Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #20
2014-11-28 through 2014-12-31
So far 307 visitors have viewed this contest 806 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little (Oklahoma), the composer of Catapult, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #20.

Contest #20 Results

Roy Little's "Catapult" won handily with more votes (11) than the other 3 entries combined (10). "Catapult" had a bit of everything: a natural, kingless setting; a deferred triple triggered by a 2-way sacrifice followed by another deferred triple triggered by a double sacrifice. It was the only entry with no significant variations. Are the judges telling us something?

Jim Loy's "Alarm Clock", the other natural, kingless setting, was second with 4 votes. It had the most star moves (9). It threatened one triple at the outset and executed another at the end; tick, tick, tick, bzzz! As usual, Jim's entry corrected recorded play as follows: 9-14 22-17 5-9 17-13 1-5 25-22 14-17 21-14 9-25 29-22 10-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 7-10 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 27-20 10-15 32-28 4-8 31-27 15-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 2-7 24-15 7-10 15-11 8-15 20-16 15-19 16-11 10-14 26-22 14-17 22-18 17-22 (corrects 3-7?, R. King vs. P. Schwartzberg, 2014 National, R9 G1 Masters) 18-14 19-23 28-24 23-27 24-19 (now same as "Alarm Clock" at 8, 15-19, cols. rev.)

Ed Atkinson's "Slingshot" and Bill Salot's "Uncovered" tied for third (and last) with 3 votes each.

Like "Catapult", "Slingshot" featured two deferred strokes in tandem. A deferred triple was followed by afterplay leading to a clever deferred 2-way double. But, as Ed says, a slingshot is no match for a catapult.

"Uncovered" had the fewest pieces and offered 2-way triples, allowing Red to choose its poison. A pushaway and double sacrifice uncovered each triple.

Contest #20 had 307 visitors. One out of every 14.6 of them voted.

Contest #20 was introduced as follows:

Contest #20 - Special Deferred Triples

The Year 2014 began with a contest of 5 deferred triples each featuring UP TO 6 star moves. It ends here with 4 even better deferred triples. This time each problem features AT LEAST 6 star moves. These are special because of their masterful foreplay, afterplay, or both. Look for some mind-bending moves in every one of them, including in their notes.

Please see the beautiful details in animation, and vote for the one you deem best.
Composed By: Bill Salot (Virginia)
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*13 9, 32-27, *8 11, 27-23A, *11 15, 23-26 {or 23-27}, *15 10B, 14-18, *21 17, 5-21, *10 6, 1-10, 7 30 {Triple}White Wins
A27-31 (27-24, *11 15, 24-28, 15 19, WW by going to 17), *11 15, 31-26 (or 31-27), same as TrunkWhite Wins
BNot 15 19, *26-22, 19 15, *22-25Draw
Alarm Clock
Composed By: Jim Loy (Montana)
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*16 11A, 6-9B, *17 13, 9-14, *13 9, 10-15, *9 6, 15-19, *6 2C, 14-18D, *11 7, 3-10, *30 26, 22-31, *2 7, 31-24, 7 16 {Triple}, 24-27, *16 19 White Wins
ANot 17 13, *10-14Draw
B10-15, *30 26, 22-31, 17 13 or 17 14, 31-24, 28 1 (Triple)White Wins
CNot 6 1, *14-18, 1 6, *19-23Red Wins
D3-8 (3-7, *11 8, WW various ways), 11 4, 14-18, move either king, 19-23, *27 24White Wins
Composed By: Roy Little (Oklahoma)
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*18 15, 11-18, 23 14, 27-31, *32 27, 31-22, *30 26, 22-24, 28 3 {Triple}, 21-25, *3 7, 6-10, *13 9, 10-17, *9 6, 1-10, 7 30 {Triple}White Wins
Composed By: Ed Atkinson (Pennsylvania)
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*22 17, 14-18, *32 28, 24-27, *3 7, 12-10, *17 14, 10-17, 21 32 {Triple}, 5-9, *29 25, 9-14, *25 21A, 14-18B, *28 24, 20-27, 32 14 {Double}White Wins
ANot 25 22, *20-24, 28 19, *31-26Draw
B31-26, 28 24 {or 21 17 first}White Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at