're using is open in Read-Only mode (without a reservation), so you can't save your changes to it. Specify what to do with the changes you've made: Save to another file....Save the modified file under a different file name. Abandon changes.........Discard all changes you've made to the current Agenda file. Get reservation.........Try to get the reservation for the current Agenda file. If you're able to get the reservation, you can save your changes to this file. File name (Only if Options is set to Save To Another File) 1 to 8 character name of a different Agenda file (new or existing) to save. Specify a path to save file in a directory other than current one (for example, c:\info\new). Don't specify file extension (Agenda adds .AG when storing file in DOS).
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COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Page Display the next or previous page of the document, or go to any page Content/ Toggle between displaying the formatted contents of the Full-page document for proofreading (Content) or the general layout of entire pages (Full-page) Reverse/ Toggle between reverse-video screen display (Reverse) and Normal normal screen display (Normal) of preview pages Quit Leave Preview mode and return to your previous activity -- view, note, macro editor, or category manager (ALT-Q)
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COMMAND PURPOSE ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Next Display the next page of the document (ENTER or CTRL-PGDN or ALT-N) Note: If you use Next while on last page, Agenda leaves Preview mode and returns you to your last activity (view, note, macro editor, or category manager) Previous Display the previous page of the document (CTRL-PGUP or ALT-P) Goto Specify a particular page of the document to display (ALT-F5)
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Page number The number of the formatted document page you want to display. Example: to preview the tenth page of the document, type 10.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Print preview The type of graphics display adapter your computer has (if display driver any). Agenda needs this adapter to perform Print Preview command. If your computer has no graphics display adapter, select None (this means you can't use Print Preview). Once you select an adapter, Agenda may prompt you to fill in additional settings. For info on these settings, see the Setting Up Agenda manual. Primary/ The device(s) Agenda uses to print. You can select from Secondary the list of printers you chose during installation. If you printer have only one printer, specify it in the Primary Printer setting and specify None in Secondary Printer. Once you select a printer, Agenda may prompt you to fill in additional settings. For info on these settings, see the Setting Up Agenda manual. Port The communications port through which Agenda sends info to the printer. To print to a parallel port, select one of these: PRN (default), LPT1, LPT2, LPT3. To print to a serial port, select one of these: COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4. Portrait Displays the list of fonts (typefaces and typeface sizes) font list available for portrait-oriented printing on the specified printer. Use this list to modify one or more of the fonts. (To tell Agenda which of these fonts to use for printing different kinds of info, use Print Layout command.) Landscape (Only if your printer supports it) Displays the list of font list fonts available for landscape-oriented printing on the specified printer. Works same way as Portrait font list. If printer supports both portrait and landscape, use Print Layout command to specify which orientation to use.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Font # Identifies each of the 20 possible font definitions for your printer. You can't edit the Font # column, but you can change Font Names (see below). Note: Agenda keeps separate portrait and/or landscape definitions for each printer you use (because different printers support different fonts). Font name 1 to 15 character name for a particular font definition. You can change default font names to be more descriptive (example: you might change "Font 8" to "Big Font"). Typeface The typeface that a particular font definition is to use (such as Times Roman or Courier). Press F3 (CHOICES) to choose from the list of typefaces your printer supports. Size The typeface size that a particular font definition is to use (such as 12.0pt). Press F3 (CHOICES) to choose from the list of sizes your printer supports.
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WHAT YOU In Preview mode, Agenda always displays one of these 2 screens: SEE · The Full-page screen shows the general layout of entire pages from the formatted document. You can move the selector box to see a magnified image of different portions of the page. · The Content screen shows you the formatted contents of the document (one-third of a page at a time) for proofreading. BASIC USE IF YOU WANT TO SKILLS -------------------- ------------------------------------------ F10 Content Switch from Full-page to Content screen F10 Full-page Switch from Content to Full-page screen F10 Reverse Display screen in reverse video F10 Normal Display screen in normal video ALT-Q or F10 Quit Leave Preview mode, return to prior work PAGING USE IF YOU WANT TO KEYS -------------------- ------------------------------------------ ENTER or ALT-N or Display the next page of the document (if CTRL-PGDN or you're on the last page, this quits F10 Page Next Preview mode) ALT-P or CTRL-PGUP Display the previous page of the document or F10 Page Previous ALT-F5 or Specify a particular page to display F10 Page Goto The following paging keys work on the Content screen only (not on the Full-page screen): ñ, ò Move up/down one line PGUP, PGDN Move up/down one-third of a page SELECTOR These keys control the selector box on the Full-page screen: BOX KEYS PRESS IF YOU WANT TO -------------------- ------------------------------------------ ñ, ò Move up/down 7 lines ï, ð Move left/right 20 characters SHIFT-ñ, SHIFT-ò Move up/down one pixel SHIFT-ï, SHIFT-ð Move left/right one pixel HOME Move to top left corner of page END Move to bottom right corner of page GREY + Expand selector box over a wider area of the page (and decrease the size of the text in magnifier box) GREY - Shrink selector box to a smaller area of the page (and increase the size of the text in magnifier box)
Prepare to preview, About printing, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Clear the existing text from the current note or existing macro when Agenda attaches the external file. note/macro? Once you select Yes, Agenda prompts you for the file to attach. (Agenda doesn't clear the existing note/macro until you actually specify a file.) Caution: Once you delete the text from a note/macro, you can't recover it (unless the text is stored in an external file that you later import or attach). No........Cancel the attach operation and keep the current note/macro as is.
Fill in a box, External macro file, External note file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of the text file to attach to the current note or macro. Once you attach this text file, it becomes the source (dynamically read and updated) of the note/macro. If the file has an extension, specify it. Specify a path if the file isn't stored in the current directory. For example, to attach the file named SAMPLE that has the extension TXT and is stored on the C drive in the NOTES directory, type: c:\notes\sample.txt
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Erase from disk the external file that is note/macro file currently attached to the note or macro. Agenda from the disk? also automatically clears the note/macro and detaches this external file name from it. Caution: Once you delete an external file from disk, you can't recover it. No........Cancel the operation and keep the external file as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of text file whose contents you want to copy into current note or macro. Agenda inserts the imported text at cursor position. Caution: If you're in Overwrite mode, the imported text replaces existing text that appears after the cursor position. If file has an extension, specify it. Specify a path if file isn't stored in current directory (for example, c:\notes\sample.txt). Strip carriage Yes....Remove single carriage returns from imported text returns (wrap text to line length of 79). Keep strings of 2 or more carriage returns. No.....Don't strip carriage returns (keep original text formatting, except wrap any lines longer than 79).
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File name 1 to 8 character name of text file into which you want to copy text from the current note or macro. If you've marked text with F7 (MARK), Agenda exports just that text. Otherwise, it exports all of the text from the note/macro. You can optionally include a 3 character file extension. (For macro files, Agenda uses the default MAC if you don't specify an extension). Specify a path if you want to save the file in a directory other than current one. For example, to export text to file named SAMPLE that has the extension TXT and is stored on the C drive in the NOTES directory, type: c:\notes\sample.txt
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File already (Only if the export file you specified is already stored on exists disk) Replace.....Replace the entire contents of this text file with the exported info from the current note/macro. Caution: Once you replace the contents of the text file, you can't recover that info. Append......Keep the current contents of this text file and just add the newly exported info from the note/macro to the end of it.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Clear all text Yes.......Delete all of the text from the current note or from the macro. If the note/macro text comes from an note/macro? attached file, Agenda deletes the file's contents but still keeps the empty file attached to the note/macro. (To detach this file, use the File Detach command. To detach it and erase it from the disk, use the File Erase command.) Caution: Once you clear the text from a note/macro, you can't recover it (unless you press ESC instead of F5 to leave the note/macro). No........Cancel the Clear command and keep the current note/macro as is.
Fill in a box, External macro file, External note file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Search for 1 to 25 characters of text to search for or replace in the current note or macro. Replace text Yes........Replace occurrences of the Search For text with the text you specify in Replace With setting. No.........Just find occurrences of the Search For text. Don't replace them. Tip: Once you find first occurrence, press ALT-S to find subsequent ones. Replace with (Only if Replace Text is set to Yes) 1 to 25 characters of text that is to replace occurrences of the Search For text in this note/macro. Direction Backward...Search backward from the highlight to the beginning of the note/macro. Forward....Search forward from the highlight to the end of the note/macro. Ignore case Yes....Match letters regardless of case. Example: Fred matches fred. No.....Letters must be the same case (uppercase or lowercase) in order to match. Global (Only if Replace Text is set to Yes) replacement Yes....Replace every occurrence of the Search For text with the Replace With text. No.....Replace only the next occurrence of Search For text with Replace With text. Tip: Press ALT-S to replace each subsequent occurrence one at a time. Confirm (Only if Replace Text is set to Yes) replacement Yes....Agenda prompts you to confirm each replacement. No.....Agenda replaces occurrences without asking you for confirmation.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Replace the Yes.......Replace the highlighted occurrence of the text current you're searching for with the replacement text selection? you specified. Tip: Even after you replace occurrences you can decide not to save these changes to the note or macro. If you press ESC (instead of F5) to leave the note/macro, Agenda cancels all changes you've made. No........Don't replace this occurrence.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Make new item What portion of the note to move to the current view and make into a new item (caution: Agenda removes this text from the note): Word.........Only the word that the cursor is on. If the cursor is between 2 words, Agenda uses the one before the cursor. Line.........All text from the line that the cursor is on. All text.....All of the text in the note. Tip: If you want to keep the specified text in the note after making it into a new item, press ESC (instead of F5) to leave the note. Agenda assigns the new item to current section of view. If you specify more than 350 characters of text, Agenda makes a note for the new item to hold the extra characters.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard items Yes.......Copy the item & note text of all marked items (t) after copy? into the current note, then discard those items from the file. Agenda places all discarded items in the trash. Tip: You can recover the discarded items later in the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command. No........Copy all marked items into the current note, but don't discard them.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Append to item What portion of the note to move to the current view and insert at the end of the current item or category name (caution: Agenda removes this text from the note): Word.........Only the word that the cursor is on. If the cursor is between 2 words, Agenda uses the one before the cursor. Line.........All text from the line that the cursor is on. All text.....All of the text in the note. Tip: If you want to keep the specified text in the note after appending it to the current item or category name, press ESC (instead of F5) to leave the note. If the appended text causes the item or category name to exceed its size limit (350 characters for item, 69 for category), the extra characters remain in the note.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Discard Yes.......Leave the current note or macro and cancel the changes? changes you've just made to it. This restores the text of the note/macro to the way it was when you started editing. Caution: Operations you've performed with the File command are not cancelled (whether you select Yes or No). No........Leave the note/macro and save the changes you've made to it.
Macro editor, Fill in a box, Note editor, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Note file was (Only if current note or macro has an external file name not found. attached to it, but the file doesn't exist on disk) Create a file? Yes.......Create a new external text file using the name currently specified by the File Attach command. Agenda then takes you to the note/macro and opens this file so you can edit it. Important: Choose Yes even if you want to detach the current file name (otherwise, Agenda won't let you work with this note/macro). Then use the File Detach command. No........Don't create the external file. This also cancels your request to go to the current note/macro.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Clear Which portions of current category's definition to erase: Condition & action....Erase all conditions and actions that are defined for this category. Condition.............Erase all conditions defined for this category but keep its actions. Action................Erase all actions defined for this category but keep its conditions. Caution: Once you clear conditions or actions you can't recover them. Tip: If the category has multiple conditions or actions and you want to clear a particular one, use the Category Properties command instead.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Clear the Yes.......Erase all conditions defined for the current condition? category. Caution: Once you clear these conditions you can't recover them. Tip: If the category has multiple conditions and you want to clear a particular one, use the Category Properties command instead. No........Cancel the clear request and keep the conditions.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Clear the Yes.......Erase all actions defined for the current action? category. Caution: Once you clear these actions you can't recover them. Tip: If the category has multiple actions and you want to clear a particular one, use the Category Properties command instead. No........Cancel the clear request and keep the actions.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Copy Which portions of the source category's definition to copy to the target category: Condition & action....Erase all existing conditions and actions from the target category. Then copy all conditions and actions from the source category. Condition.............Erase all existing conditions from the target category (but keep its actions). Then copy all conditions from the source category. Action................Erase all existing actions from the target category (but keep its conditions). Then copy all actions from the source category.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Sort these Yes.......Sort the child categories of the current category categories? in alphabetical order. If the current category has no children, no sorting occurs. Tip: To sort the top level of categories in the hierarchy, highlight MAIN as the current category before you press ALT-F5 (SORT). No........Cancel the sort request and keep the categories in their current order.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Promote the Yes.......Promote the current category by moving it up one category? level in the category hierarchy. For example, if you promote the category called Finance: BEFORE PROMOTING AFTER PROMOTING Administration Administration Bob Bob Fred Fred Finance Finance Jane Jane Note: If you promote a parent category, Agenda automatically promotes its children (so they remain one level below the parent). No........Cancel the promote request and keep the category hierarchy as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Demote the Yes.......Demote the current category by moving it down one category? level in the category hierarchy. For example, if you demote the category called Louise: BEFORE DEMOTING AFTER DEMOTING Marketing Marketing Bob Bob Ed Ed Louise Louise Finance Finance Jane Jane Joan Joan No........Cancel the demote request and keep the category hierarchy as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Items in current This message means that your request to promote the current category are also category would cause one or more items to be assigned to assigned to new both a parent and child category (which is not allowed). child category Example: The item "Call Fred Quimby" is assigned to the categories Ed and Louise. If you try to promote Ed, you get this message because the item would then be invalidly assigned to a parent (Ed) and its child (Louise): BEFORE PROMOTING IF YOU PROMOTE ED Marketing Marketing Bob Bob Ed Ed Louise Louise Finance Finance Jane Jane Joan Joan Process What to do with the items that would otherwise be invalidly conflicting assigned to both the parent and child: item(s) by Removing from current category................Keep these items assigned to the new children but not the new parent (the category you're promoting). Removing from conflicting category....Keep these items assigned to new parent but not its new children. Moving to new category................Unassign these items from both the new parent and its children. Then assign them to another category. New category (If you select Moving To New Category) New or existing for item(s) category to which Agenda assigns all conflicting items.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Items in current This message means that your requested action would cause category family items to be assigned to one or more mutually exclusive are also assigned categories (which is not allowed). to new sibling categories Example: The categories Marketing and Finance are mutually exclusive. Bob and Ed are children of Marketing and both have the item "Call Fred Quimby" assigned to them. If you promote Ed, Agenda displays the conflict message. That's because the item would be assigned to both Ed (which becomes mutually exclusive) and Marketing (which inherits the item assignment from its child, Bob): BEFORE PROMOTING IF YOU PROMOTE ED +Marketing +Marketing | Bob | Bob | Ed +Ed +Finance +Finance Process What to do with the items that would otherwise be invalidly conflicting assigned to mutually exclusive categories: item(s) by Removing from current category................Unassign these items from the new mutually exclusive category (the category you're promoting). Removing from conflicting category....Unassign these items from original mutually exclusive category. Moving to new category................Unassign these items from both mutually exclusive categories. Then assign them to another category. New category (If you select Moving To New Category) New or existing for item(s) category to which Agenda assigns all conflicting items.
Fill in a box, Select a category, Category manager, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Item(s) are You have requested that the children of the current parent assigned to more category be made mutually exclusive (by using the Exclusive than one category Children setting in the Category Properties box). But the in this family file currently contains at least one item that is assigned to 2 or more of these children (which is not allowed when exclusivity is in effect). Example: The categories Bob and Ed are children of the Marketing category and both Bob and Ed have the item "Call Fred Quimby" assigned to them: Marketing Bob Ed If you then specify that Marketing is to have Exclusive Children, Agenda displays the conflict message. Assign Where to reassign items that would otherwise be invalidly conflicting assigned to the mutually exclusive child categories: item(s) to Parent category.........Unassign these items from the child categories and assign them to the parent category. Existing category.......Keep these items assigned to only the child that is closest to the parent in the hierarchy. New category............Unassign these items from the child categories and assign them to a new category (see the setting below). New category (If you select New Category) New or existing category to for item(s) which Agenda assigns all conflicting items.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Items in current This message means that your request to demote the current category are also category would cause one or more items to be assigned to assigned to new both a parent and child category (which is not allowed). parent category Example: The item "Call Fred Quimby" is assigned to the categories Ed and Louise. If you demote Louise, you get this message because the item would then be invalidly assigned to a parent (Ed) and its child (Louise): BEFORE DEMOTING IF YOU DEMOTE LOUISE Marketing Marketing Bob Bob Ed Ed Louise Louise Finance Finance Jane Jane Joan Joan Process What to do with the items that would otherwise be invalidly conflicting assigned to both the parent and child: item(s) by Removing from current category................Keep these items assigned to the new parent but not the new child (the category you're demoting). Removing from conflicting category....Keep these items assigned to the new child but not its new parent. Moving to new category................Unassign these items from both the new parent and its child. Then assign them to another category. New category (If you select Moving To New Category) New or existing for item(s) category to which Agenda assigns all conflicting items.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Erase the entire contents of the current macro existing macro? and delete its name from the macro manager list. If the macro is attached to an external file, Agenda detaches that file before deleting the macro. The contents of the external file are not affected. Caution: Once you delete a macro, you can't recover it (unless the contents are stored in an external file that you later Import or attach with the File command). No........Cancel the Delete request and keep the current macro as is.
Macro editor, Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Name The name of current macro. You can't change this setting. Tip: To change the macro name, use the Contents setting to display the macro's contents. Then edit the macro name that appears on the first line between { and }. The name can be 1 to 35 characters long. Name the macro AUTOEXEC if you want it to run whenever you open the Agenda file. Contents (Only if Macro Is Protected is set to No) Displays the macro's contents so you can read or edit it. Macro file (Optional) 1 to 8 character name of a separate text file to attach as the source of this macro's contents. If you don't specify an extension, Agenda uses the default .MAC. Specify a path if the file isn't in current directory (example: c:\info\sample.mac). When you display the macro, Agenda retrieves the contents from this file. When you edit the macro, Agenda saves the changes to this file. Attach to key (Optional) Name of a key that users can press to run this macro. Most keys (except for letters, numbers) must be enclosed between { and }. You can specify almost any key on keyboard, including: function keys {F4}, CTRL keys {CtlA}, ALT keys {AltF5}, SHIFT keys {ShfF2}, special keys {INS}. Note: You can't attach a macro to ALT-F1, ALT-F3, or ALT-Z. To specify a key in this setting, use one of these methods: · Type the key name yourself as shown in the examples above. Make sure you enclose it in braces (if required). · Or, press ALT = to have Agenda capture the key name for you automatically. Then press the actual key you want Agenda to capture (such as F4 or CTRL-A). Macro can be The parts of Agenda (View, Note, Category Manager) in which run from users can run this macro. If you attach the macro to a key, Agenda also lets you specify whether users can run it from Everywhere Else (such as from dialog boxes). Yes.....Let users run the macro from this particular part of Agenda. The macro name appears in the macro manager list when users press ALT-F3 (MACRO) while in this part of Agenda. No......Prevent users from running the macro from this part of Agenda and don't list the macro name in the macro manager while here. Tip: As long as the file isn't sealed, users can press ALT-F7 (DISPLAY) in macro manager to see names of hidden () macros. Note: Other macros can call this macro from any part of Agenda, regardless of what you specify in these settings. Macro is Yes.....Prevent users from displaying and editing this protected macro's contents, or from changing the macro's properties. No......Allow users to display the contents of this macro, edit it, and change its properties. Macro can Yes.....Allow this macro to perform any operation on the override Agenda file, regardless of the view, category, protection or macro protection that is currently in effect. (This enables you to create applications that restrict what users can do without restricting your macros.) No......Restrict what macros can do according to the view, category, or macro protection currently in effect.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Macro already (Only if the highlight is on a non-empty macro when you exists press F7 (LEARN) to turn on Learn mode and start recording keystrokes) Replace.....Replace the entire contents of this macro (except its name) with the keystrokes you're about to record. Caution: Once you replace the contents of the macro, you can't recover that info. Append......Keep the current contents of this macro and just add the newly recorded keystrokes to the end of it. Important: When you're finished recording keystrokes and want to turn off Learn mode, press ALT-F3 (MACRO).
