Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #16
2014-03-27 through 2014-04-30
So far 307 visitors have viewed this contest 564 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little, the composer of Five Gone Conclusion, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #16.

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #16 Results:

Roy Little retained his world title and his perfect record so far this year. He had a share of back-to-back wins last year as well.

His cleverly titled "Five Gone Conclusion", with 8 votes, won in a landslide. It featured a quintuple jump hidden in a relatively natural setting.

In a distant 2nd place tie, with 1 vote each, were:

>Ed Atkinson's "Code Breaker" with a first-ever Jack-in-the-Box jump, plus a 4-for-2, and a man-down win;

>Melvin Green's "Long Shot", a classic pure stroke with a fantastic 4-for-3 finale; and

>V. J. Parrot's "Mt. Vesuvius", the only stroke requiring careful careful afterplay.

Last and largest was Bill Salot's "Long Diagonal", continuing his streak of attracting zero votes.

Although voting was down, the 307 visitors to Contest #16 was a record exceeding every contest since we started counting in October 2013.

Contest problems are selected from a large backlog of entries. An effort is made to choose problems of near equal merit for each contest. So the lopsided win in Contest #16 comes as a surprise.

All of the problems in Contest #16 had at least 13 total pieces and at least 4 star moves, resulting in removal of at least 11 pieces from the board.

It appears that the judges placed unexpected emphasis on naturalness of setting. Future contests will try to better recognize this factor.

Comments are invited.

Long Shot
Composed By: Melvyn Green
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*30 25, 23-14, *11 8, 3-12, *7 2, 14-7, 2 18, 24-15, 18 11, 12-19, *22 18White Wins
Mt. Vesuvius
Composed By: V. J Parrot
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*31 24, 20-27, 32 23, 19-17, 6 9 {or 15-11 first}, 5-14, *15 11, 8-15, *7 11, 16-7, *2 9, 17-13, *9 14, 1-5, *10 7, 13-9, *14 10, 9-13, 7 2, 13-9, *2 7, 9-13, 10 6White Wins
Long Diagonal
Composed By: Bill Salot
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*24 27, 31-24, *10 6, 1-19, *17 21, 26-17, 21 14, 29-15, 11 20, 4-11 or 9-18, *2 7White Wins
Five Gone Conclusion
Composed By: Roy Little
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*11 7, 2-11, *18 15, 11-18, 23 14, 32-23, *30 25, 29-22, *14 9White Wins
Code Breaker
Composed By: Ed Atkinson
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk8 11*, 22-29. 10 7*A, 3-10, 18 23*, 27-18, 11 8*, 20-27, 19 23*, 12-19. 23 7*White Wins
A18 23, 27-18, 10 7, 20-27*, 19 23, 12-19*, Red Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at