Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #14
2013-11-29 through 2013-12-31
So far 289 visitors have viewed this contest 686 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Leo Springer, Netherlands, the composer of Number 276, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #14.

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #14 Results

Of the 289 different visitors to Contest #14, 13 voted. There were 397 return visits.

Leo Springer, Netherlands, on his first try, became the new Unofficial World Champion Checker Problem Composer. Winning with 6 votes, his clever Number 276 was a recent one of his many numbered compositions. It had the fewest pieces and featured a last ditch pitch into a Captive Cossacks bind. Not much is known about Mr. Springer on this side of the Atlantic. He has published a book of his earlier problems. We hope he will defend his new crown many times.

Roy Little, Oklahoma, took second place. His Southern Hospitality garnered 3 votes by sacrificing two pieces to secure a piece down win.

The others problems trailed with one vote each (none of the composers voted):

Piece Ahead, by Ed Atkinson, Pennsylvania, traded two odd pitches for one to win with a forced Pocket Steal.

Checkeroni, by Louis Cowie, Ohio, was dedicated to Michele Borghetti. The kingless, natural-appearing setting had the most star moves, including a desperation pitch, chase, and steal to draw.

Ah! by Jim Loy, Montana, was also a kingless setting. It had the most pieces and corrected Kear's Encyclopedia, Supplement, Page 5, Var 5G, where Julius D'Orio played 22 18 to a draw. The run-up went: 11-15, 23 18, 8-11, 27 23, 4-8, 23 19, 9-14, 18 9, 5-14, 22 17, 6-9, 26 23, 15-18, 17 13, 18-27, 13 6, 2-9, 32 23, 11-15, 25 22, 7-11? 30 25, 1-5, 24 20, 15-24, 28 19, 9-13 forms Ah!

Pitchers' Battle, by Bill Salot, Virginia, reduced to a 2x2 win, via multiple pitches

Southern Hospitality
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*8 3, 24-27, *23 19, 27-23, *18 15, 23-16, *21 17A, 13-22, *15 11, 16-7, 3 10, 9-13, *10 14White Wins
ANot 15 11, 16-7, 3 10, *9-14Draw
Piece Ahead
Composed By: Ed Atkinson, Pennsylvania
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*15 10, 9-2, *12 8, 3-12, *19 15, 26-19, 15 24, 16-19, 24 15, 12-16, *27 23, 20-24, *15 19White Wins
Composed By: Louis Cowie, Ohio
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
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Trunk*24 15, 7-10, *23 19, 9-14, *27 24, 20-27, 32 23, 2-7, *23 18, 14-23, *17 14, 10-17, 21 14, 7-11, *14 9, 11-18, 9 2, 8-11, *2 7, 11-16, *7 11, 16-20, *11 15Draw
Composed By: Jim Loy, Montana
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*22-17, 13-22, 25-9, 5-14, *21-17, 14-21, *23-18, 12-16, 19 12, 10-15, *18 14, 15-18, *14 10, 11-15, 10 7 or 20 16White Wins
Pitchers' Battle
Composed By: Bill Salot, Virginia
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*1 6A, 9-13 (or 9-14), *11 7, 3-10, *8 11, 15-19, 6 24, 20-27, 11 20, 27-31, *26 22, 31-26, *22 17, 26-19 (or 13-22 first), *20 24, 13-22, 24 15, 12-16, *15 11White Wins
ANot 11 7, 3-10, 1 6 or 8 11, *10-14Red Wins
Number 276
Composed By: Leo Springer, Netherlands
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*14 17, 22-26A, 32 27 (or 19 23 first), 13-22, *19 23, 12-19, *23 21, 22-26, *21 25, 26-31, *27 23, 19-26, *25 30White Wins
A25-30, 17 26, 30-23, 19 26, 12-19, *32 27, 13-17, *26 30, 17-21 or 17-22, *27 23White Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at