Macro manager, Fill in a box, » Index
PURPOSE The Macro Input box is displayed by the macro you're currently running to prompt you for information. STEPS 1. Type the information that the box prompts for. If it prompts for a category or file name, you can optionally press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list. 2. Press ENTER to complete the box (or ESC to quit the box and cancel what you've entered). FOR MORE If you need to know more about this box or what you can enter HELP in it, consult the developer of the macro you're running. TECHNICAL The Macro Input Box that the macro currently displays is the NOTE result of one of these macro commands: {INPUTCAT}, {INPUTFILE}, or {INPUTTEXT}.
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PURPOSE This box is displayed by the macro you're currently running to provide you with information. STEPS 1. Use any of these keys to scroll through the info in the box: PRESS TO SCROLL ----------------- ------------------------------------------ ñ, ò Up or down one line PGUP, PGDN Up or down one page HOME, END To the beginning or end of the info 2. Press ENTER to leave the box when you're done reading. FOR MORE If you need to know more about this box or the info in it, HELP consult the developer of the macro you're running. TECHNICAL The information box that the macro currently displays is the NOTE result of the {LARGEBOX} macro command.
PURPOSE This menu is displayed by the macro you're currently running to let you select a command. SELECT A To select a command from the menu, use one of these methods: COMMAND · Press the first letter of the command. · Or, use ï, ð, HOME, and END to highlight the command and press ENTER. QUIT THE To leave the menu without selecting a command, press ESC. MENU FOR MORE If you need to know more about this menu, consult the developer HELP of the macro you're running. TECHNICAL The horizontal menu that the macro currently displays is the NOTE result of the {LOTUSMENU} macro command.
PURPOSE This menu is displayed by the macro you're currently running to let you select a command. SELECT A To select a command from the menu, use one of these methods: COMMAND · Type the first letter(s) of the command until Agenda highlights it. Then press ENTER. · Or, use ñ, ò, PGUP, PGDN, HOME, and END to highlight the command and press ENTER. QUIT THE To leave the menu without selecting a command, press ESC. MENU FOR MORE If you need to know more about this menu, consult the developer HELP of the macro you're running. TECHNICAL The vertical menu that the macro currently displays is the NOTE result of the {ROLLMENU} macro command.
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- What to copy What portion of the current text to copy to another place: Word.......Only the word that cursor is on. If cursor is between 2 words, Agenda uses word before cursor. Line.......The entire line that cursor is on. All text...All of the current text. To insert the copied text somewhere, move cursor to target location and press F2 (PASTE). You can repeat the paste step if you want to copy the text to more than one place. Tip: Another way to copy is to use F7 (MARK) to mark the text to copy before you press F3 (COPY). If you do, Agenda copies the marked text and doesn't display the Copy Box.
Fill in a box, Edit mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- What to cut What portion of the current text to remove from its present location and insert elsewhere: Word.......Only the word that cursor is on. If cursor is between 2 words, Agenda uses word before cursor. Line.......The entire line that cursor is on. All text...All of the current text. To insert the cut text somewhere, move cursor to target location and press F2 (PASTE). You can repeat the paste step if you want to insert the text in more than one place. Tip: Another way to cut is to use F7 (MARK) to mark the text to cut before you press F4 (CUT). If you do, Agenda cuts the marked text and doesn't display the Cut Box.
Fill in a box, Edit mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer Print device currently specified under Print Layout command. (You can't change this setting in the Marker Box.) Orientation Orientation of printed pages currently specified under Print Layout command. (You can't change this setting in the Marker Box.) Current The attributes (such as bold, italic) and font (such as attribute/font Times Roman 12.0pt) currently in effect for the text that the cursor is on. If current text doesn't have attribute or font markers, Agenda uses the attributes and font from the Print Layout command. To change the current attribute or font, use the Attribute and Font settings below. (Note: These settings only affect printed output, not how text appears on screen.) Attribute Which attributes to use when printing current text (from this marker to next one). Select one or more of these attributes: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore Words, Underscore All, Double Underscore Words, Double Underscore All, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Small Caps (Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations). Or, select None to remove the current attribute marker. A t appears on screen to show each attribute marker. (Use Utilities Customize command to change how markers appear.) Note: See your printer manual to find out which attributes your printer supports. Tip: Before pressing F6 (MARKER) to insert an attribute marker, you can optionally press F7 (MARK) to highlight a specific region of text to which the marker applies. Font Which font to use when printing current text (from this marker to next one). Press F3 (CHOICES) to select from a list of the available fonts for your primary or secondary printer (depending on which is specified under the Print Layout command). Or, select None to remove the current font marker. A t appears on screen to show each font marker. (Use Utilities Customize command to change how markers appear.) Note: You can specify only 1 font for a particular region of text. If you want to change which fonts are available for your printers, use the Print Setup command. Tip: Before pressing F6 (MARKER) to insert a font marker, you can optionally press F7 (MARK) to highlight a specific region of text to which the marker applies. Special Info that Agenda inserts at this place in the text when printing. For each marker, select 1 of these kinds of info: Date............Current system date when file is printed. Description.....Text that describes current Agenda file. File name.......Name of current Agenda file. Page break......Start printing a new page. (Not allowed in Header/Footer text.) Page number.....Number of current printed page. (Not allowed in item or note text.) Path name.......Path of current Agenda file. Printer code....A control sequence you enter to control the printer. (See Sequence setting.) Time............Current system time when file is printed. View name.......Name of the current (or most recent) view. None............Remove this special marker. A t appears on screen to show each special marker. (Use Utilities Customize command to change how markers appear.) Sequence (Only if Special is set to Printer Code) 1 to 24 character control sequence that tells your printer to perform one or more specific functions (such as to change colors for color printing). See your printer manual to learn which control sequences to use for your printer. For any character in the sequence, you can type \ (BACKSLASH) followed by the decimal ASCII code for that character. For instance, to specify the ESC character, type \27. Here's an example of the sequence you'd type to make an Epson FX-86e(TM) print in Condensed mode: \27\15
Fill in a box, About printing, Edit mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Delete the Yes.......Clear this attribute, font, or special marker marker? from the text. If you clear an attribute or font marker, the current text uses the attributes/font of the preceding marker. If there isn't a preceding marker, it uses the attributes/font specified under the Print Layout command. Tip: To look at this marker before you delete it, or to replace it with another marker, press F6 (MARKER) while in Edit mode. (In Edit mode, Agenda also displays info about the current font and attribute marker on line 2 of the screen.) No........Cancel the operation and keep this marker as is.
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SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Parent for new Category that is to be the parent of the newly-made category category. (The newly-made category will be a child of this parent in the category hierarchy.) You can specify either a new or existing category as the parent. Note: The name of the new (child) category comes from the text you were editing when you pressed ALT-F2 (MAKECAT). If you marked a region of text with F7 (MARK) before pressing ALT-F2, Agenda uses the marked text as the new name. Otherwise, Agenda uses the current word from the text (if the cursor is between words, Agenda uses the previous word).
Fill in a box, Select a category, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- What to delete What portion of the current text to erase: Word.......Only the word that cursor is on. If cursor is between 2 words, Agenda uses word before cursor. Line.......The entire line that cursor is on. All text...All of the current text. Caution: Once you delete text you can't recover it. Tip: Another way to delete is to use F7 (MARK) to mark the text to delete before you press ALT-F4 (DELETE). If you do, Agenda erases the marked text and doesn't display the Delete Box.
Fill in a box, Edit mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- The current file This Agenda file has become corrupted (probably due to a is damaged. The power loss/surge while it was being saved) and can't be file will be used anymore. If you want to recover info from this file, closed to avoid select Yes in the setting below. If you don't care about further damage. recovering the file's contents, select No. Save changes to Yes.......Copy the contents of the damaged file to a new another file? file name. You can then process this new file with the DB2STF utility program to recover the items, categories, notes, and certain other info from the file. See Appendix I in the User's Guide for further instructions. No........Don't make a copy of the damaged file. Filename 1 to 8 character name of the new file. Specify path if you want to save file in a directory other than current one. Don't specify a file extension (.AG is used automatically).
Fill in a box, Select a file, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Convert to Yes.......Convert the current standard category to the unindexed/date/ specified type (unindexed, date, or numeric). numeric category Once you change a category to unindexed, date, or (can't be changed numeric, you can't change its type. back)? Caution: When you convert the standard category to unindexed, date, or numeric, its children are converted to text, date, or numeric values (respectively) where possible. Children that can't be converted are discarded. No........Cancel the conversion request and keep the category as a standard category.
Fill in a box, » Index
PURPOSE By default, Agenda automatically assigns items to categories if their text matches. But you can use the File Properties or Category Properties command to make Agenda ask you to confirm these assignments before it establishes them. If you do so, Agenda displays a ? in the control panel whenever it has assignments for you to confirm. You can then confirm or cancel each of these assignments. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 Utilities Questions 2. Agenda displays a list of suggested categories to which you might want to assign a specified item. Use these keys: · To assign the item to all these categories, press TAB. · Or, choose particular categories by highlighting them (with ñ, ò, PGUP, PGDN) and pressing SPACEBAR. 3. Press ENTER. If Agenda wants you to confirm assignments for another item, it displays these. RESULT The assignments you confirm for each item become explicit assignments (which won't change if you edit that item's text).
PURPOSE You can quickly go to any section in the current view. STEPS In a view: 1. ALT-F5 (GOTO) 2. Agenda displays a list of sections. Type the name of the one you want or highlight it by using these keys: PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT ------------------ ----------------------------------------- ñ, ò Up or down one section at a time PGUP, PGDN Up or down several sections at a time HOME, END To the beginning or end of the list 3. Press ENTER. RESULT Agenda displays the section you select and highlights the section head.
PURPOSE You can copy the conditions or actions that are defined for one category to another category. STEPS In the category manager: 1. Highlight the source category (whose conditions or actions you want to copy to another category). 2. ALT-F9 (CPY C/A) 3. Highlight the target category (to which these conditions or actions are to be copied) and press ENTER. 4. If the source category has both conditions and actions, Agenda prompts you to specify what to copy (only the conditions, only the actions, or both). RESULTS When you copy only conditions, Agenda erases all existing conditions from the target category (but keeps all actions). When you copy only actions, Agenda erases all existing actions from the target category (but keeps all conditions). Copying doesn't affect the source category's conditions or actions. EXAMPLE 1 If you copy the conditions from the Fred category to the Barney category: BEFORE COPYING AFTER COPYING Calls Calls People People Fred C= North,West Fred C= North,West Barney C= South A= New Barney C= North,West A= New EXAMPLE 2 If you copy the actions from the Wilma category to the Betty category: BEFORE COPYING AFTER COPYING Ideas Ideas Schedules Schedules Staff Staff Betty A= Sales Betty A= Budgets Wilma C= Jack A= Budgets Wilma C= Jack A= Budgets
PURPOSE You can rearrange the category hierarchy by moving individual categories. STEPS In the category manager: 1. Highlight the category you want to move. 2. ALT-F10 (MOVE) 3. Highlight the category below or above which you want the moved category to appear. 4. Do one of the following: · Press ENTER to paste the category below the highlight. · Or, press CTRL-ENTER to paste it above the highlight. RESULTS Agenda moves the specified category from its present position in the hierarchy to the new position. If the category is a parent, its children move with it. NOTE Agenda won't complete the move if the category's new position would create an invalid structure in the hierarchy (for example, if you try to move a parent after one of its children).
PURPOSE Use the macro manager whenever you want to create new macros or work with the existing macros in the Agenda file. STEPS In a view, a note, or the category manager: · ALT-F3 (MACRO) USES Once you're in the macro manager, here's what you can do: PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- INS Add a new macro name to the list F7 (LEARN) Record keystrokes in highlighted macro F2 (EDITMAC) Edit the contents of highlighted macro ENTER Run highlighted macro F4 (DELETE) or DEL Delete highlighted macro F6 (PROPS) Change the properties of highlighted macro ALT-F5 (SORT) Sort the list of macros alphabetically ALT-F7 (DISPLAY) Display/hide any hidden macros in the list ALT-F10 (MOVE) Reposition highlighted macro in the list
Macro indicators, Represent keys, Macro commands, » Index
PURPOSE The easiest way to create a macro is to use Learn mode. In Learn mode, Agenda records your keystrokes in a macro. Once you turn off Learn mode, you can re-execute those keystrokes by running the macro. You can also edit the recorded macro to include macro commands. START In a view, a note, or the category manager: RECORDING 1. ALT-F3 (MACRO) 2. Do one of the following: · To record keystrokes in a new macro, press INS and type the new macro name (1 to 35 characters). Then press ENTER. · Or to record keystrokes in an existing macro, highlight its name in the list. (Agenda later prompts you to replace this macro's contents or append the new keystrokes to it.) 3. F7 (LEARN) Agenda displays the LEARN indicator in the control panel. You can now type the keystrokes you want to record in the macro. STOP From anywhere: RECORDING · ALT-F3 (MACRO) Agenda stops recording your keystrokes and saves the macro. NOTE Learn mode records the keystrokes you press but not which parts of Agenda (view, note, category manager, etc.) you're in when you press them. This means you should run the macro from the same part of Agenda in which you started recording it. Otherwise, the keystrokes in the macro will perform operations you don't intend. Example: Suppose you start recording in a view and press F7 to mark an item. If you later run this macro in the category manager, the F7 keystroke promotes a category (because that is what F7 does in the category manager). Tip: You can use settings in the Macro Properties box to control where a macro can be run. Press F6 (PROPS) in the macro manager to display the Macro Properties box.
Macro manager, » Index
INDICATORS Some indicators appear in the top line of the macro manager. IN TOP LINE They apply only to the highlighted macro: INDICATOR WHAT IT MEANS ----------- --------------------------------------------------- ¶ This macro is protected. J This macro can override protection. V You can run this macro from views. C You can run this macro from the category manager. N You can run this macro from notes. E You can run this macro from everywhere else. OTHER Other indicators may appear beside a macro in the macro manager: INDICATORS {key} The macro is attached to this key (such as {CtlA}). jj The macro is stored in an external macro file. <R1> The macro was created in an earlier Agenda release. TIP You can use the Macro Properties box to control the features these indicators refer to. Press F6 (PROPS) in macro manager.
PURPOSE While editing a macro in the macro editor, you may want to include one or more keystrokes that the macro is to perform. Agenda provides 2 methods you can use to enter these keystrokes. KEY CAPTURE You can have Agenda capture the key for you and insert the METHOD appropriate key name into the macro: 1. Press ALT = 2. Press the actual key you want to include in the macro. Example: If you type ALT = and then CTRL-A, Agenda inserts the key name {CtlA} into the macro. Note: CTRL-[, CTRL-H, CTRL-I, CTRL-J, and CTRL-M are recorded as other keys (described later). Tip: If you want to capture lots of keystrokes in a macro, you may want to use Learn mode. MANUAL Another way to insert a key into a macro is to type the key name METHOD yourself. Use the key names shown in the following table: TO REPRESENT TYPE ------------------- ------------------------------------------- Text keys The key itself (examples: a, 1, +, $) CTRL keys {CtlA}, {CtlB}, {CtlC}, etc. ALT keys {AltA}, {AltB}, {AltC}, etc. (see NOTES) Function keys {F1}, {F2}, {F3}, etc. CTRL function keys {CtlF1}, {CtlF2}, {CtlF3}, etc. ALT function keys {AltF2}, {AltF4}, {AltF5}, etc. (see NOTES) SHIFT function keys {ShfF1}, {ShfF2}, {ShfF3}, etc. TAB {TAB} BACKSPACE {BS} ENTER {ENTER} ESC {ESC} HOME {HOME} END {END} MANUAL TO REPRESENT TYPE TO REPRESENT TYPE METHOD --------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- INS {INS} CTRL-PRINTSCRN {CtlPRTSC} DEL {DEL} CTRL-ENTER {CtlENTER} ñ {UP} CTRL-HOME {CtlHOME} ò {DOWN} CTRL-END {CtlEND} ï {LEFT} CTRL-ï {CtlLEFT} ð {RIGHT} CTRL-ð {CtlRIGHT} PGUP {PGUP} CTRL-PGUP {CtlPGUP} PGDN {PGDN} CTRL-PGDN {CtlPGDN} GREY - {GREY-} SHIFT-GREY - {ALT-} GREY + {GREY+} SHIFT-GREY + {ALT+} CTRL-BREAK {CtlBRK} SHIFT-TAB {ShfTAB} CTRL-[ {ESC} SHIFT-ENTER {ShfENTER} CTRL-H {BS} CTRL-I {TAB} CTRL-J {CtlENTER} CTRL-M {ENTER} NOTES » To include a space character in a macro, just press SPACEBAR. » Initial spaces and TABs on a line are ignored. » ALT-0 through ALT-9 represent international characters. See Appendix D in the User's Guide for details. » You can't represent ALT-Z, ALT-F1, or ALT-F3 in a macro.
