Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #31-1
2016-11-19 through 2016-12-31
So far 347 visitors have viewed this contest 730 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little, Oklahoma City, OK, the composer of Tight Squeeze, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #31-1.


Unofficial World Championship Problem Composing Contest 31 (Part 1) - Escape Problems - November 19 - December 31, 2016 - RESULTS

347 visited. The 13 who voted have seen the results already.

Tight Squeeze led from beginning to end, garnering 77% of the votes, the largest winning percentage in any of these contests, falling just three votes short of unanimous. Scattered Brains stole two votes for second place, and Desperate Escape took one for third. The other two entries got zip.

In each contest, we try to match problems of equal merit. Boy, did we get it wrong this time! Tight Squeeze had the fewest pieces and shortest solution, had an ending squeeze and no trick variations, was easiest to solve, and practically played itself. What attracted the votes?

Scattered Brains was named after its retreating moves. Desperate Escape had great depth, cleverly skirting Third Position. Ook arose in a game and was what an orangutan said. Simple Simon combined ideas, including an ending squeeze that got no votes.

How will Tight Squeeze fare against entries by three surprise, first-time entrants in Part 2 of this contest? Will it be another mismatch?

All of the composers' names will be announced after completion of the overall contest on February 28, 2017.

Here is how Part 1 was introduced:

The object of our game is to win. But sometimes in a dire situation, facing a superior opponent, a draw can be incredibly satisfying. That is how the 8 different escape composers feel about their entries in this two-part contest. All 8 gems require 5 to 7 star moves. Only 5 problems appear here in Part 1.

The winner will go on to join the remaining 3 in February 2017 for Part 2 of this contest. Part 2 will determine the overall world champion drawmaster. The 3 authors being given byes to the second round are all first-time contest entrants.

Wiswell said, "Keep the draw in sight", but with these beauties, you have to find the keys to the cage first. For the ultimate experience, check their animated solutions. When you do, kindly cast your vote here for the most impressive one.

There is still time (deadline December 31) for you to enter your original, unpublished miracle draw in Part 2 of Contest 31. Contact information is under the diagrams below.
Tight Squeeze
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma City, OK
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
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Trunk*18 15, 7-11, *15 10, 22-18, *14 9, 18-14, *9 6, 14-7, *8 3, 7-10, *3 8, 10-1, 8 24White Wins
Desperate Escape
Composed By: Ed Atkinson, Harrisburg, PA
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
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Trunk*6 1, 27-24, *1 5 {Not 1 6, *24 20, RW}, 9-13, *5 9A, 14-18, 15 22, 24-15, *9 14B, 12-19 {now published play}, *14 17C, 19-23, *17 21C, 23-18, *21 25 {Now Paynes Single Corner Draw 1756} Draw
ANot 16 11, *14-18, 15-22, 24-8, 5 9, *8-11, 9 14, *11-15, 3rd Position Red Wins
BNot 16 11, 15-8, 9 14, RW; Move is wrong for Payne's Single Corner Draw Red Wins
COtherwise 3rd PositionRed Wins
Scattered Brains
Composed By: Bill Salot, Colonial Heights, VA
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
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Trunk*8 4, 19-23, *4 8 {Not 31 27, RW by getting 3 Kings}, 12-19, *8 12A, 3-7B, *12 8C, 19-24, 28 19, 32-28, *8 4 {Not 8 3 or 8 12, *28-24, RW}, 7-10, *4 8 {release piece on 19}, Draws Draw
ANot 8 11, *19-24, 28 19, *32-28, 11 16, *3-7, 16 20 (16 12, *28-24, RW), *23-27, 31 24, *7-11Red Wins
B19-24, 28 19, *32-28, *19 16, draws, but 12 16 loses same as Note A at 5 (11 16) Draw
CNot 12 16, *19-24, 28 19, *32-28 wins same as Note A at 6 (*3-7)Red Wins
Composed By: Jim Loy, Bozeman, MT
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
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Trunk*32 27A, 26-30, *19 16, 30-25 {30-26, *16 19, Draw}, *23 19, 25-21 {25-30, *16 11, *30-26, *27 23, 26-30, *11 7 Draw}, *18 15, 21-14, *15 11, 14-17, 11 8 {or 11 7 similar}, 17-26, *19 15Draw
ANot 32 28, *26-30, 19 16 (28 24, *30-25, 24 20, *25-21, RW), *30-25, 23 19, *25-30, 16 20, 30-26, 19 16, *26-23, 18 15, 10-19, 20 24, *23-18Red Wins
Simple Simon
Composed By: Louis Cowie, Painesville, OH
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*29 25A, 30-21, *7 10, 21-17{16-11, *10 17, Draw}, 10 1, 17-22, 13 6, 22-26, 18 9, 26-10, *6 2, 5-14, *2 6, 10-7 {or 10-15}, *6 10Draw
ANot 15 11, *30-26, 7 3, *26-19, 29 25, *14-23Red Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at