Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #21
2015-01-24 through 2015-02-28
So far 235 visitors have viewed this contest 549 times.

We have a tie!

The ACF Website would like to congratulate
Jim Loy, Montana, the composer of Impossible and
Roy Little, Oklahoma, the composer of Sparkler
who have tied with 6 votes.

Contest #21 produced another first place tie. Jim Loy's "Impossible" and Roy Little's "Sparkler" shared top spot with 6 votes each. They were beauties. Bill Salot's "Irish Fall" with only one vote was overwhelmed.

Contest #22 will be delayed because of an illness in the Salot family.

Here is how Contest #21 was introduced:

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #21 -
Non-Stroke Fork Problems
January 24 - February 28, 2015 (Starting date moved up a week)

A Fork occurs when a King simultaneously attacks two single pieces from the rear. It is a simple way to gain a piece. But sometimes the Fork is hard to find, as in the all-star solutions to these 4 examples. Please see them animated, and respond by voting for the one you like best.

Postscript: This contest originally had a fourth non-stroke fork problem. That problem was unsound and therefore deleted. Unfortunately the ACF Bulletin and the Lancashire Checkers Newsletter were published early and included the faulty problem.
Composed By: Jim Loy, Montana
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*8 3A, 27-24BC, *11 16, 19-23, *16 11, 24-19, *3 7, 14-18, *7 10, 18-22, *11 15, 19-24, *15 18 {fork}White Wins
ANot 11 15, *27-24Draw
B27-32, *3 7, 32-28, *11 15, 28-24, *7 10White Wins
C19-23, *11 15, 23-26, *3 7White Wins
Irish Fall
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*5 1A, 10-14, *1 6, 14-18B, *6 10C, 3-7, *10 3, 19-24, *3 7, 8-11, *7 10, 11-20, *10 15, 18-23, *15 19 {fork}White Wins
ANot 25 22, *10-14, 5 1, *8-11Draw
B14-17 (19-23, *25 22, WW), *6 10, 3-7, 10 3, 19-23 or 19-24, *3 7, 8-11, *25 21White Wins
CNot 25 21, move 18 or 19, 6 10, *3-7 Draw
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*27 23A, 20-24, *7 2B, 24-27, *2 6, 27-31, *6 9C, 8-11, 9 18, 31-27, *23 19, 15-24, *18 14, 10-15, *14 10, 15-19, *10 7, 11-16, *7 11, 16-20, *11 16, 27-23, *22 18, 23-14, *17 10, 19-23, *16 19 {fork}White Wins
ANot 7 2 or 7 3, *14-18Draw
BNot 7 3, *8-12, 3 7, 15-19 (or 24-28 first), 23 16, 12-19, 7 2 or 7 11, *24-28Draw
CNot 22 18, 15-22, 6 15, *31-27Red Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at