Macro manager, Macro commands, » Index
PURPOSE A macro is a set of keystrokes and/or commands that you create to perform tasks for you in Agenda. Whenever you run a macro, Agenda reads through the keystrokes and commands in it and executes them automatically. WORK WITH When you want to work with macros, you use the macro manager. MACROS It lists all of the macros in the current Agenda file (up to 100 of them) and lets you create new macros or edit, run, or delete existing ones. SAMPLE MACRO The following macro called SEARCHMAC prompts you for text and then searches for that text in the current view: +------------------------+ | {searchmac} |...Name of the macro (always first) | {inputtext;Enter text |...The macro command {INPUTTEXT} | to search for;%search} | | {altf6} |...The keystroke ALT-F6 | {type;%search} |...The macro command {TYPE} | {enter;2} |...The macro command {ENTER} +------------------------+
TYPES You can define string variables and numeric variables (integer or floating point) in a macro. GLOBAL VS. When you define a variable, you can make it global or local: LOCAL · A global variable is accessible by all macros in the Agenda file. It's also permanent (remains till you undefine it with {UNDEF}). To make a variable global, type %% at the beginning of its name (example: %%cost). · A local variable is accessible only by the macro in which it is defined. It's also temporary (automatically undefined when the macro finishes executing). To make a variable local, type % at the beginning of its name (example: %subtotal). EXPRESSIONS You can specify an expression wherever a numeric variable is allowed. Use expressions to perform mathematical operations or string comparisons. Operators to use: + - * / < > <= >= <> = Example: (%%parts + %labor) * .05
Macro editor, Macro commands, Special variables, » Index
PURPOSE Macro commands are instructions you can include in a macro (in addition to keystrokes) to make it perform particular operations. Agenda provides 6 kinds of macro commands. VARIABLE These commands define variables and assign values to them: DEFINITION {CLEAR} {DEFINT} {LET} {DEFFLOAT} {DEFSTR} {UNDEF} STRING These commands manipulate text stored in string variables: MANIPULATION {APPEND} {LEFTSTR} {MIDSTR} {FIND} {LENGTH} {RIGHTSTR} FLOW OF These commands control the path of the macro's execution: CONTROL {BRANCH} {GOTO} {IFKEY} {ONBREAK} {CALL} {IF} {IFNOTEQ} {ONERROR} {FOR} {IFEQ} {LABEL} {RETURN} INPUT/OUTPUT These commands get info from, and display info to, the user: {ALERT} {INPUTCAT} {INPUTTEXT} {LOTUSMENU} {GETKEY} {INPUTFILE} {LARGEBOX} {ROLLMENU} HIGHLIGHT These commands control how the highlight moves on the screen: CONTROL {UP} {PGUP} {CTLHOME} {INS} {DOWN} {PGDN} {CTLEND} {DEL} {LEFT} {CTLPGUP} {TAB} {ESC} {RIGHT} {CTLPGDN} {SHFTAB} {SELECTION} {CTLLEFT} {HOME} {BS} {CTLRIGHT} {END} {ENTER} MISCELLANEOUS These commands control macro execution and the screen display: {COMMENT} {QUIT} {TYPE} {WINDOWSON} {DEBUGOFF} {SPEED} {WINDOWSOFF} {WINDOWSUPD} {DEBUGON}
Macro manager, Macro editor, Represent keys, Syntax, About variables, Special variables, » Index
MACRO COMMAND DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- {ALERT} Purpose: Display a box with one or two messages and wait for user to press a key. Syntax: {ALERT;boxtop_message;main_message} Example: {alert;Error;Highlight is not on a category} {APPEND} Purpose: Append a string to a string variable. Syntax: {APPEND;strvar;string} Example: {append;%lastname;%firstname} {BRANCH} Purpose: Transfer control of execution to another point in the same macro. See the {GOTO} command. Syntax: {BRANCH;labelname} Example: {branch;loopb} {BS} Purpose: Perform BACKSPACE keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {BS[;number]} Example: {bs;3} {CALL} Purpose: Transfer control of execution to another macro. Current macro regains control when called macro executes {RETURN}. Syntax: {CALL;macroname[;parameter1;parameter2];...} Example: {call;addmac;John Smith;"555-1234"} {CLEAR} Purpose: Set the value of some (or all) string variables to null, or numeric variables to zero (0). Syntax: {CLEAR;var1;var2;...} or {CLEAR;ALL} Example: {clear;%custname;%address} {COMMENT} Purpose: Add explanatory text to the macro (not executed). Syntax: {COMMENT;text} Example: {comment;This is my comment text} {CTLEND} Purpose: Perform CTRL-END keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLEND[;number]} Example: {ctlend;2} {CTLHOME} Purpose: Perform CTRL-HOME keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLHOME[;number]} Example: {ctlhome;2} {CTLLEFT} Purpose: Perform CTRL-ï keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLLEFT[;number]} Example: {ctlleft;3} {CTLPGDN} Purpose: Perform CTRL-PGDN keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLPGDN[;number]} Example: {ctlpgdn;2} {CTLPGUP} Purpose: Perform CTRL-PGUP keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLPGUP[;number]} Example: {ctlpgup;4} {CTLRIGHT} Purpose: Perform CTRL-ð keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {CTLRIGHT[;number]} Example: {ctlright;3} {DEBUGOFF} Purpose: Turn off single-step macro execution. Syntax: {DEBUGOFF} {DEBUGON} Purpose: Turn on single-step macro execution (to run the macro one keystroke or instruction at a time). Syntax: {DEBUGON} {DEFFLOAT} Purpose: Define one or more numeric floating-point variables. Syntax: {DEFFLOAT;numvar1;numvar2;...} Example: {deffloat;%rate} {DEFINT} Purpose: Define one or more numeric integer variables. Syntax: {DEFINT;numvar1;numvar2;...} Example: {defint;%count} {DEFSTR} Purpose: Define one or more string variables. Syntax: {DEFSTR;strvar1;strvar2;...} Example: {defstr;%n} {DEL} Purpose: Perform DEL keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {DEL[;number]} Example: {del;5} {DOWN} Purpose: Perform ò keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {DOWN[;number]} Example: {down;7} {END} Purpose: Perform END keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {END[;number]} Example: {end;2} {ENTER} Purpose: Perform ENTER keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {ENTER[;number]} Example: {enter;2} {ESC} Purpose: Perform ESC keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {ESC[;number]} Example: {esc;3} {FIND} Purpose: Search for a string within another string. Syntax: {FIND;numvar;string1;string2;position} Example: {find;%location;one two three;three;1} {FOR} Purpose: Initiate a loop to perform a task for a certain number of times. {LABEL} ends a {FOR} loop. Syntax: {FOR;numvar;initialval;finalval;incr;labelname} Example: {for;%item;1;10;1;endloop} {GETKEY} Purpose: Pause until user presses a key, then store that keystroke in a variable. Syntax: {GETKEY;strvar} Example: {getkey;%keystrk} {GOTO} Purpose: Transfer control of execution to another macro. Control doesn't automatically return to current macro when the other macro finishes executing. Syntax: {GOTO;macroname} Example: {goto;salesmacro} {HOME} Purpose: Perform HOME keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {HOME[;number]} Example: {home;2} {IF} Purpose: Branch to a {LABEL} if an expression is true. Syntax: {IF;expression;labelname} Example: {if;(%a=%b);equal} {IFEQ} Purpose: Branch to a {LABEL} if 2 strings are equal. Syntax: {IFEQ;value1;value2;labelname} Example: {ifeq;%oldname;%newname;nochange} {IFKEY} Purpose: Branch to a {LABEL} if the user presses a key. Syntax: {IFKEY;labelname} Example: {ifkey;endloop} {IFNOTEQ} Purpose: Branch to a {LABEL} if 2 strings are not equal. Syntax: {IFNOTEQ;value1;value2;labelname} Example: {ifnoteq;%oldname;%newname;changes} {INPUTCAT} Purpose: Pause until the user enters a category name, then store that name in a variable. Syntax: {INPUTCAT;prompt_message;var} Example: {inputcat;Enter category name;%catname} {INPUTFILE} Purpose: Pause until the user enters a file name, then store that name in a variable. Syntax: {INPUTFILE;prompt_message;var} Example: {inputfile;Enter file name;%filename} {INPUTTEXT} Purpose: Pause until the user enters text, then store that text in a variable. Syntax: {INPUTTEXT;prompt_message;var} Example: {inputtext;Enter text;%usertext} {INS} Purpose: Perform INS keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {INS[;number]} Example: {ins;2} {LABEL} Purpose: Make reference point that {BRANCH}, {IF}, {IFEQ}, {IFKEY}, {IFNOTEQ}, and {FOR} can branch to. Syntax: {LABEL;labelname} Example: {label;startloop} {LARGEBOX} Purpose: Display a screen of information and wait for user to press ENTER. Syntax: {LARGEBOX[;header];string} Example: {largebox;Sales Application;Questions? Call Fred} {LEFT} Purpose: Perform ï keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {LEFT[;number]} Example: {left;7} {LEFTSTR} Purpose: Put into a string variable a certain number of the leftmost characters from another string. Syntax: {LEFTSTR;strvar;string;width} Example: {leftstr;%result;%lastname;5} {LENGTH} Purpose: Assign the number of characters in a string to a numeric variable. Syntax: {LENGTH;numvar;string} Example: {length;%namelength;%lastname} {LET} Purpose: Assign a character string to a string variable or a numeric value to a numeric variable. Syntax: {LET;var;string} or {LET;var;number} Example: {let;%region;Northeast} or {let;%count;(%x+100)} {LOTUSMENU} Purpose: Display horizontal (Lotus-style) menu across top of screen so user can select commands. Syntax: {LOTUSMENU;number;choice1;string1;label1 [;choice2;string2;label2]...} Example: {lotusmenu;2;Mark;Mark items;markstuff; Print;Print marked items;printstuff} {MIDSTR} Purpose: Put into a string variable a certain number of the characters from within another string. Syntax: {MIDSTR;strvar;string;position;width} Example: {midstr;%result;%usertext;2;10} {ONBREAK} Purpose: Transfer control to a break-handler macro if CTRL-BREAK is pressed during macro execution. Syntax: {ONBREAK;macroname} Example: {onbreak;breakmacro} {ONERROR} Purpose: Transfer control to an error-handler macro. Syntax: {ONERROR;macroname} Example: {onerror;errormacro} {PGDN} Purpose: Perform PGDN keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {PGDN[;number]} Example: {pgdn;3} {PGUP} Purpose: Perform PGUP keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {PGUP[;number]} Example: {pgup;2} {QUIT} Purpose: Terminate macro execution. Syntax: {QUIT} or {QUIT;ERROR} {RETURN} Purpose: Return control of execution to the macro that called the current macro (using {CALL}, {ONBREAK}, or {ONERROR}). Syntax: {RETURN} {RIGHT} Purpose: Perform ð keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {RIGHT[;number]} Example: {right;6} {RIGHTSTR} Purpose: Put into a string variable a certain number of the rightmost characters from another string. Syntax: {RIGHTSTR;strvar;string;width} Example: {rightstr;%result;%usertext;5} {ROLLMENU} Purpose: Display vertical menu (a box containing a list of choices) so user can select choices. Syntax: {ROLLMENU;header;prompt;number;choice1;label1 [;choice2;label2]...} Example: {rollmenu;Do you want to quit?; Highlight choice and press ENTER;2; Yes;quitstuff; No;noquitstuff} {SELECTION} Purpose: In a box containing settings, move the highlight to a specific setting. Syntax: {SELECTION;string} Example: {selection;Category name} {SHFTAB} Purpose: Perform SHIFT-TAB keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {SHFTAB[;number]} Example: {shftab;2} {SPEED} Purpose: Set speed of macro execution below normal (MAX). Syntax: {SPEED;SLOW} or {SPEED;MED} or {SPEED;FAST} or {SPEED;MAX} {TAB} Purpose: Perform TAB keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {TAB[;number]} Example: {tab;3} {TYPE} Purpose: Type the contents of a variable as if the user had typed it on the keyboard. Syntax: {TYPE;parameter} Example: {type;%name} {UNDEF} Purpose: Undefine some or all numeric & string variables. Syntax: {UNDEF;var1;var2;...} or {UNDEF;ALL} Example: {undef;%firstname} {UP} Purpose: Perform ñ keystroke a number of times. Syntax: {UP[;number]} Example: {up;5} {WINDOWSOFF} Purpose: Freeze screen display while macro is running, optionally displaying a "Please wait" box. Syntax: {WINDOWSOFF[;header;footer]} Example: {windowsoff;Sales Application;XYZ Corporation} {WINDOWSON} Purpose: Unfreeze a screen previously frozen by the {WINDOWSOFF} command. Syntax: {WINDOWSON} {WINDOWSUPD} Purpose: Update a screen previously frozen by the {WINDOWSOFF} command and then refreeze it. Syntax: {WINDOWSUPD}
Editor, About commands, About variables, Special variables, » Index
PURPOSE Agenda provides several special variables you can include in macro commands. Each special variable returns a particular kind of value, such as the current date. EXAMPLE To make the macro type the current date on the screen, you use the special variable #DATE in the {TYPE} macro command: {type;#date} WHAT THEY SPECIAL VARIABLE VALUE IT RETURNS ARE ----------------- -------------------------------------------- #ARGCOUNT Number of {CALL} arguments to be executed #ASCII(nnn) Character with the ASCII value nnn #CLIPBOARD Current contents of cut/copy clipboard #DATE Current system date #DEPTH Level of highlighted category in hierarchy #ERRMSG Message text of last error that occurred #ERRNO Number of last error that occurred #FALSE False value (or 0) #FILENAME Name and extension of current Agenda file #FILEPATH Path of current Agenda file (excluding name) #HIGHLIGHT_TYPE What kind of entity is currently highlighted #HIGHLIGHT_VALUE Value of the currently highlighted entity #KEYHIT True (1) if user hits key, false (0) if not #MARK_COUNT Number of marked items in current file #MARKED_IN_VIEW Number of marked items in current view #MODE What part of Agenda you're currently in #NULL Null value (or empty) #PROMPT Name of highlighted setting in a box #TIME Current system time #TRUE True value (or 1) #VIEWNAME Name of current or most recent view
Macro editor, Command syntax, About variables, » Index
PURPOSE Use the macro editor whenever you want to display, enter, or modify the contents of any macro. TO GET In the macro manager: THERE 1. Highlight the macro you want to edit. 2. F2 (EDITMAC) BASIC EDIT While you're in the macro editor, use these basic editing keys: KEYS PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- DEL Delete highlighted character BACKSPACE Delete previous character INS Switch between Insert and Overwrite mode TAB Insert several spaces (to the next tab stop) ENTER or ALT-M Insert a new line CTRL-BACKSPACE Delete previous word ALT-W Delete next word CTRL-ENTER Delete from highlight to end of line HIGHLIGHT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT MOVEMENT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ñ, ò Up/down one line ï, ð Left/right one character PGUP, PGDN Up/down one page CTRL-ï, CTRL-ð Left/right one word HOME, END To beginning/end of line CTRL-HOME To beginning of macro CTRL-END To end of macro BLOCK PRESS IF YOU WANT TO EDITING ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F7 (MARK) Mark region of text to cut, copy, or delete F3 (COPY) Copy marked (or other) text F4 (CUT) Move marked (or other) text F2 (PASTE) Paste the copied or cut text at new location ALT-F4 (DELETE) Delete marked (or other) text from macro OTHER USE IF YOU WANT TO FEATURES ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ALT-F6 (SEARCH) Find and/or replace text in the macro ALT-F1 (COMPOSE) Insert a non-keyboard character at highlight ALT-D or ALT-T Insert current date or time at highlight F10 Clear Clear the contents of the macro F10 Print Print the macro F10 Import Insert contents of a text file at highlight F10 Export Copy contents of the macro to a text file F10 File Maintain the macro in an external file (jj) LEAVE To leave the macro editor and save your changes to the macro, AND SAVE do one of the following: · To return to macro manager, use F5 (RETURN) or F10 Return. · Or, quit Agenda completely by using ALT-Q or F10 Quit. CANCEL To leave the macro editor but cancel the changes you've made: CHANGES · Press ESC. Agenda returns you to the macro manager.
Represent keys, Macro commands, » Index
PURPOSE When you type a macro, the macro editor normally stores it in the Agenda file. But you can store it instead in a new external (ASCII) file if you attach a file name before typing the macro. Or, you can attach an existing external file that contains a macro you typed in a word processor or exported from Agenda. STEPS In the macro editor: 1. F10 File Attach 2. Enter the name of the external file (and path, if necessary). Or, in the macro manager: 1. Highlight the macro and press F6 (PROPS) 2. Complete the Macro File setting with the name of the external file (and path, if necessary). NOTES » The keystrokes and commands in the attached file can't exceed 2,000 characters (including comments: 10,000 characters). » You can attach an external macro file to many Agenda files. RESULT The macro manager displays jj next to macros with attached files.
PURPOSE Use the note editor whenever you want to display, enter, or modify the contents of a note. TO GET In a view or the category manager: THERE 1. Highlight the item or category whose note you want to edit. 2. F5 (NOTE) BASIC EDIT While you're in the note editor, use these basic editing keys: KEYS PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- DEL Delete highlighted character BACKSPACE Delete previous character INS Switch between Insert and Overwrite mode TAB Insert several spaces (to the next tab stop) ENTER or ALT-M Insert a new line CTRL-BACKSPACE Delete previous word ALT-W Delete next word CTRL-ENTER Delete from highlight to end of line HIGHLIGHT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT MOVEMENT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ñ, ò Up/down one line ï, ð Left/right one character PGUP, PGDN Up/down one page CTRL-ï, CTRL-ð Left/right one word HOME, END To beginning/end of line CTRL-HOME To beginning of note CTRL-END To end of note BLOCK PRESS IF YOU WANT TO EDITING ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F7 (MARK) Mark region of text to cut, copy, or delete F3 (COPY) Copy marked (or other) text F4 (CUT) Move marked (or other) text F2 (PASTE) Paste the copied or cut text at new location ALT-F4 (DELETE) Delete marked (or other) text from note F6 (MARKER) Change attributes or font of marked text CATEGORY PRESS IF YOU WANT TO AND ITEM ------------------ -------------------------------------------- CREATION ALT-F2 (MAKECAT) Make current word (or marked text) into new category (without removing it from the note) ALT-F7 (MAKEITM) Make marked (or other) text into a new item (and remove it from the note) ALT-F8 (GETITMS) Copy marked items (t) and their notes into the current note ALT-F9 (APPEND) Move marked (or other) text from the note to end of current item text or category name OTHER USE IF YOU WANT TO FEATURES ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ALT-F6 (SEARCH) Find and/or replace text in the note ALT-F1 (COMPOSE) Insert a non-keyboard character at highlight ALT-D or ALT-T Insert current date or time at highlight F6 (MARKER) Insert special information at highlight F10 Clear Clear the contents of the note F10 Print Print the note OTHER USE IF YOU WANT TO FEATURES ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F10 Import Insert contents of a text file at highlight F10 Export Copy contents of the note to a text file F10 File Maintain the note in an external file (jj) LEAVE To leave the note editor, do one of the following: USE IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F10 Return or F5 Save your changes to the note and return to the view or category manager F10 Quit or ALT-Q Save your changes to the note and quit Agenda ALT-N or ALT-P Display the note for next/previous item or category (and optionally save your changes) ESC Cancel your changes to the note and return to the view or category manager
Display category notes in a column, » Index
PURPOSE Use Edit mode to edit text (such as items, category names, view names, descriptions) anywhere in Agenda. START Sometimes Agenda puts you in Edit mode automatically (such as EDIT MODE when you insert a new item in a view) -- look for the EDIT indicator in the top right corner of the screen. But if you aren't already in Edit mode: 1. Highlight the item, category, setting, or other text to edit. 2. F2 (EDIT) BASIC EDIT While you're in Edit mode, use these basic editing keys: KEYS PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- DEL Delete highlighted character BACKSPACE Delete previous character CTRL-BACKSPACE Delete previous word ALT-W Delete next word CTRL-ENTER Delete from highlight to end of line HIGHLIGHT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT MOVEMENT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ñ, ò Up/down one line ï, ð Left/right one character CTRL-ï, CTRL-ð Left/right one word HOME, END To beginning/end of line CTRL-HOME To beginning of text CTRL-END To end of text BLOCK PRESS IF YOU WANT TO EDITING ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F7 (MARK) Mark region of text to cut, copy, or delete F3 (COPY) Copy marked (or other) text F4 (CUT) Move marked (or other) text F2 (PASTE) Paste the copied or cut text at new location ALT-F4 (DELETE) Delete marked (or other) text SPECIAL To insert a non-keyboard character at the highlight: CHARACTERS 1. ALT-F1 (COMPOSE) 2. Type a key sequence (see Appendix D in the User's Guide). ITEM You can use these additional keys when editing items in a view: EDITING PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F6 (MARKER) Change attributes or font of marked text, or insert special info at highlight (note: you can also use this key when editing a print header or footer) ALT-F2 (MAKECAT) Make current word (or marked text) into new category (without removing it from the item) ALT-F7 (SPLIT) Split current item into 2 separate items at highlight (or if you've marked text, make that text a separate item) ALT-D or ALT-T Insert current date or time at highlight ALT-M Insert a new line within current item ALT-N or ALT-P Accept edits to current item and edit next or previous item in the view ALT-I Accept edits to current item and insert a new item in the view ITEM PRESS IF YOU WANT TO EDITING ------------------ -------------------------------------------- INS Accept edits to current item (or to current section/column head) and insert a new item in the view (note: you can also use INS when editing a column entry, but it inserts a new column entry instead of a new item) TAB Accept edits to current item (or category) in the view and travel 1 column to the right SHIFT-TAB Accept edits to current item (or category) in the view and travel 1 column to the left LEAVE Do either of the following: EDIT MODE · Press ENTER to accept your edits. · Or, press ESC to cancel your edits. NOTE Once you edit an item or a category name, you see your changes reflected everywhere that item or category name appears.
PURPOSE When you select commands or press keys, Agenda often displays dialog boxes on the screen. A dialog box contains 1 or more settings that you can fill in to tell Agenda what to do. STEPS 1. Fill in or change the appropriate settings in the box. Note: You often don't need to complete every setting. That's because many have a default value and others are optional. 2. Either: · Press ENTER to leave the box and accept your changes. · Or, press ESC to leave the box and cancel your changes. HIGHLIGHT To move the highlight from one setting to another in the box: MOVEMENT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ñ, ò Up/down one setting ð or TAB Right one setting ï or SHIFT-TAB Left one setting (BACKSPACE also does this) HOME, END To first/last setting in box COMPLETE To work with the setting you've highlighted: A SETTING IF THE SETTING PRESS or TYPE TO DO THIS ---------------- ------------------ -------------------------- Provides a list F3 (CHOICES) Display a list of choices of choices you can select from SPACEBAR Cycle through the choices one at a time A letter key Select the choice that begins with that letter Lets you type Your new text or Replace the current text or a value value, then ENTER contents of the setting F2 (EDIT) Edit the current contents CTRL-ENTER Clear the setting COMPLETE IF THE SETTING PRESS or TYPE TO DO THIS A SETTING ---------------- ------------------ -------------------------- Displays SPACEBAR Display a secondary ellipses (...) dialog box that contains related settings or info SPEED TIP Press SHIFT-ENTER instead of ENTER if you want to complete the current setting AND the dialog box in one keystroke. RESTORE Once you change a setting, you may decide to change it back to DEFAULTS its original (default) value. Do one of the following: PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- F8 (DEFAULT) Restore the highlighted setting to its default value ALT-F8 (DFLTALL) Restore all settings in the box to their default values Note: Use File Properties command (Update Defaults) to change the values that Agenda uses as defaults for certain settings.
PURPOSE To help you fill in settings in a dialog box, Agenda often provides a list of choices from which you can select. DISPLAY THE 1. Highlight the setting for which you want to display choices. CHOICE LIST 2. F3 (CHOICES) Agenda displays a box containing a list of choices (if available for that setting). SELECT A 1. Highlight a choice from the list using one of these methods: CHOICE · Use ñ, ò, PGUP, PGDN, HOME, and END to highlight a choice. · Or, start typing the name of the choice until Agenda highlights it. 2. Either: · Press ENTER to leave the choice list and select the highlighted choice. · Or, press ESC to leave the choice list without selecting a choice. RESULT If you select a choice from the list, Agenda displays that choice in the setting you're filling in.
PURPOSE One way you can tell Agenda what to do is to select commands from the menu. (Another way is to press particular keys.) DISPLAY In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: THE MENU · F10 (MENU) or / Agenda displays a menu of commands at the top of the screen. SELECT A Use one of these methods: COMMAND · Press the first letter of the command. · Or, use ð, ï, HOME, and END to highlight the command and press ENTER. Agenda may then prompt you for more info by displaying a submenu or a box that you must complete or select from. CANCEL A If you change your mind about a command, you can usually cancel COMMAND it (as long as it's not yet completed). Do one of the following: · Press ESC to back up one step at a time. · Or, press CTRL-BREAK to back all the way out of the menu.
List of commands and keys, » Index
PURPOSE You can use Agenda to print views, notes, macros, info from the category hierarchy, and info about the file. BEFORE YOU When installing Agenda on your computer, you must specify the PRINT printer(s) you want to use. If you later decide to use other printers, you must run the install program again to specify them. See the Setting Up Agenda manual for details. PRINT Once you identify your printers, you can use Agenda to perform FEATURES any of these print services: · Set up the printer ports and fonts for your primary and secondary printers · Lay out how the printed document is to look · Preview the document on screen before printing it on paper · Print the final document on paper For convenience, you can also store your Layout, Preview, and Final print settings in a separate NPS file so you can use them later with a different view or Agenda file.
PURPOSE You can choose which of your installed printers to use in Agenda as the primary and secondary printers. Then you can identify the output ports for these printers and the fonts that are available for them to print. STEPS In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: 1. F10 Print Setup 2. Change the appropriate settings in the Print Setup box and press ENTER. (These settings apply to all parts of Agenda: views, notes, the category manager, and the macro editor.) NOTES » You don't need to use Print Setup every time you print, only if you want to redefine your primary or secondary printers. » The settings you specify in Print Setup apply to all printing in Agenda, not just to the current Agenda file. » Print Setup just defines the fonts that your printers are able to print. To specify which of these fonts to actually print in a particular document, use the Print Layout command. » Print Setup settings are not affected when you use NPS files.
About printing, Preview display driver, » Index
PURPOSE You can control how a document is to look when printed. Agenda lets you specify margins, spacing, fonts, text attributes, and header/footer text. STEPS In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: 1. F10 Print Layout 2. Change the appropriate settings in the Print Layout box and press ENTER. The settings that appear depend on the part of Agenda you're using. For more info, see: · Layout settings in a view · Layout settings in the category manager · Layout settings in the note/macro editor NOTES » If you change the default Layout settings (for views, category manager, or notes/macros), Agenda saves those new settings in the current Agenda file. » To use your Layout settings as the defaults in all new Agenda files, use the File Properties command (Update Defaults). » Print Layout settings are affected when you use NPS files.
About printing, » Index
PURPOSE Before you print a document on paper, you can preview it on the screen to see how it will look. STEPS In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: 1. F10 Print Preview 2. Change the appropriate settings in the Print Preview box and press ENTER. Agenda then puts you in Preview mode and displays the formatted document on the screen. NOTES » In order to use Print Preview, your computer must have a graphics display adapter card (specified during installation). » To specify a different graphics display adapter card: 1. F10 Print Setup 2. Fill in the Print Preview Display Driver setting. (You must specify a choice other than None.) » Print Preview settings are affected when you use NPS files. » To preview a document longer than 50 pages, you may need to increase the Maximum Memory for Printing. Use the Utilities Customize command to change this setting.
About printing, » Index
PURPOSE Once you've formatted a document and (optionally) previewed how it will look, you're ready to print it. Agenda lets you specify what info from the current file to print and where to print it (to a printer or a file). STEPS In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: 1. F10 Print Final 2. Change the appropriate settings in the Print Final box and press ENTER. The settings that appear depend on the part of Agenda you're using. For more info, see: · Final settings in a view · Final settings in the category manager · Final settings in the note/macro editor NOTES » Print Final settings are affected when you use NPS files. » To print a document longer than 50 pages, you may need to increase the Maximum Memory for Printing. Use the Utilities Customize command to change this setting.
About printing, » Index
PURPOSE Once you enter Layout, Preview, and Final settings to print documents a particular way, you can save those settings in a named print settings (NPS) file for later use elsewhere. USES After you save an NPS file you can: · Retrieve it in other Agenda files to replace their Layout, Preview, and Final print settings (for views, notes, the category manager, and the macro editor). · Attach it to individual views in any Agenda file. In this case, the NPS file's settings affect only the view they're attached to (they don't affect other views). SAVE AN In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: NPS FILE 1. F10 Print Named Save 2. Either: · Type the file name (including a path, if necessary). · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick a file. By default, Agenda gives the file the extension NPS. ABOUT THE Once you save an NPS file, it contains the Layout, Preview, and SAVED NPS Final print settings from all parts of the current Agenda file FILE (view print settings, category manager print settings, and note/macro editor print settings). It doesn't matter whether you're in a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor when you use the Print Named Save command. Remember that NPS files are stored separately from Agenda files. You can save as many NPS files as you need. RETRIEVE AN In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: NPS FILE 1. F10 Print Named Retrieve 2. Either: · Type the file name (including a path, if necessary). · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick a file. Agenda uses the settings from this NPS file as the new defaults for the current Agenda file (doesn't affect views with attached NPS files). ATTACH AN 1. Display the view to which you want to attach the NPS file. NPS FILE 2. Select one of the following commands: TO A VIEW · F10 Print Named Attach · Or, F10 View Properties and then highlight the Named Print Set setting 3. Enter the name of the NPS file using either of these methods: · Type the file name (including a path, if necessary). · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick a file. Agenda uses the settings from this NPS file as the new defaults for the current view. DETACH AN If you don't want a view to be attached to an NPS file anymore: NPS FILE 1. Display the view. FROM A VIEW 2. Select one of the following commands: · F10 Print Named Detach · Or, F10 View Properties and then clear the Named Print Set setting (press CTRL-ENTER) The view now uses the default print settings of the Agenda file. Note: Detaching doesn't delete the NPS file from disk. ERASE AN If you don't need a particular NPS file anymore, you can erase NPS FILE it from disk. In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor: 1. F10 Print Named Erase 2. Either: · Type the file name (including a path, if necessary). · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick a file. Important: When you erase an NPS file, Agenda automatically detaches it from all views it was attached to in the current Agenda file. If the erased NPS file is attached to views in other Agenda files, you are prompted to detach it when you work with those Agenda files.
About printing, » Index
PURPOSE Whenever Agenda displays a list of categories to select from, you can use this list to manipulate the category hierarchy before making your selection(s). You can use a subset of the features from the category manager. EXAMPLE If you press F3 (CHOICES) while highlighting a Category Name setting in a dialog box, Agenda displays a list of categories. Before selecting a category for the setting, you can insert, delete, or modify categories. HIGHLIGHT To move the highlight from one category to another in the list: MOVEMENT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ñ or BACKSPACE Up one category ò Down one category PGUP Up one screen PGDN Down one screen HOME To parent of current family END To last child of current family HIGHLIGHT PRESS TO MOVE THE HIGHLIGHT MOVEMENT ------------------ -------------------------------------------- CTRL-PGUP To previous sibling CTRL-PGDN To next sibling CTRL-HOME To first category in hierarchy (MAIN) CTRL-END To last category in hierarchy ADD A NEW You can use these keys to add new categories to the hierarchy: CATEGORY PRESS TO ADD ------------------ -------------------------------------------- INS or ALT-D A new sibling category below the highlight or ALT-I ALT-U A new sibling category above the highlight ALT-L A new uncle of the highlighted category ALT-R A new child of the highlighted category MAKE OTHER You can use these keys to manipulate existing categories: CHANGES PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- F2 (EDIT) Change the name of highlighted category F6 (PROPS) Change properties of highlighted category ALT-F4 (DISCARD) Delete highlighted category from the file or DEL EXPAND AND You can use these keys to control how families of categories are COLLAPSE displayed in the hierarchy: FAMILIES PRESS IF YOU WANT TO ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ALT - Collapse the highlighted parent category to hide its children ALT + Expand the highlighted parent category to display its children
PURPOSE Agenda is a personal information manager that gives you control over facts, notes, names, plans, numbers, dates, and more. USES People use Agenda to accomplish such tasks as these: · Track & refine ideas · Keep lists · Collect meeting notes · Sift & analyze information · Prepare plans · Schedule activities HOW IT WORKS Agenda collects many diverse pieces of information and then finds the connections among them. So it can turn thousands of unrelated facts into a network of knowledge that you can view and manipulate from many perspectives. BASIC STEPS To use Agenda, you perform these basic steps: 1. Enter items of information. 2. Organize these items into categories. 3. Display various views of these items and categories.
About files, Use starter applications, Add notes, » Index
PURPOSE For your convenience, the Agenda package includes four applications that are ready for you to use. They're called starter applications because they can get you started using Agenda right away. WHAT THEY STARTER APPLICATION USE IT IF YOU WANT TO ARE -------------------- ------------------------------------------ Planner Track daily business activities, plan schedules, make contact lists, note ideas. Account Track accounts in a sales/support environment, report on issues or progress. People Track the goals/progress of people in an organization who report to you. Infosift Organize and analyze info imported from external sources (such as CD-ROM). TO USE In a view: THEM 1. F10 File Retrieve 2. Type the path C:\AGENDA\APPS\ followed by the name of the starter application you want (such as PLANNER). Press ENTER.
PURPOSE Agenda displays indicators on the screen to give you status messages and information about the current file. MODE AND Mode and message indicators are short, capitalized words that MESSAGE usually appear in the upper right corner of the control panel. INDICATORS They tell you about special processing modes you're using (example: EDIT) or give you status messages (example: WAIT). SYMBOLS Symbols are special characters (examples: jj, !!, t) that appear on various parts of the screen. They primarily tell you about the characteristics of items and categories. The symbols you see depend on the part of Agenda you're using. For more info, see: · View indicators · Category manager indicators · Macro manager indicators In addition to these symbols, you may see * in the view manager to indicate which views are datebook views.
IF YOU SEE IT MEANS ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- AUTOC Agenda is using automatic completion to try to match what you type with an existing category or choice. BROWSE You're browsing through a view by date (Browse mode). DEBUG You're debugging a macro. DISK! The disk is full (you need to obtain more disk space). Agenda automatically turns off all conditions and actions. DMGD! The current Agenda file is damaged. See Appendix I in the User's Guide for recovery instructions. EDIT You're editing text (Edit mode) and can use editing keys. INS You're inserting characters (Insert mode) in the note/macro editor. INS is the opposite of OVR. LEARN You're recording keystrokes in a macro (Learn mode). LIMIT! The current Agenda file is approaching maximum size (about 5.5 megabytes). You should avoid adding much more to it. OVR You're overwriting characters (Overwrite mode) in the note/macro editor. OVR is the opposite of INS. READ ONLY You're accessing an Agenda file from the network but don't have a reservation. So you can read it but not write to it. WAIT Agenda is busy working on a task and must complete it before starting another. WRKG Agenda is working on a task in the background. You can continue typing to do other work and Agenda interrupts the background task to carry out your request.
About indicators, » Index
IF YOU SEE HERE IT MEANS ------------ ------------------ -------------------------------------------- ð, ï, ñ, ò, Control panel You can scroll the screen in the direction ó, or ô of the arrow(s) to see more. · Left of item The adjacent text is an item. (To change item tag symbol, use Utilities Customize.) t Left of item The item is marked for further processing. Control panel The view contains marked items. !! Left of item The item is designated as done. j Control panel The highlighted item or category has a note. or left of item jj Control panel The highlighted item or category has an or left of item external note file attached. @ Left of item The item has an alarm. Control panel An alarm has sounded in the file. (To see it, use the Utilities Show Alarm command.) & Left of item The item depends on completion of other item(s). (To see the prerequisite items, use the Utilities Show Prereqs command.) * Control panel The highlight is on a date category or a date value. # Control panel The highlight is on a numeric category or a numeric value. D Control panel The highlight is on an unindexed category or an unindexed value. ? Control panel File contains unconfirmed text assignments. (To confirm them, use Utilities Questions.) § Right of section The section is collapsed and has items not head currently shown. (Press ALT + to expand the current section.) * Star column Adjacent item is assigned to (or inherited by) the category used as the column head. » Left of item or The item or category is currently selected. category o Control panel File contains conditions and/or actions that lead to circular references. (To see them, use the Utilities Show Circular command.) ***** Numeric column The number is too large to be displayed in this column. (To increase the column width, use the View Column Width command.) ..... Calculation area No value is currently available for this of numeric column calculation. [Hide Empty] Control panel Empty sections (with no items) in view are not displayed. (To display them, use the View Properties command.) [Hide Done] Control panel Done items in view are not displayed. (To display them, use View Properties.) [Hide Control panel Dependent items in view are not displayed. Dependent] (To display them, use View Properties.) [Hide Control panel Inherited items in view are not displayed. Inherited] (To display them, use View Properties.) [category] Control panel or The view or section has a filter that right of section displays only those items assigned to this head category. If it's a date or numeric filter, you may also see a value range. For example: [when(todayótomorrow)] [-category] Control panel or The view or section has a filter that right of section displays only those items not assigned to head this category.
About indicators, » Index
PURPOSE When you use date/numeric filters, date/numeric conditions, or date/numeric actions, you can specify a range of values for them. To display these ranges on the screen, Agenda uses the symbols shown below. WHAT THEY IF YOU SEE THE RANGE OF VALID VALUES IS ARE -------------------- ------------------------------------------ category(startóend) Greater than or equal to start AND less than or equal to end category(startó) Greater than or equal to start category(óend) Less than or equal to end category(value) That value exactly category-(startóend) Less than start OR greater than end (in other words, not between start and end) category-(startó) Less than start category-(óend) Greater than end category-(value) Any value except this one
Category manager indicators, About indicators, View indicators, » Index
IF YOU SEE HERE IT MEANS ------------ ------------------ -------------------------------------------- j Left of category The category has a note. jj Left of category The category has an external note file attached. * Left of category This is a date category. # Left of category This is a numeric category. D Left of category This is an unindexed category. +- Left of category The sibling categories in this grouping are +- mutually exclusive. +- +- ¶ Right of category The category is protected. ~¶ Right of category The category is not protected. ? Right of category Agenda asks you to confirm some or all text assignments for this category. (To confirm them, use Utilities Questions.) ~? Right of category Agenda makes text assignments to this category without asking for confirmation. ª Right of category The category can't have new children. ~ª Right of category The category can have new children. ± Right of category If a new assignment to this category conflicts with an old assignment, Agenda keeps the old and ignores the new. ~± Right of category If a new assignment to this category conflicts with an old assignment, Agenda uses the new and breaks the old. ... Right of category This parent category is collapsed and has children not shown. (Press ALT + to expand the highlighted category.) A= Right of category The category has an assignment, date, or numeric action. C= Right of category The category has an assignment, date, or numeric condition. O or o Right of category Agenda executes this category's conditions only on demand (when you use the Utilities Execute command, ALT-E, or ALT-X). N or n Right of category This category's conditions are disabled (so they are never executed). ó Right of category You can't make explicit assignments to this category. & Right of category An item must meet one of this category's text conditions AND one of its other conditions. | Right of category An item must meet one of this category's text conditions OR one of its other conditions. -category Right of category The condition applies to items not assigned to this category. Or, the action breaks assignments of items to this category. category Right of category The condition applies to items assigned to this category. Or, the action assigns items to this category. If it's a date or numeric condition/action, you may also see a value range. For example: when(todayótomorrow) S= Right of category The category has a special action. Mark Done Right of category When an item is assigned to this category (or to one of its children), Agenda enters the current date as the item's Done date and marks the item done (!!). Export Right of category When an item is assigned to this category (or to one of its children), Agenda saves the item in a structured text file. Discard Right of category When an item is assigned to this category (or to one of its children), Agenda puts the item in the trash. T= Right of category The category has a text condition. n% Right of category Text matches must be this strong in order for items to be assigned to the category. Both Right of category Agenda searches both an item & its note for text that matches this category. Item Right of category Agenda searches only the item itself for text that matches this category. Note Right of category Agenda searches only the item's note for text that matches this category. ( ) In text condition Agenda matches only text that has same word order as text enclosed in parentheses. ; In text condition Indicates how 2 text conditions are related: Items must match one OR the other. , In text condition Indicates how 2 text conditions are related: Items must match both (one AND the other). " " In text condition Agenda ignores the enclosed text when searching for matches. ^ In text condition Agenda matches the following text only if words have the same suffixes. ~ In text condition Agenda matches the following text only if case (uppercase/lowercase) is the same. ! In text condition The text following ! can't be in the match text. (Agenda matches text that doesn't include this unwanted text.) \ In text condition The text following \ is a control character that Agenda treats as regular text. ? In text condition Agenda matches any single character to this wild card. * In text condition Agenda matches any string of 0 or more characters to this wild card. WHAT YOU The category manager doesn't display symbols for features that WON'T SEE are set to the global default, only for features you've set locally for a category. Use the Category Properties command to check these settings for a particular category. TO HIDE You can choose to hide or display condition/action symbols in INDICATORS the category manager. Here's what to do: · ALT-F7 (SHOWC/A) Tip: You can also do this (from a view) by using the Utilities Customize command.
About indicators, » Index
PURPOSE When you finish using Agenda, you can go back to the operating system by quitting. STEPS In a view, a note, the category manager, or the macro editor, do either of the following: · F10 Quit · Or, ALT-Q RESULT Agenda automatically saves the current file and then ends your current session. The operating system appears on the screen. NOTE If you want to quit Agenda without saving your changes to the current file, first use the File Abandon command.
Suspend a session, » Index
PURPOSE You can leave Agenda temporarily without ending your current session. This enables you to use the operating system or run another program and then resume your Agenda session. GO TO THE In a view: OPERATING 1. F10 System SYSTEM Agenda automatically saves the current file and then suspends your session. The operating system appears on the screen. 2. Enter the operating system command(s) you want to perform. 3. To resume your Agenda session, type EXIT and press ENTER. RUN ANOTHER In a view: PROGRAM 1. F10 Utilities Launch 2. Type the name of the program to run (including the path, if necessary) and press ENTER. Agenda automatically saves the current file and suspends your session. Then it runs the specified program. 3. When done with the launched program, exit from it as you normally would. Your Agenda session resumes automatically. NOTES » If you want to suspend your session without saving your changes to the current file, first use the File Abandon command. » During a suspended session, don't run terminate-and-stay- resident (TSR) programs (such as Lotus Metro). » Also, don't use memory-resident DOS commands (such as PRINT.COM or MODE.COM) unless you load them before starting Agenda.
Quit Agenda, » Index
PURPOSE If your computer is attached to a local area network (LAN), you can share Agenda files with other network users. GET Before working with network files in Agenda, you need to know: STARTED · How to connect to the network · What path to type in Agenda when saving and retrieving network files Ask your network administrator for assistance. ACCESS Once you're connected, you work with network files using the FILES same commands that you use for local files. For example: · To retrieve a network file: F10 File Retrieve · To save a network file: F10 File Save While you use network files you also need to know about a feature called file reservations. ABOUT FILE Agenda uses file reservations to control who can read or save RESERVATIONS a particular file at a given moment: · If you just want to read a file (Read-Only mode), you don't need a reservation for it. Multiple users can read a file at the same time. · If you want to save a file, you must have a reservation for it. Only one user at a time can have the reservation for a particular file. (This ensures that one user doesn't write over the changes of another user.) AUTOMATIC When you retrieve a file that no other users are currently RESERVATION accessing, Agenda automatically gets you the reservation for that file. If someone else already has the reservation, Agenda retrieves the file in Read-Only mode. RELEASE THE Agenda automatically releases your file reservation if you quit RESERVATION Agenda, retrieve a different file, or save the file to a new file name. You can also release the reservation yourself (if you aren't going to save the file but another user wants to). In a view: · F10 File Maintenance Reservation IF YOU DON'T For some files, you may not want Agenda to automatically get you WANT AN a reservation. For example, you may often retrieve the network AUTOMATIC file ACCOUNTS just to read it, but you never save it. For a RESERVATION file like this, you can make Agenda ask you (whenever you retrieve the file) whether or not to get the reservation for it. In a view: 1. Retrieve the file. 2. F10 File Properties 3. Change the Get Reservation setting from Automatically to Manually. Then press ENTER. GET THE If you're currently accessing a file in Read-Only mode but want RESERVATION to save it, you can try to get the reservation. MANUALLY In a view: · F10 File Maintenance Reservation If no other user has the reservation, Agenda gets it for you. You can now make changes to the file and save it. Caution: Avoid making changes until after you get the reservation. Otherwise, your changes may conflict with those of another user and prevent you from getting the reservation.
PURPOSE You can erase an Agenda file from disk if you no longer need it. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 File Maintenance Erase 2. Either: · Highlight the file name in the list. · Or, type the file name (including a path, if necessary). 3. Press ENTER. RESULT This command erases the Agenda file (extension .AG) from disk. But it does not erase the backup file (extension .BG). Tip: If you want to erase the backup file, repeat the steps above. NOTE You can't erase the file you're currently using.
Select a file, » Index
PROBLEM If your Agenda file approaches the maximum size (about 5.5 megabytes), Agenda displays the LIMIT! indicator in the upper right corner of the screen. This means you can't add much more to the file. SOLUTIONS To reduce the size of this file you can do any of the following: · Clear deleted items from the trash: F10 Utilities Trash · Compress the file to recover unused space: F10 File Maintenance Compress · Discard done (!!) items or export them to a structured file: F10 File Properties (Global Date Settings) · Store notes and macros in external text files: F10 Export and then F10 File Attach · Break the file into 2 or more smaller files: F10 File Transfer Export/Import
PURPOSE You can get information in and out of Agenda by importing and exporting. This enables you to work with information from many different sources and share information with other programs. TYPES OF Agenda lets you import and export information in several IMPORT AND different ways. You can: EXPORT · Import/export structured text (STF) files · Copy the structure of an Agenda file · Copy an entire Agenda file · Import/export note text · Import/export macro text
Save an Agenda file, Retrieve an Agenda file, » Index
PURPOSE You can copy (export) the complete structure of the current Agenda file to a new Agenda file. The new Agenda file contains the category hierarchy, views, macros, conditions, and actions of the original file, but no items or assignments. This enables you to create a template of the current file and give it to other users who want to enter their own items. STEPS In a view: 1. Retrieve the Agenda file whose structure you want to copy. 2. F10 File Transfer Template 3. Specify the new (or existing) Agenda file to which the structure will be copied. Either: · Highlight the file name in the list. · Or, type the file name (including a path, if necessary). NOTES » If you copy the structure to an existing Agenda file, the previous contents of that file are overwritten. » The current Agenda file is not affected by this command.
Select a file, About importing/exporting, » Index
PURPOSE You can use structured text (STF) files to import items, categories, and other info from outside sources into an Agenda file. You can also use STF files to export items, categories, and other info from one Agenda file to another. WHAT YOU The outside sources from which you can import info include: CAN IMPORT · Word processing documents · Lotus Metro List Manager files · Electronic mail · The Agenda Items accessory · News wire services · Info exported from Agenda files STEPS FOR 1. Create an STF file from the outside source. See the next IMPORT Help screen (press PGDN). 2. In a view, retrieve the Agenda file into which you want to import info from the STF file. 3. F10 File Transfer Import 4. Fill in the Import Structured File box and press ENTER. CREATE AN The procedure for creating an STF file depends on the source of STF FILE the info you want to import: SOURCE HOW TO CREATE STF FILE --------------------- ----------------------------------------- A text file Use the TXT2STF conversion utility. See Chapter 23 in the User's Guide and the Working with Definition Files book. A Lotus Metro List Use the LM2STF conversion utility. See Manager file Chapter 23 in the User's Guide. Items you enter in Use the Transfer command in the Items the Items accessory accessory. See Appendix C in the User's Guide. An Agenda file Use the File Transfer Export command. See the next Help screen (press PGDN). WHAT AN The STF file you create contains info in the form of items, STF FILE assignments, categories, and notes separated by tags. It also CONTAINS contains tags that specify dates, numbers, conditions, actions, and other structural info. STEPS FOR One way to create an STF file is to export particular items, EXPORT categories, and other info from an existing Agenda file. In a view: 1. Retrieve the Agenda file whose info you want to export. 2. F10 File Transfer Export 3. Fill in the Export Structured File box and press ENTER. Now you can use the exported info in another Agenda file by importing this STF file.
About importing/exporting, » Index
PURPOSE You can add a column to display category assignments or other values (numbers, dates, or text) for items in a view. The type of category that heads the column determines the contents of the column. A column can also display information related to categories, such as category notes. STEPS In a view: 1. Place the highlight in an existing column beside which the new column is to appear. 2. F10 View Column Add 3. Select a column head and fill in other settings in the Column Add box. SHORTCUT For Step 2, press ALT-R (for a column to the right) or ALT-L (for a column to the left) and select a column head. Defaults are used for the other column settings. RESULT If the column head is an existing category, any previous assignments for items in the view are displayed.
PURPOSE You can change various features of a column, such as its position in the view or its format. For numeric columns, you can also change which calculations display. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight anywhere in the column you want to change. 2. F10 View Column Properties 3. Change any settings in the Column Properties box and press ENTER. The settings that appear depend on the type of column it is. For more info, see: · Item column properties · Standard column properties · Numeric column properties · Date column properties · Unindexed column properties SHORTCUT Highlight the column head and press F6 (PROPS).
PURPOSE You can widen or narrow any column. You can adjust the width for the column in all sections or just in one section. LIMITS · Category columns: from 1 to 76 characters wide. · Item columns: from 5 to 77 characters wide. STEPS TO ADJUST DO THIS ------------------ ------------------------------------------- All columns in 1. Highlight anywhere in the column. the view 2. F10 View Column Width 3. Follow the prompts. A column in just 1. Highlight the column in the section. one section 2. F10 View Column Properties 3. Set Link with Other Sections to No. 4. Enter a number for Width. NOTES » To use the second method to change the width for all columns in the view, set Link with Other Sections to Yes. » You can also adjust width in the Column Add box.
PURPOSE You can take a column out of a view. This does not affect any category assignments for the items in the view. You can replace the column by adding it again. NOTE You can't remove the item column from a view. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight anywhere in the column. 2. F10 View Column Remove If Agenda asks if you want to remove the column from all sections or only the current section: · Make your choice and press ENTER. SHORTCUT Highlight the column head and press DEL.
Break an item's assignment, » Index
PURPOSE You can create your own Agenda file. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 File Retrieve 2. Press INS and type a new file name. 3. Follow the prompts. NOTE If you have just loaded Agenda, start at Step 2. SHORTCUT Instead of the menu command, press ALT-G and type a file name. RESULTS If a file is open, Agenda saves it. Every new file contains: · One view, called Initial View · One section, called Initial Section · Five categories: - MAIN (the ancestor of all other categories) - When, Done, and Entry (date categories) - Initial Section (the name of the only section) You'll usually want to change the names of Initial View and Initial Section to be more meaningful in your application.
PURPOSE When you create a new file, Agenda prompts you to enter a one-line description and a password. The description helps you identify the file contents. The password lets you control who can open the file. WHAT YOU Both description and password are optional. If you give the CAN DO file a password, you must enter it each time you open the file. IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS ------------------ ------------------------------------------- Omit description Press ENTER at the prompt without supplying or password when any information. creating a file Change description 1. F10 File Properties or password for 2. Change the description and/or password an existing file setting.
PURPOSE You can open any existing file while you are in Agenda. You can have only one file open at a time. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 File Retrieve 2. Highlight the name of the file you want and press ENTER. SHORTCUT Instead of the menu command, press ALT-G. Type the file name or highlight the file you want. Then press ENTER. WHEN YOU If you just loaded Agenda, you see the File Retrieve box. Press START AGENDA F3 (CHOICES) and start at Step 2. (If you want to create a new file, just type its name and press ENTER.) RESULTS Agenda displays the file, showing the view you were in the last time you used the file. If another file is open when you retrieve a file, the first file is automatically saved.
Select a file, » Index
PURPOSE You can save the current file at any time while you are using Agenda. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 File Save 2. Fill in the Save box and press ENTER. NOTES » Agenda saves your file automatically when you retrieve another file, print, suspend, or quit Agenda. » The Utilities Customize command lets you tell Agenda whether to save the file automatically at regular intervals while you have the file open. SHORTCUT Instead of the menu command, press ALT-W.
Select a file, » Index
PURPOSE You can have Agenda automatically make a backup of a file each time you retrieve the file and when you issue the Save command. Making regular backups is your best protection against the loss of information that can occur if a file is corrupted. STEPS In a view: AUTOMATIC BACKUPS WHILE SAVING ------------------------------ ------------------------------- 1. F10 File Properties 1. F10 File Save 2. Highlight the Make 2. Be sure the Also Save Backup on Open setting. Backup setting is Yes. 3. Type Y and press ENTER. 3. Press ENTER. RETRIEVE To retrieve a backup file: A BACKUP 1. F10 File Retrieve 2. Highlight the file name. 3. Press F6 (EXPAND) to display all versions of the file. 4. Select the version of the file with the extension .BG.
Select a file, » Index
PURPOSE You can undo the changes you made to a file and restore the previous version. STEP In a view: · F10 File Abandon CHOICES · Type N to cancel the Abandon command and keep the file (with the changes intact). · Type Y to abandon the current version of the file and retrieve the last saved version. RESULTS If you type Y, Agenda permanently discards all changes you made to the file since the last time it was saved and displays the previous version of the file. If you type N or press ESC, you are canceling the command.
PURPOSE You can copy the contents of any Agenda file to a new file. Then you can modify this copy without affecting the original. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 File Maintenance MakeCopy 2. Specify the file to copy to. Either: · Press INS and type a new file name (and path, if needed). · Or, highlight an existing file. 3. Press ENTER. RESULTS Agenda saves the highlighted file to the new file. You have an exact duplicate of the original file. The two files are independent of each other. The original file is still the open file. To retrieve the copied file, issue the File Retrieve command and pick the file from the Select File list. NOTE You can make automatic backups, rather than a copy, if what you want is a second version of the file to safeguard against loss of information.
Select a file, » Index
PURPOSE Enter the information you want to organize by typing short items. An item can be up to 350 characters long. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight anywhere in the item column. 2. Type an item and press ENTER. SHORTCUT Press ALT-I from any column to move to the item column.
PURPOSE You can change the text of an item or a category name at any time. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the item or category you want to edit. 2. F2 (EDIT) 3. Change the text and press ENTER. NOTES » When you press F2, you enter Edit mode. The function keys perform editing functions, such as cut and paste. » When you edit an item or category, you change it everywhere it appears in the file.
PURPOSE When you no longer want an item to be part of your file, you can permanently discard it. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the item. 2. F10 Item Discard SHORTCUT Highlight the item and press ALT-F4 (DISCARD). NOTES » Agenda puts discarded items in the trash. You can retrieve discarded items until you empty the trash. » You can mark a group of items and discard them all at the same time. » When you discard an item, you also break all of the item's assignments to categories.
Undiscard an item, » Index
PURPOSE If you change your mind about permanently discarding an item from the file, you can undiscard it as long as it remains in the trash. Once the trash is emptied however, the item is gone. STEPS In a view: 1. Place the highlight in the section where you want to display this item. 2. F10 Item Undisc NOTE If there are multiple items in the trash, Agenda asks if you want to undiscard all items or only the last one. If you want just some of the items: 1. Choose to undiscard all items. 2. Mark the items you don't want. 3. Discard the marked items as a group. RESULTS Agenda displays the item(s) and assigns them to the section head category (but other assignments aren't restored).
Discard an item, » Index
PURPOSE You can break an item's assignment to a category by removing either the category or the item. STEPS TO BREAK AN ITEM'S ASSIGNMENT TO DO THIS (IN A VIEW) --------------------- ---------------------------------------- A category in a 1. Highlight the column entry category column entry to which you no longer want the item assigned. 2. Press DEL (or F10 Item BrkAssign). The category is removed but the item remains. The category used 1. Highlight the item you want to as the section head unassign from the section head. 2. Press DEL (or F10 Item BrkAssign). The item is removed from the section. It remains part of the file as long as it has other category assignments.
Discard an item, Assignment profile, » Index
PURPOSE By marking items, you can work with them as a group. For example, you can discard them all, assign them to the same category(s), move them, and so on. STEP · Highlight an item you want in the group and press F7 (MARK). RESULTS Agenda changes the item tag to a diamond (t). To work with the items as a group, just select the command (such as Item Discard). Agenda asks if you want to perform the command on the marked items or just the current item. UNMARKING If you change your mind, it's easy to unmark items: TO UNMARK DO THIS ---------------------------- --------------------------------- One marked item 1. Highlight the item. 2. Press F7 (MARK). All marked items 1. Highlight anywhere in view. 2. Press ALT-F7 (UNMKALL).
PURPOSE You can change the order of sections, columns, or items in a view. STEPS TO MOVE DO THIS (IN A VIEW) ------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Section 1. Highlight anywhere in the section. 2. F10 View Section Move Column 1. Highlight anywhere in the column. 2. F10 View Column Move Item within a 1. Highlight the item. section 2. F10 Item Reposition Items within a 1. Highlight the item or mark items. section or to 2. ALT-F10 (MOVE) another section Tips: Agenda arranges marked items in the same order in which you mark them. If you move items to the section they're already in, Agenda places them after the highlight. For each procedure, follow the instructions at the top of screen.
PURPOSE You can add a section anywhere in a view to display a group of items and columns. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight anywhere in the section adjacent to where you want to add a new section. 2. F10 View Section Add 3. Enter a category for the section head and fill in other settings in the Section Add box. SHORTCUT For Step 2, press ALT-D and select a section head. Defaults are used for the other section settings. ALTERNATE To add a section above the current section, press ALT-U and enter a section head. RESULT Agenda displays the new section in the view. If the section head is an existing category, any items previously assigned to the section head category are displayed in the section.
Use child categories as section heads, » Index
PURPOSE You can change any feature of a section, such as its position in the view or its item-sorting criteria. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight anywhere in the section you want to change. 2. F10 View Section Properties 3. Change any settings in the Section Properties box and press ENTER. SHORTCUT Highlight the section head and press F6 (PROPS).
PURPOSE You can add a view to show your information from a different perspective. In each view you can organize information by any of the categories in your file. You can also use filters to control which items display in the view. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 View Add 2. Type a unique name for the view. 3. Highlight the Section setting. 4. Press F3 (CHOICES) to choose one or more section heads. 5. Fill in other settings and press ENTER. RESULTS Agenda displays the new view with the section heads you chose. You can add columns and enter items. The new view is added to the list of views in the view manager.
Add a section, Use child categories as section heads, » Index
PURPOSE Enter a category in a column to make an assignment for an item. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the column entry position across from the item. 2. Either: · Press F3 (CHOICES) and highlight an existing category. · Or, type a new category name. 3. Press ENTER. ALTERNATE At Step 2, you can type the category name (new or existing) instead of pressing F3. To use automatic completion to match existing categories, press ENTER when the category you want displays at the top of the screen. To override a match, just keep typing.
Select a category, » Index
PURPOSE You can create date categories in addition to the three that Agenda automatically creates for every file. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 Category Add 2. Enter a name in the Category Name setting. 3. Set Type to Date. NOTES » When you use a date category as a column head, you can enter only dates and times as values. » You can't convert a date category to any other category type.
About categories, Enter dates & times, » Index
PURPOSE You can edit the category name or change just one occurrence. WHAT YOU GOAL STEPS (IN A VIEW) RESULT CAN DO ------------- -------------------------- -------------------- Edit the 1. Highlight the category. Every occurrence of category name 2. F2 (EDIT) the category name 3. Change the category changes. name and press ENTER. Replace a 1. Highlight the category. Only this occurrence category 2. DEL (and ENTER to of the category confirm) changes. The 3. Change category name original category or press F3 (CHOICES). name isn't affected. Then press ENTER. NOTE You can also edit the category name in the category manager and in any Select Category box.
Select a category, » Index
PURPOSE You can select from the category hierarchy when you need a category for a section or column head, column entry, filter, condition, action, etc. WHAT YOU GOAL STEPS (IN A VIEW) CAN DO ------------- ------------------------------------------------ Select an 1. Highlight a column entry position or category existing setting in a box. category 2. Press F3 and highlight the category you want. 3. Follow the prompt on the top line of the screen to pick one or more categories. Select a new 1. Highlight a column entry position or category category setting in a box. 2. Type the new category name. ALTERNATE When you want an existing category, you can type the category name instead of pressing F3. Press ENTER when the category you want displays at the top of the screen.
Manipulate a category list, » Index
PURPOSE You can remove a category completely from the file. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the category. 2. ALT-F4 (DISCARD) NOTE If the category has assignments, Agenda asks you to confirm that you want to discard. ALTERNATE Instead of pressing ALT-F4 at Step 2, you can press F10 (MENU) and issue the Category Discard command.
PURPOSE Organize items of information by assigning them to categories. You can assign items to as many categories as you want. STEPS MAKE THE ASSIGNMENT TO THIS CATEGORY --------------------------------- ---------------------------- Type a new item, or copy/move Section head an item to a section Enter a category in a column Column entry adjacent to an item EXAMPLE This item is assigned to Meetings (section head) and Room 118 (column entry): Meetings Where · Staff meeting Fri 3:30 · Room 118 NOTE When you enter an item, Agenda assigns it an Entry date (the current date and time). If you designate an item as done, Agenda assigns it a Done date (the current date and time). OTHER You can use these methods to make assignments for the ASSIGNMENT highlighted item: METHODS COMMAND SHORTCUT DO THIS ---------------- ----------- -------------------------------- Item MakeAssign ALT-M Type a category or press F3 (CHOICES) Item Properties F6 (PROPS) Type a category or press (Assigned To F3 (CHOICES) setting) F3 (assignment Highlight category(s) and press profile) SPACEBAR to assign the item NOTE You can also use conditions and actions to make automatic assignments.
Break an item's assignment, Enter dates & times, » Index
PURPOSE A note lets you add additional information to an item or a category. You enter, read, and edit these notes on a separate screen from the view. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the item or category. 2. F5 (NOTE) 3. Type the note and press F5 to return to the view. A j appears by each item or category with a note. CATEGORY For a parent category, such as People, you might want the NOTES category note to contain a generic label, such as Phone # or Address. Then you can enter specific information in notes for child categories, such as 555-1212 for Jane. By using the category note Phone # as a column title, you can display each phone number as a column entry. Category notes can also be long text, such as a plan for Project X attached as a note to the category Project X.
Attach an external file as a note, Note editor, » Index
PURPOSE You can display information from category notes, such as phone numbers, in a column. To do so, use the category to which the note is attached (such as People) as the head for one column and the note (such as Phone #) as the title for another column. Once you set up the category note column, you can add the note information directly in that column. STEPS In a view: · F10 View Column Add, then fill in these settings: SETTING PRESS DO THIS ------------- ------ -------------------------------------- Column head F3 Pick the category with the note Format F3 Select Category Note Column title Type the note topic (e.g., Phone #) to display above the column Line number Type the line of the note that will contain the specific information (a note can have many lines -- e.g., line 1 for phone #, 2 for address)
PURPOSE You can sort section heads alphabetically, in numeric order, or in the same order that the section head categories appear in the category hierarchy. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 View Add (or View Properties for an existing view) 2. Highlight Section Sorting. 3. Press F3 (CHOICES). 4. Select the type of sorting you want and press ENTER. NOTE By default the sort is ascending order (such as A to Z). To reverse this order, change the Order setting to Descending. RESULTS All sections in the view are sorted. All sections you add from now on are displayed in sorted order.
About sorting, » Index
PURPOSE You can sort all items in each section of a view or in just one section. By using section sorting, you can apply different sorting criteria for different sections of a view. STEPS 1. In a view, either: · Set item sorting for all sections in view: F10 View Add (View Properties for existing views) · Or, set item sorting for one section: F10 View Section Add (Section Properties for existing sections) 2. Highlight Item Sorting and press SPACEBAR. Then: TO SORT PICK THESE SETTINGS ---------------------- ------------------------------------ Alphabetically by item Sort On: Item Text Alphabetically by a Sort On: Category category Category: F3 to pick a category Sequence: Alphabetic STEPS TO SORT PICK THESE SETTINGS ---------------------- ------------------------------------- By the order in the Sort On: Category category hierarchy Category: F3 to pick a category Sequence: Category Hierarchy Date order Sort On: Category Category: F3 to pick date category Sequence: Date Numeric order Sort On: Category Category: F3 to pick numeric category Sequence: Numeric Alphabetically by Sort On: Category Note the contents of a Category: F3 to pick a category category note Sequence: Alphabetic NOTES » To sort from the beginning to the end of any sequence (such as A to Z for Alphabetic), set Order to Ascending. Descending sorts from end to beginning. » You can create other types of sorts by combining the sort settings. For example, to sort items by zip codes that you entered as line 4 in category notes, use these settings: Sort On: Category Note Line number: 4 Category: Press F3 to pick the category with notes. Sequence: Numeric
About sorting, » Index
PURPOSE You can choose a category to attach as a filter to a view or section to limit which items display. STEPS In a view: 1. Either: · Attach a view filter: F10 View Properties (View Add for a new view) · Or, attach a section filter: F10 View Section Properties (Section Add for a new section) 2. Highlight the Filter setting and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Highlight the category for the filter and press SPACEBAR: · Once to display only items assigned to that category · Twice to exclude items assigned to that category If the category is date or numeric, another box displays. 4. Press ENTER. RESULTS When you set a filter, Agenda displays the filter category in brackets next to the section head or the view name at the top of the screen. Items that don't meet the filter criteria are not displayed. NOTES » You can set a compound filter by choosing more than one category for the filter. In this case, items must pass the criteria in each filter before they can display. » You can also set date or numeric filters. » In Step 3 you choose the filter value. The symbol for this value displays in the left column in the Filter box: VALUE SYMBOL EFFECT ON VIEW/SECTION ------------ -------- ------------------------------------- Assigned + Items display only if they are assigned to the filter category. Not assigned - Items display only if they AREN'T assigned to the filter category.
Clear a filter, Change the value of a filter, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach a numeric filter to a view or section to limit which items display. Numeric filters are standard filters with another feature: ranges. RANGES When the filter is to display items that are assigned to the numeric filter category, you: · Set a RANGE of values for the numeric filter (such as all numbers between 1 and 25) · Choose whether to include items that are inside or outside the range For example, you can display items assigned to the numeric category Cost only if the value assigned is outside the range 1 through 25 (which would display an item with a cost of $26, but not one of $15). STEPS In a view: 1. Attach the filter to either a view or section: · F10 View Properties (View Add for a new view) · Or, F10 View Section Properties (Section Add for a new section) 2. Highlight the Filter setting and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Highlight a numeric category for filter and press SPACEBAR. 4. Choose whether items will display if they are or are not assigned to the numeric category filter. 5. If you choose Assigned, you can also choose: · A range for the numeric filter (type numbers for Minimum and Maximum Values) · Whether numbers assigned to the filter category for each item should be inside or outside the range you set NOTE If you choose Assigned in Step 4 and you don't set a range, all items assigned to the numeric category are displayed. RESULTS Agenda displays the filter category (and the range, if any) in brackets next to the view name or section head.
PURPOSE You can attach a date filter to a view or section to limit which items display. Date filters are standard filters with another feature: ranges. RANGES When the filter is to display items that are assigned to the date filter category, you: · Set a RANGE of dates for the date filter (such as all dates between 8/26/91 and 8/28/91) · Choose whether to include items that are inside or outside the range For example, you can attach a filter to a view to display items only if the When date assigned is inside the range 6/14/91 to 6/17/91 (which would filter out any item with a When date not in the range). STEPS In a view: 1. Attach the filter to either a view or section: · F10 View Properties (View Add for a new view) · Or, F10 View Section Properties (Section Add for a new section) 2. Highlight the Filter setting and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Highlight the date category for filter and press SPACEBAR. 4. Choose whether items will display if they are or are not assigned to the date category filter. 5. If you choose Assigned, you can also choose: · A range for the date filter (enter dates for Start Date and End Date) · Whether dates assigned to the filter category for each item should be inside or outside the range you set NOTE If you choose Assigned in Step 4 and you don't set a range, all items assigned to the date category are displayed. RESULTS Agenda displays the filter category (and the range, if any) in brackets next to the view name or section head.
PURPOSE You can use a filter in a view or section to: · Display only items assigned to the filter category · Or, exclude items assigned to the filter category You can change from an inclusive to an exclusive filter by changing the filter value: FILTER VALUE SYMBOL EFFECT ON VIEW/SECTION ------------- ------- --------------------------------------- Assigned + Items display only if they are assigned to the filter category. Not assigned - Items display only if they AREN'T assigned to the filter category. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 View Properties (if it's a view filter) or F10 View Section Properties (if it's a section filter) 2. Highlight the category in the Filter setting. 3. F4 (VALUES) 4. Press SPACEBAR once and ENTER twice.
PURPOSE When you no longer want to apply a filter, condition, or action, you need to clear it. STEPS In a view: 1. One of the following: TO CLEAR DO THIS ---------------------- ----------------------------------- View filter · F10 View Properties Section filter 1. Highlight the section head. 2. F10 View Section Properties Condition or action 1. Highlight the category. 2. F10 Category Properties 2. Highlight category in Filter, Condition, or Action setting. 3. Press DEL. ALTERNATE You can also clear conditions/actions in the category manager by highlighting the category and pressing ALT-F8 (CLR C/A).
PURPOSE When you no longer want a particular section to appear in a view, you can remove that section. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the section. 2. F10 View Section Remove SHORTCUT For Step 1, highlight the section head and press DEL. RESULTS Removes a section from the view. This does not affect any category assignments for items in the section you remove. It doesn't affect the category used as the section head.
Break an item's assignment, » Index
PURPOSE You can use the child categories (such as Bill and Sue) of any parent category (such as People) as section heads in a view. This lets you see items assigned to each child in a separate section. NOTE In the category hierarchy, child categories are indented below their parent category (see the example on the next screen). STEPS In a view: 1. F10 View Add 2. Type a name for the new view. 3. Highlight Sections and press F3 (CHOICES). 4. Highlight the parent of the categories you want to use as section heads. 5. Press F5 (CHLDRN) to pick the child categories and press ENTER twice. RESULTS Agenda displays the new view with the child categories as the section heads. EXAMPLE For this category family: Priority High Medium Low Highlight Priority at Step 4 to use the child categories High, Medium, and Low as section heads in a view. EXISTING You can select child categories for section heads in existing VIEWS views. Use the View Properties command then follow Steps 3 through 5.
PURPOSE Information in a view is displayed in sections that are made up of columns. Columns have a column head (a category) and column entries, which depend on the column type. COLUMN TYPE CONTENTS ------------- ------------------------------------------------- Item column Items Standard Child categories of the category in the head Numeric Numbers Date Dates and/or times Unindexed Text values EXAMPLES ITEM COLUMN NUMERIC STANDARD DATE ------------------------ ------------- ------------ --------- Expense Cost Project When ·Ticket to London ·$560.00 ·Interlink ·10/17/90 ·Call to Chicago office ·$ 14.70 ·Scanner ·10/19/90
Remove a column, Display category notes, Change properties, Add a column, Change width, Move a column, Change head, » Index
PURPOSE You can add numeric columns to display numbers and perform simple calculations. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the column next to where you want the numeric column. 2. F10 View Column Add 3. Enter a category for the column head. 4. If the category isn't numeric, set Category Type to Numeric. 5. Select calculations in the Column Add box. NOTES » You can't change numeric categories to any other category type. » You can change the calculations for the column in the Column Properties box. » To change the decimal and thousands separators that Agenda displays: F10 Utilities Customize.
PURPOSE You can add date columns to display dates and times. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the column next to where you want the date column. 2. F10 View Column Add 3. Enter a category for the column head. 4. If the category isn't a date category, set Category Type to Date. 5. Select the display format in the Column Add box. NOTES » You can't change date categories to any other category type. » A date column can contain dates and/or times. » You can change the format for the column in the Column Properties box. » To select default date settings: F10 File Properties.
Browse through dates, Enter dates & times, Datebook views, » Index
PURPOSE Every section in a view contains one column of items. The item column is headed by the section head (a category). You can't remove the item column. CHANGES To change the properties of the item column: 1. Highlight anywhere in the item column. 2. F10 View Column Properties 3. Change the settings in the Item Column Properties box. EXAMPLE In this example, Ideas is the item column: Ideas People Date · Increase widget size ·Fred ·11/05/90 to 12 cm. · Eliminate the third ·Hans ·11/07/90 auxiliary sprocket.
PURPOSE An Agenda file generally contains a set of views, a category hierarchy, and a number of items. Agenda comes with several files, such as PLANNER. You can also create your own. WHAT YOU Within a file, you can use file commands to perform operations CAN DO that affect the entire file, such as save, back up, and abandon. The File Properties command contains settings that apply throughout the file, such as how dates are displayed, whether to back up files automatically, and what to do with items designated as done.
Starter files, When selecting, Retrieve, Size of, Password & description, Erase, Create, Copy, Import/export, On a network, » Index
PURPOSE An item is a line or two of information that you want to keep track of in Agenda. You can assign each item to any number of categories. EXAMPLES · Call newspapers today to respond to stories about costs. · Jean reports continued problems with new routing system. · Meeting with whole staff every Thursday at 11:00. NOTE Each item can be no longer than 350 characters. To add more text for an item, attach a note.
Change properties, Mark, Make done, Discard, Set alarm, Copy, Enter, Move, About the item column, Sort, Edit, Make dependent, » Index
PURPOSE A section is a group of columns that consist of items and categories. The section head (a category) displays above the item column. The items in a section are assigned to the section head category. EXAMPLE This example shows two sections. In the first one, Calls is the section head. In the second, Letters is the section head. Calls People Phone # When ·Call John re: DW deal ·John ·555-1234 ·10/07/90 ·Call Karla for quotes ·Karla ·555-2996 ·10/08/90 Letters People Address When ·Send Wendy an offer ·Wendy H ·15 Allison ·10/06/90 ·Answer client request ·Patty B ·28 Gleason ·10/07/90
Remove a section, Browse by date, Go to a section, Move sections, Change properties, Use a filter, Add a section, Sort sections, » Index
PURPOSE Views are groups of sections that show items and categories from different perspectives. You enter and edit items and categories in a view. A file can contain many views. You select views and perform other operations on views from the view manager. EXAMPLES · A view named Calls can show phone calls and phone numbers. · A view named Tomorrow can show items you have to do tomorrow and when. · A view named Projects can show items grouped into a section for each specific project. · A view named People can show the items grouped into a section for each person you work with.
Symbols in a view, Browse by date, Change properties, Types of views, Use a filter, Sort view names, Add a view, » Index
PURPOSE You can use the view manager to list and use the views in your file. STEPS In a view: · F8 (VWMGR) USES Once you're in the view manager, here's what you can do: IF YOU WANT TO PRESS ------------------------------------ ------------------------- Switch to the highlighted view ENTER Leave the view manager ESC Add a view INS Edit a view name F2 (EDIT) Delete the highlighted view F4 (DELETE) or ALT-F4 Display the View Properties box F6 (PROPS) Type a special character ALT-F1 (COMPOSE) Sort the view names alphabetically ALT-F5 (SORT) Make a copy of the highlighted view ALT-F9 (COPY) Reposition a view in the list ALT-F10 (MOVE)
PURPOSE Categories are names that you use to group related items of information. You can assign items to multiple categories. TYPE OF Agenda provides 4 different types of categories: CATEGORIES TYPE SYMBOL CONTENTS --------- ------ -------------------------------------------- Standard Other categories Numeric # Numbers Date * Dates and/or times Unindexed D Text values HOW THEY Agenda categories are hierarchical: Staff WORK each category is part of a family of Accounting categories. You can display and change Personnel this hierarchy in the category manager. Payroll Jim Kathy
When selecting, Change properties, Add a note, Discard, Enter, Edit, Set up automatic assignments, » Index
PURPOSE Date categories let you assign dates and times to items. When you use a date category as a column head, you can enter only dates and times as values. Each Agenda file automatically contains three date categories: SYMBOL/CATEGORY CONTENTS --------------- ---------------------------------------------- * Entry The date/time you enter the item * When The date/time the item is to happen * Done The date/time you designate the item as done You can also create your own date categories. You can't convert a date category to any other category type. USES You can use date categories as: · Column heads for dates/times · Section heads · Filters for screening items in or out of views or sections · Criteria for conditions and actions
Enter dates & times, Category properties, » Index
PURPOSE Unindexed categories let you assign text values to an item. The text values can be letters or numbers (that you don't want to use in calculations). Like the values you assign to numeric and date categories, unindexed values aren't categories themselves and they lack the versatility of standard categories: · They don't appear in the category hierarchy. · They can't have children. · You can't use them as column or section heads. · You can't use them as filters, conditions, or actions. NOTE It's the values you assign to unindexed categories (i.e., the column entries) that have limitations. The unindexed column head is a category you can use like any type of category. EXAMPLE You can use an unindexed category to head a column of page numbers, part names, or room numbers -- any type of text you want to associate with an item, but wouldn't want to use like a standard category (for example, you want to know that a meeting is to be held in room 118, but you wouldn't want to use 118 as a column head or in a filter -- or in a calculation).
PURPOSE A note lets you add additional information to an item or a category. The note stays out of the way in a separate screen. A note can be internal (you type it in Agenda) or external (it resides in an external file). A note can be as long as you need, but if it's more than 10,000 characters (about 7 screens) you can't use Agenda to edit it. You can print, import, and export notes independently of the item or category to which they're attached. A note remains in the file until you clear it or discard the item or category to which it is attached. EXAMPLES · Add a meeting agenda to an item reminding about the meeting. · Add brief information (such as phone or account number or your contact person) to a category. You can display these category notes in columns in a view. · Add a personnel record to that person's category name (so Sue's record is always attached to the category Sue).
Enter a note, Note editor, » Index
PURPOSE Agenda has two view types: VIEW TYPE CONTENTS ------------ ------------------------------------------------- Standard Display any items and any type of category. This is the more general type of view. Datebook Display items assigned to date and time ranges you select. For example, show items assigned to When for Monday-Friday or items assigned to a date category you created (such as Due) for this quarter, shown by week. NOTES » You can't change either type of view to the other. » You can create special show views with the Utilities Show command. These views display schedules, items with alarms, and so on. You can have only one show view at a time.
PURPOSE Categories in Agenda are hierarchical: some categories are child categories (subcategories) of others. A file can have multiple generations in its category hierarchy. The hierarchy lets you group similar categories to organize information. You see the category hierarchy in the category manager and when you press F3 to select a category. Child categories are displayed indented under their parent. EXAMPLES CATEGORY ROLE IN THE HIERARCHY --------------- ---------------------------------------------- People Parent of Staff Staff Child of People; Parent of Karla and Wendy Karla Child of Staff Wendy Child of Staff When you add new categories to the file, it is important to position them properly in the hierarchy (you want Karla to be a child of Staff, not of some other parent). This happens automatically when you type a new category as a column entry because the column head is the parent of the column entries. TERMS TO To describe the category hierarchy, Agenda borrows some terms KNOW from family trees: TERM DEFINITION --------------- ---------------------------------------------- Child A subcategory (such as Payroll) of a category (such as Staff). It can have children too. Parent Has at least one child. It can also be a child of another category. Partial A family of categories (parent plus all its hierarchy child categories, their children, etc.). Ancestor A higher-level member of a category family. MAIN category The ancestor of all categories in the file. Descendent A lower-level member of a category family. SAMPLE CATEGORY ROLE IN THE HIERARCHY HIERARCHY --------------- ---------------------------------------------- MAIN MAIN category * Entry Child of MAIN; * means this is a date category * When * Done People Parent of Staff and Agents Staff Child of People; Parent of Karla and Wendy Karla Child of Staff Wendy Agents Child of People; Parent of Lynn and Charles Lynn Child of Agents Charles NOTES » People is an ancestor of Wendy, Karla, Lynn, and Charles. » In the category hierarchy, special symbols display to the left of date and numeric categories. When present, symbols for conditions or actions display to the right of categories.
PURPOSE Agenda lets you arrange various kinds of info by sorting. KINDS OF WHAT HOW WHERE USE SORTING ----------- ------------------- -------------------- ------- View names Alphabetically View manager ALT-F5 Categories Alphabetically Category manager ALT-F5 Sections Alphabetically, View Properties Section numerically, Sorting category order setting Items in a Alphabetically, Section Properties Item section numerically, date (just one section) Sorting or category order or View Properties setting (all sections in view)
Sort view names, Sort items, Sort sections, Sort categories, » Index
PURPOSE A filter is a category that: · You can attach to any section or view · Lets you set criteria (in addition to category assignments) to limit which items display in a view or section · Doesn't affect assignments · Can be any category type HOW IT When you attach a filter, you choose: WORKS · The category(s) to use to screen items · Whether to display items only if they ARE assigned to the filter category or only if they AREN'T assigned to it EXAMPLES "I want to see only my high-priority meetings." In a view or section for meetings, select the High priority category for the Filter. "I don't want to see any calls to Jim or Kathy." In a view or section for calls, select the Jim and Kathy categories for the Filter setting and choose Not Assigned for Show Items.
Attach a date filter, Attach a numeric filter, » Index
PURPOSE When you type a category or pick a name from a list (such as a choice box for settings or the list of views in the view manager), Agenda matches what you type against the contents of the list. WHAT YOU As the matches display, you can: CAN DO · Continue typing until Agenda displays the match you want · Quit typing and press ENTER to accept a match you want · Press F3 to display all the possible matches (and pick one from there) · Press F5 to override matching to create a new category · Use these keys in category lists to cycle through the possible matches: PRESS TO SEE ------------ ----------------------------------------------- F7 or ALT-P Previous match F8 or ALT-N Next match
PURPOSE Confirm mode gives you some protection against unintended changes to your file. When this mode is on, Agenda displays questions to verify that a command you issued is really what you intend. Confirm mode is on by default when you first use Agenda. When you become an experienced user, you may want to turn off Confirm mode and not display the questions. TURN CONFIRM In a view: MODE OFF/ON 1. F10 Utilities Customize 2. Highlight Confirm Mode (at the end of the box) and press SPACEBAR (to switch the Yes/No setting). 3. Press ENTER.
Fill in a box, List of commands and keys, Issue commands, » Index
PURPOSE The category manager is a separate screen where you can work with the category hierarchy. You can add, delete, and edit categories, and display and change category properties (such as conditions, actions, synonyms, and exclusivity) for all categories in the file. The commands and function keys are suited for working with categories. You can do some of these tasks, such as adding or changing categories, in other places. But you can do some tasks only in the category manager: TASK COMMAND -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Sort categories alphabetically ALT-F5 (SORT) Print the category hierarchy F10 Print Promote or demote a category F7 (PRM), F8 (DEM) Copy conditions and actions ALT-F9 (CPY C/A) STEPS In a view: · F9 (CATMGR) To return to the view, press F9 again. EXAMPLES CATEGORY ROLES AND SYMBOLS --------------- ---------------------------------------------- MAIN MAIN category (ancestor of all categories) * Entry * means that this is a date category * When * Done People Parent of Staff Staff Child of People; Parent of Karla and Wendy Karla Child of Staff Wendy Child of Staff TBD C= -Costs C= means that a condition is attached to the category assigning items to it if they aren't assigned to Costs # Costs # means that this is a numeric category D Page Nums D means that this is an unindexed category Priority The bars on High, Medium, and Low (children of +High Priority), mean that these categories are +Medium exclusive (no item can be assigned to more +Low than one of these categories)
Reposition categories, About symbols, » Index
PURPOSE You can have Agenda make automatic assignments based on conditions you set. These assignments break automatically when the condition no longer applies. TYPES OF CONDITION TYPE DESCRIPTION CONDITIONS --------------- ---------------------------------------------- Text Assign items to this category if they contain the category name or other specified text (use the Category Properties command to do this). Assignment Assign an item to this category as long as the item is assigned to another category. Numeric Assign an item to this category as long as it has a numeric assignment within a set range. Date Assign an item to this category as long as it has a date assignment within a set range. NOTE When a category has a condition attached (except for text conditions), Agenda displays a symbol (C=) next to the category in the category manager. Synonyms for text conditions are displayed to the right of the category name. EXAMPLES: · When you assign items to the Meetings category, you can have ASSIGNMENT Agenda automatically assign these items to a High priority CONDITIONS category. · When you don't assign items to High priority, you can have Agenda automatically assign these items to a category called Later. EXAMPLE: · When an item you enter contains the name of a category in TEXT your file, Agenda automatically assigns the item to that CONDITIONS category. The presence of the category name means that the items matches the text condition (that the category name or its synonym is contained in the item). For example, PLANNER contains the category Calls, which has synonyms Phone, Telephone, and Call. If an item contains any of these words, the text condition is met.
Manual assignments, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach an action to a category to tell Agenda to perform an explicit act when an item is assigned to that category. TYPES OF ACTION TYPE DESCRIPTION ACTIONS ------------ ------------------------------------------------- Assignment Trigger additional assignments for items. These assignments are explicit. Numeric Assign a number to an item when the item is assigned to the category with an attached action. Date Assign a date to an item when the item is assigned to the category with an attached action. Special Do one of 3 things to an item when the item is assigned to another category: discard it, export it, or designate it as done. (To attach special actions, use the Category Properties command.) NOTE When a category has an action attached, Agenda displays a symbol (A=) next to the category in the category manager.
Manual assignments, Automatic assignments, » Index
PURPOSE Agenda lets you attach conditions and actions to categories to make assignments automatically. CONDITIONS Attach a condition to category X to draw assignments to VS. ACTIONS category X itself. Attach an action to category X to trigger assignments to other categories. · A condition makes a conditional assignment to the category to which the condition is attached. If the assignment that triggered the conditional assignment is broken, the conditional assignment breaks too. · An action makes an explicit assignment to a different category. The fate of this explicit automatic assignment to another category has no effect on the category to which the action is attached. NOTE You attach conditions and actions to specific categories. When a category has an attached condition or action, the category manager displays symbols for conditions and actions. EXAMPLE 1. You attach a CONDITION to High Priority to assign items to High Priority if they are assigned to Project X. 2. You attach an ACTION to Project X to assign items to Rebecca when they are assigned to Project X. In the category manager, the condition and action look like: High Priority {C=Project X} Project X {A=Rebecca} 3. You enter the item "Reschedule all projects". 4. You assign this item to Project X. Agenda conditionally assigns this item to High Priority (because of the condition attached to High Priority) and explicitly assigns it to Rebecca (because of the action attached to Project X). 5. You reschedule Project X and break the item's assignment to Project X. Breaking this assignment automatically: · Breaks the item's assignment to High Priority because this assignment is conditional · Does NOT break the item's assignment to Rebecca because this assignment is explicit
Manual assignments, » Index
HOW THEY The differences between conditional and explicit assignments DIFFER lie in how they are made and in the strength of the assignment in the face of change. · Conditional assignments are temporary. They occur only when Agenda applies a condition you attach to a category. Once made, a conditional assignment lasts only as long as the assignment or text match that triggered it. · Explicit assignments are permanent. They occur when you make assignments manually (by typing, copying, moving) or when Agenda applies an action you attach to a category. Once made, explicit assignments must be actively broken. Even when they are made as the result of another assignment, their staying power never depends on another assignment. NOTE In an assignment profile for an item, conditional assignments are marked with a star and the letter c (*c). Explicit assignments show just the star (*).
Manual assignments, Automatic assignments, » Index
PURPOSE You can use the pop-up calendar to assign dates/times to items or just to look up dates in any month from January 1, 1 A.D. to December 31, 5000. STEPS In a date column in a view: 1. Highlight a column entry position and press F3 (CHOICES). 2. Pick a date and/or time: PICK A TIME PICK A DATE --------------------------- ------------------------------- 1. Press F6 (SETTIME). · Highlight the date and press 2. Type a time and press ENTER. ENTER twice. NOTES » Press PGDN to learn about scrolling through the calendar. » You can display the pop-up calendar without first moving the highlight into a date column by pressing ALT-C. The calendar displays the current month with the current day highlighted. SCROLLING Use these keys to scroll through the calendar: KEYS PRESS TO HIGHLIGHT ------------ ------------------------------------------------- ï Previous day ð Next day ñ Previous week ò Next week HOME First day of the current month END Last day of the current month PGUP Current day in the previous month PGDN Current day in the next month CTRL-ï Current day and month in the previous year CTRL-ð Current day and month in the next year
Enter dates & times, » Index
PURPOSE Numeric categories let you assign numbers to items and perform simple calculations using these numeric values. When you use a numeric category as a column head, you can enter only numbers as column entries. USES You can use numeric categories as: · Column heads for numbers · Section heads · Filters for screening items in or out of views or sections · Categories for conditions and actions NOTES » Use the Type setting in a Category Add or Category Properties box to make a category numeric. » You can't convert a numeric category to any other category type. » In the category hierarchy, numeric categories are preceded by the number symbol (#).
PURPOSE The Select File box lets you retrieve a file, create a new one, and perform other tasks with files. This box displays a list of the files and directories on the current disk. WHAT YOU Subdirectories display with the suffix <DIR>. Files are shown SEE without file name extensions. Some file names may display one of these symbols: SYMBOL MEANING ------ ------------------------------------------------------- + There is more than one file with this name (and a different extension). These other files could be backups or an earlier saved version of a damaged file. @ The file is damaged; don't retrieve it. WHAT YOU You can delete (F4) a file, show the creation date (F7) and, if CAN DO you entered one, the description of a file (F8). You can also perform the following tasks: USE THE IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS FILE LIST ------------------------------- ------------------------------ Pick an existing file Highlight the file name and press ENTER Create a new file Press INS and follow prompts Switch directories Highlight the directory name and press ENTER Rename a file Press F9 (RENAME) and type the new name Display all files with the Highlight the file name and same name (show extensions) press F6 (EXPAND) Retrieve a file from another Type the drive letter, path, drive and file name (for example, c:\info\sample) ABOUT FILE By default, Agenda uses these file name extensions: EXTENSIONS FILE EXTENSION FILE CONTENTS -------------- ----------------------------------------------- .AG Agenda application file (such as PLANNER or a file you created) .BG Agenda application backup file .NPS Named print set for printing with reusable layout, preview, and final settings .STF Structured file for importing and exporting information to and from Agenda .DEF A definition file to use during import/export .MAC An external macro file .AGA An Agenda 1.0 file (contents portion) .AGB An Agenda 1.0 file (structure portion) .BKA An Agenda 1.0 backup file (contents portion) .BKB An Agenda 1.0 backup file (structure portion)
About Agenda files, » Index
PURPOSE Create a datebook view to display items assigned to date and time ranges you select. For example, show items assigned to When for Monday-Friday or items assigned to a date category you created (such as Due) for this quarter, shown by the week. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 View Add 2. Name the view. 3. Pick Datebook in the View Type setting. 4. Fill in the datebook settings. RESULTS The datebook view displays items in sections headed by the time periods you pick in the Interval setting (if you pick Week for Period, Interval is automatically set to Daily).
Browse through dates, » Index
PURPOSE You can create special views with the Utilities Show command. There are 8 types of show views; each shows items from the file that meet special criteria. These views aren't as flexible as standard and datebook views: you can display them, but not add to them. A file can have only one show view at a time. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 Utilities Show 2. Pick the type of show view and press ENTER. 3. Follow the screen prompts. RESULTS Agenda displays the items from the file that meet the special criteria (such as all items that have an alarm set). The view is listed in the view manager as *Show View* (a show view does not have its own name). NOTE To create another show view, you must delete the existing one. Agenda asks you to do this when you create a second show view.
Show a schedule for any day, » Index
PURPOSE Create a show view to display items assigned to any one date. Since a file can contain only one show view at a time, this is generally a temporary view, not a substitute for a datebook view. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 Utilities Show Sched 2. Fill in the Show Schedule box and press ENTER. RESULTS Agenda displays the items from the file that are scheduled for the date you picked (and meet any other special criteria). NOTE You can limit the items displayed by: · The section head you pick (press F3 on the Section Head setting in the Show Schedule box to pick a category other than MAIN, which includes all items in the file) · Setting a time as well as a date (press F3 on the Date setting and then F6 to set time) · Setting filters to screen out items you don't want to see
Enter dates & times, » Index
PURPOSE When you complete the task that an item refers to, you can designate that item as done. Agenda then assigns the current date and time as the Done date for the item. STEP In a view: · Highlight the item and press F4 (DONE). RESULT Agenda displays the done symbol (!!) next to the item. NOTE You can cancel the done designation by pressing F4 (DONE) on a done item. This breaks the assignment to the Done date. OTHER The chart on the next screen shows how to set up special FEATURES treatment for done items. MANIPULATE GOAL COMMAND SETTING CHOICE DONE ITEMS ------------- --------------- -------------------- --------- Discard from File Properties Global Date Settings Discard the file (Process Done Items) Export to File Properties Global Date Settings Export to a file (Process Done Items) Done File Remove from View Properties Hide Done Items Yes the view Display in Utilities Show a show view ItemsDone NOTE Hiding done items does not break any assignments for the items; it simply filters them out of the view. If you choose to hide done items, the easiest way to get a quick look at them is to create a show view for done items.
PURPOSE You can display assignment information for an item or a group of marked items. You can also make and break assignments. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the item or mark a group of items with F7 (MARK). 2. F3 (CHOICES) RESULTS The assignment profile appears, including these symbols: FOR A SINGLE ITEM FOR A GROUP OF MARKED ITEMS ------------------------------ ------------------------------- * The item is explicitly (number) The number of items in assigned to this category the group assigned to this category *c The item is conditionally assigned to this category ? This assignment isn't in use; you must confirm it MAKE/BREAK Using an assignment profile for making and breaking assignments ASSIGNMENTS is especially convenient for groups of marked items. STEPS In a view: 1. F3 (CHOICES) 2. Highlight the category to which you want to make/break an assignment. 3. Press SPACEBAR. RESULTS The symbol in the left column reflects the assignment (if you break the assignment, the symbol is removed). Assignments you make in an assignment profile are explicit. NOTE You can also see, make, or break an item's assignments in the Item Properties box (highlight the item and press F6 or use F10 Item Properties). Assignment profiles offer two additional functions: you can work with a group of marked items as well as a single item, and (for single items) you can see whether assignments are conditional or explicit. You also see the assignments in the context of the category hierarchy.
Manipulate categories in the profile, » Index
PURPOSE You can set an alarm on items to ring when you want. You can base the alarm on any date category. STEPS In a view: 1. Highlight the item. 2. F10 Item Alarm 3. Fill in the Set Alarm box. SHORTCUT At Step 2, press ALT-A. RESULTS Agenda displays a symbol (@) in front of items with alarms. The alarm sounds when the computer system date/time equals the date/time in the date category for the alarm (minus the number of minutes you picked in the Minutes Before setting in the Set Alarm box). The @ symbol is removed after the alarm sounds, but the item itself is not affected. NOTE You can create a special show view to display all items with pending alarms and with alarms that have already sounded.
PURPOSE You can enter dates/times in any date column and for certain command settings. STEPS In a date column in a view: 1. Highlight a column entry position. 2. Either: · Type the date/time. · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick from the pop-up calendar. POP-UP PICK A TIME PICK A DATE CALENDAR ------------------------------------- ------------------------ 1. F6 (SETTIME) · Highlight the date 2. Type a time and press ENTER twice. and press ENTER. RESULTS In a column, Agenda displays the date/time in the format you selected when you created the column. You can assign a time for an item even when the column shows only dates. NOTE If the item contains a date/time, it is automatically assigned to the When category. DATE COLUMN TO CHANGE USE FORMATS --------------------------- ---------------------------------- Existing single date column F10 View Column Properties Defaults for all date F10 File Properties columns (Global Date settings) AUTOMATIC Agenda makes some date assignments automatically: DATE ASSIGNMENTS WHEN YOU AGENDA ASSIGNS TO THIS CATEGORY -------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- Enter an item The current date/time Entry date Include a date/time The date/time you typed When date in the item text Designate an item The current date/time Done date as done
PURPOSE You can search through the file to find every occurrence of any text in items and/or notes. The text can be a word, a phrase, a few letters, a number you typed in the text, and so on. STEPS In a view or note: 1. ALT-F6 (SEARCH) 2. Fill in the Search box. RESULTS Agenda finds the first occurrence of the text and asks how you want to proceed. To review the item before you continue the search, press ENTER. To resume the search, press ALT-F6 again. Agenda remembers the text you were searching for. NOTES » You can create a special show view (called Match) to display all items that contain the same text. » You can search and replace text in notes, but not in items.
PURPOSE If you have a color monitor, you can override the default color set and pick colors for various parts of the screen display. STEPS In a view: 1. F10 Utilities Customize 2. Highlight Color and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Pick Custom and press ENTER. 4. Highlight Set Custom Colors and press SPACEBAR. 5. Fill in the Custom Colors box. NOTES » A sample of the colors you pick displays at the bottom of the box (see Sample text). » You may not want to pick colors for all the screen parts in the Custom Colors box. Just pick the parts you recognize. CAUTION Be sure the color you pick for Background in each screen area isn't the same color you pick for any other part of that screen area. For example, if you pick Blue for View Background and for Item, you won't be able to see the items.
PURPOSE You can attach an ASCII file as a note for an item or category. For example, you can attach a file you created with a word processor. You can use any note commands to work with attached files (but see Notes below). For example, you can make text from the file into items or categories. You can also print note files. STEPS In a note: 1. F10 File Attach 2. Either: · Type the file name (including a path, if necessary). · Or, press F3 (CHOICES) to pick a file. NOTES » If you use F3, you can pick other directories (such as Parent) from those displayed above the list of files. » If the file you attach is longer than 10K, Agenda informs you that you can only read the file (not edit it). RESULTS Agenda displays a musical double-note symbol (jj) in front of items with attached files.
PURPOSE You can pick a different category for the column head or edit the name of the existing column head. WHAT YOU GOAL STEPS (IN A VIEW) CAN DO ------------------------------ ------------------------------- Pick a different category 1. Highlight the column head. for the column head 2. F3 (CHOICES) 3. Highlight the category you want and press ENTER. Edit the name of the column 1. Highlight the column head. head category (changes the 2. F2 (EDIT) name of this category 3. Change the category name. throughout the file) NOTE You can also edit the category name in the category manager and in any Select Category box.
PURPOSE You can sort view names in the view manager in alphabetical order to make views easier to find. STEPS In a view: 1. F8 (VWMGR) 2. ALT-F5 (SORT) RESULT Views display in alphabetical order in the view manager. NOTE You can't undo this sort, but you can use ALT-F10 (MOVE) to rearrange individual view names.
About sorting, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach an assignment condition to a category to make automatic conditional assignments to that category. Conditions pull assignments to the category to which they are attached. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the category to which you're attaching a condition and press F10 Category Properties. 2. Highlight Assignment Conditions and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Highlight the category to test and press SPACEBAR: · Once to assign items automatically to the category with the condition if they're assigned to the test category · Twice to assign items automatically to the category with the condition if they're NOT assigned to the test category 4. Press ENTER. RESULTS Conditional assignments hold only as long as the condition holds. For example: a condition attached to Fran assigns items to Fran if the items are assigned to Project X. If the assign- ment to Project X is broken, so is the assignment to Fran. NOTES » You can attach more than one condition to a category by repeating Step 3. You can attach different types of conditions and any type of action to a category. » You can also set date or numeric conditions. » In Step 3 you choose the condition value. The symbol for this value displays in the left column in the Condition box. You can change this value at any time. VALUE SYMBOL MEANING ----------- ------ ---------------------------------------- Assigned + Items are assigned to the category if they're assigned to the test category. Not - Items are assigned to the category if assigned NOT assigned to the test category. » To execute conditions on existing items, press ALT-X.
Manual assignments, Clear a condition, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach an assignment action to a category to make automatic explicit assignments to another category. Actions trigger assignments to other categories. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the category to which you're attaching an action and press F10 Category Properties. 2. Highlight Assignment Actions and press F3 (CHOICES). 3. Highlight the target category and press SPACEBAR: · Once to assign items automatically to the target category when they are assigned to the category with the action · Twice to unassign items from the target category when they are assigned to the category with the action 4. Press ENTER. RESULTS Explicit assignments are not dependent on another assignment, and they hold unless you explicitly break the assignment. For example: an action attached to Project X assigns items to Fran when items are assigned to Project X. If the assignment to Project X is broken, the assignment to Fran is not affected. NOTES » You can attach more than one action to a category by repeating Step 3. You can attach different types of actions and any type of condition to a category. » You can also set date or numeric actions. » In Step 3 you choose the action value. The symbol for this value displays in the left column in the Action box. You can change this value at any time. VALUE SYMBOL MEANING ----------- ------ ---------------------------------------- Assigned + Items are assigned to target category if they're assigned to category w/action. Not - Assignment to the target category breaks assigned when item is assigned to the category with the action. » To execute actions on existing items, press ALT-X.
Manual assignments, Clear an action, » Index
PURPOSE You use an assignment condition to draw conditional assignments to a category automatically. You use an assignment action to make explicit assignments to other categories automatically. For both conditions and actions, you choose a value for the automatic assignment when you attach the condition or action: ABOUT VALUE SYMBOL MEANING VALUES ----------- ------ ------------------------------------------ Assigned + Make an assignment when an item is assigned to another category Not - · Condition: make an assignment when an assigned item ISN'T assigned to another category · Action: break an assignment when an item is assigned to another category CHANGE THE In a view or the category manager: VALUE 1. Highlight the category whose condition or action value you want to change and press F10 Category Properties. 2. Highlight Assignment Condition or Assignment Action. 3. Highlight the category whose value you want to change and press F4 (VALUES). 4. Press SPACEBAR once and ENTER twice.
Attach an action, Attach a condition, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach a date condition to a category to automatically assign items with certain dates/times to that category. Date conditions are the same as standard conditions, with another feature: ranges. RANGES Besides choosing whether assignments are drawn to a category if they are or are not assigned to the date category, you can: · Set a RANGE of dates for the date condition (such as all dates between 8/26/91 and 8/28/91) · Choose whether to include items that are inside or outside the range EXAMPLE You can attach a date condition to category Reroute so that if you assign a When date inside the range 6/14/91 to 6/21/91 to an item, Agenda automatically assigns the item to Reroute. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the category to which you want to pull assignments if an item meets the date condition. 2. F10 Category Properties 3. Highlight Assignment Conditions and press F3 (CHOICES). 4. Highlight the date category for the condition and press SPACEBAR. 5. Choose whether items will display if they are or are not assigned to the date category condition. 6. If you choose Assigned, you can also choose: · A range for the date condition (enter dates for Start Date and End Date) · Whether dates assigned to the condition category for each item should be inside or outside the range you set NOTE To choose just one date/time (instead of a range), enter the same date/time in Start Date and End Date.
Manual assignments, Automatic assignments, » Index
PURPOSE You can attach a numeric condition to a category to assign items with certain numbers to that category automatically. Numeric conditions are the same as standard conditions, with another feature: ranges. RANGES Besides choosing whether assignments are drawn to a category if they are or are not assigned to the numeric category, you can: · Set a RANGE of numbers for the numeric condition (such as all numbers between 100 and 199) · Choose whether to include items that are inside or outside the range EXAMPLE You can attach a numeric condition to category Petty Cash so that when you assign a number inside the range .01 to 50 to an item, Agenda automatically assigns the item to Petty Cash. STEPS In a view or the category manager: 1. Highlight the category to which you want to trigger assignments if an item meets the numeric condition. 2. F10 Category Properties 3. Highlight Assignment Conditions and press F3 (CHOICES). 4. Highlight the numeric category for the condition and press SPACEBAR. 5. Choose whether items will display if they are or are not assigned to the numeric category condition. 6. If you choose Assigned, you can also choose: · A range for the numeric condition (enter numbers for Minimum and Maximum) · Whether numbers assigned to the condition category for each item should be inside or outside the range you set NOTE To choose just one number (instead of a range), enter the same number in Minimum and Maximum.
Manual assignments, Automatic assignments, » Index
PURPOSE You can use the Browse command to shift the dates in a view or section and thereby change which items display. Browse lets you move quickly forward or back by day, week, month, or year. You can browse in a datebook view, or in a standard view or section with a date filter. STEPS In a standard view or highlighted section with a date filter, or in a datebook view: 1. F10 View Browse 2. Use the browse keys (shown on next page) to shift the date. 3. Quit browsing by pressing either: · ENTER to replace the original dates with the current browse dates · ESC to cancel the browse dates and restore the originals SHORTCUT Press ALT-B in Step 1. NOTE If you have more than one date filter in the view or section, Agenda tries to use all of these filters simultaneously. IN STANDARD TO MOVE PRESS VIEWS ----------------------- -------------------------------------- Forward one day ð Back one day ï Forward one week CTRL-ð Back one week CTRL-ï Forward one month PGDN Back one month PGUP Forward one year CTRL-PGDN Back one year CTRL-PGUP IN DATEBOOK Forward one period ð VIEWS Back one period ï EXAMPLES · In the PLANNER application, the This Week view shows your obligations for the current week. You can use Browse in this datebook view to see what's scheduled for two weeks from now. · If you have a date filter on a Meetings section so that only meetings scheduled for the next three days display, you can use Browse to shift the 3-day filter ahead (or back).
Attach a date filter, » Index
PURPOSE You can sort category names in the category manager in alphabetical order. You can sort all the categories or just a family of categories. When you use alphabetized children as section heads in a view, the sections will be alphabetized and easier to find. STEPS In the category manager: 1. Highlight the parent of the family you want to alphabetize. 2. ALT-F5 (SORT) RESULTS Categories in the sorted family display in alphabetical order in the category manager. NOTES » To alphabetize all the categories in the file, highlight MAIN in Step 1. » You can't undo this sort, but you can use ALT-F10 (MOVE) to rearrange individual category names.
About sorting, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Item has no You have just used the Item Properties box to break all of remaining the assignments for the current item (by removing every assignments. category from the Assigned To setting). Discard the Yes.......Discard this item from the Agenda file. (An item item? can't remain in the file unless it's assigned to at least one category.) Tip: You can recover discarded items during the same Agenda session by using the Item Undisc command. No........Return to the Item Properties box so you can assign this item to one or more categories (by filling in the Assigned To setting).
Fill in a box, Assign an item, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Columns in You have asked to remove the current column from all protected sections in the view. But some of the view's sections are sections will protected, and columns can't be removed from protected not be removed. sections. Continue? Yes.......Remove the column from all unprotected sections of the view, even though it won't be removed from the protected sections. (The unprotected sections are those you appended to the view since it was protected.) Note: If the column in a section is unlinked, it won't be removed either. No........Cancel the remove request and keep the column in every section where it currently appears. Tip: To remove the column from all sections, you must first unprotect the view by using the View Properties command.
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Columns in You have asked to change the current column in all sections protected of the view. But some of the view's sections are protected, sections will and columns can't be changed in protected sections. not be changed. Continue? Yes.......Change the column in all unprotected sections of the view, even though it won't be changed in the protected sections. (The unprotected sections are those you appended to the view since it was protected.) Note: If the column in a section is unlinked, it won't be changed either. No........Cancel the change request and keep the column as is in every section. Tip: To change the column in all sections, you must first unprotect the view by using the View Properties command.
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Can't get the You have asked to retrieve a file for which Agenda reservation. automatically tries to get the reservation. But you are currently unable to get the reservation for this file (probably because another user has it). Note: You may also get this message if you've changed the file's attribute in DOS to be read-only. Continue? Yes.......Retrieve the file even though you don't have the reservation. This means you have the file in Read-Only mode, so you can't update it. Tip: If you want to try to get a reservation for this file later in the session, use the File Maintenance Reservation command. No........Cancel the request to retrieve this file.
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove this Yes.......Remove the current section from the view. (The section from category used as the section head remains in the the view? category hierarchy after you remove the section. Also, items and their assignments in the Agenda file are not affected when you remove the section.) No........Cancel the remove request and keep the current section as is in the view.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove the entire Yes.......Clear this filter (by clearing the entire list of assignment categories currently specified for it). Clearing filter? has no effect on those categories themselves. No........Cancel the request to clear this filter and keep it as is.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove the entire Yes.......Clear all conditions from the current category assignment (by clearing the entire list of condition condition? categories specified for it). Clearing the list of condition categories has no effect on those categories themselves. No........Cancel the request to clear the current category's conditions and keep them as they are.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove the entire Yes.......Clear all actions from the current category (by assignment clearing the entire list of action categories action? specified for it). Clearing the list of action categories has no effect on those categories themselves. No........Cancel the request to clear the current category's actions and keep them as they are.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File already Yes.......Completely replace the current contents of the exists, do you print output file (which already exists on disk) want to replace with your new output. The name of this file is it? specified in the File setting of the Final Print box. Caution: You can't recover the file's current contents once you replace them. No........Cancel the print request and leave this file unchanged. Agenda returns you to the Final Print box where you can either select a different existing file to use or type the name of a new file.
Fill in a box, » Index
PURPOSE You can select an attribute or a combination of attributes that Agenda uses when printing the specified text. STEPS 1. Use ñ, ò, HOME, and END to +-------- Choices --------+ highlight an attribute you | Normal | want to select or remove. |x Bold | |x Italic | 2. Press SPACEBAR (an X appears | Underscore words | beside each selected attribute). | Underscore all | |x Double underscore words| 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until | Double underscore all | you've selected the combination | Subscript | of attributes you want. | Superscript | | Strikethrough | 4. Press ENTER. | Small caps | +-------------------------+ NOTES » Agenda won't let you pick conflicting combinations. » See your printer manual to find out which attributes your printer supports.
About printing, Attribute marker settings, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove Which item(s) to remove from particular sections: Current item....Remove only the currently highlighted item. Marked items....Remove every item in the file that you've marked (t) with F7 (MARK). When you remove an item from a section, you are breaking the assignment between the item and the category that's used as the section head. This doesn't cause the item to be discarded from the Agenda file (unless the item isn't assigned to any other categories). Tip: If you want to completely discard the item from the file, use the Item Discard command or ALT-F4 (DISCARD).
Fill in a box, Assign an item, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove What to remove: Marked items....Remove every marked (t) item in the file from its section. This breaks the assignment between the item and the category used as the section head. It does not discard the item from the file (unless item isn't assigned to other categories). Tip: To discard items from the file, use Item Discard command or ALT-F4 (DISCARD). Current selection.......Remove the highlighted section from the view. (The category used as the section head remains in the category hierarchy after you remove the section. Items and assignments in the file are not affected.)
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Updating You have asked to retrieve an Agenda 1.0 file (with file Release 1 file extension .AGA). This file will automatically be converted (filename) to the Agenda 2.0 format (and be given the extension .AG). But the current directory already contains an Agenda 2.0 file with this name, so you must specify whether to replace the existing 2.0 file with the converted contents. Replace existing Yes.......Completely replace the existing 2.0 file with (filename) the converted contents from the 1.0 file. No........Keep the existing 2.0 file as is and save the converted contents from the 1.0 file to a new file name (see the setting below). New file name 1 to 8 character name of file in which to store converted contents. Specify a path if you want to save file in a directory other than current one. Don't specify a file extension (Agenda automatically adds .AG).
Fill in a box, Select a file, » Index
PURPOSE When a setting (in a dialog box) displays a list of names, you may want to rearrange the order of those names. STEPS 1. Use ñ, ò, HOME, and END to highlight a name you want to reposition in the list. 2. ALT-F10 (MOVE) 3. Use ñ and ò to move the name to its new position in the list. 4. Press ENTER. EXAMPLES You can use this technique to reposition names in: · The Sections setting of the View Properties box · The Columns setting of the Section Properties box
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Change item's Yes.......Re-evaluate the relative date contained in this date from item's text based on the current date and time. (old When date) to The result of this re-evaluation is a new When (new When date) date for the item. Example: Suppose you edit an item that includes the relative date "tomorrow". If today's date is 11/05/90, Agenda replaces the item's old When date with the new value 11/06/90. No........Keep the item's existing When date as is.
Fill in a box, Enter dates & times, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Remove the entry Yes.......Remove the highlighted entry from the category from the category note column of the view and also delete it from note? the appropriate category note. (This doesn't delete the entire category note, only the line that appears in the category note column.) Caution: You can't recover this entry once you remove it. No........Cancel the remove request and keep this entry in the view and in the category note.
Fill in a box, Turn off confirm mode, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- File/Disk full. There isn't enough space available on the disk for Agenda to complete the current operation. Attempt to save Yes.......Save as much of the current file as possible part of the before terminating the operation. text? No........Terminate the operation without trying to save the current file. If you want to try the operation again, you first need to make more disk space available (such as by deleting some old files).
Fill in a box, » Index
SETTING DESCRIPTION ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Detach the Yes.......Detach the external file that is currently existing attached to the note or macro. The contents of note/macro file? this external file are not affected by the detach operation. If you've specified a new external file to attach to the note/macro, Agenda does so after detaching the old external file. No........Cancel the detach request and keep the current external file attached to the note/macro.
Fill in a box, External macro file, External note file, » Index
Extracted from AGENDA.HLP
© 1989, 1990 Lotus Development Corporation
By M Rourke, 2002