Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest # 32
2017-03-18 through 2017-04-30
So far 377 visitors have viewed this contest 965 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Wilma Wolverton, Missouri, the composer of Box Canyon, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest # 32.


Bob Newell called it "perhaps the best collection to date". This competitive 7-problem contest had 377 visitors, 18 of whom voted.

In a close 3-way finish, 1st time entrant Wilma Wolverton's, delicate, trap-laden dandy, "Box Canyon", won with 5 votes. It was based on a game she recently won at the "ItsYourTurn" website.

In a tie for 2nd, with 4 votes each, were "Busy Blocker", Ed Atkinson's clever, 6 star, 3x3 composition leading to a classic coup; and "Napoleon Symphony", Liam Stephens' canny correction that could have copped the 11-man title for Jim Morrison (Liam pointed out the win during the game before Jim missed it).

4th with 3 votes was "Reincarnation", a 3x3 setting, originally by G. H. Slocum in 1905, but adopted and corrected (in two places) by Bill Salot.

5th with 2 votes was "Side Ache", by Roy Little, breaking his latest consecutive strings at 2 wins and 7 top-2 finishes.

Trailing and voteless, were Jim Loy's Woolly, a game correction named after his pet mammoth; and "Exposition" from a game won by G. H. Slocum in 1893, the year of the Chicago World's Fair.

"Exposition" was at a disadvantage in that much of it was published play, and the judges unfortunately did not know that Slocum's impressive analysis was published earlier, in 1893. It is nevertheless disqualified because of its prior publication. Mr. Slocum will compete again. Are there any new challengers?

Bill Salot can provide any of the games mentioned.

Here is how Contest 32 was introduced:

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 32 - Delicate Victories - 3/18/17-4/30/17

Wins can be so fragile.

Jim Morrison missed one of these wins in his recent, so-called perfectly played, 11-man ballot match against Moiseyev.

The Old Master G. H. Slocum won one of them in a recently discovered game, which when published was labeled the "most deceptive seen in years".

Another was inspired by a game won by a first-time entrant in this contest; a fourth expands on a line in Tescheleit's Master Play; and a fifth makes multiple corrections to a previously published problem.

Several run into published finishes, but their initial moves are original and provocative.

Even the problem titles have stories to tell (later).

Which one is best?

Who will become the new World Champion Problemist?

Anonymous voters, like you, will decide it right here on this site.

Please exercise the animator, vote for the one you deem best, and monitor the course of the contest by revisiting often.
Busy Blocker
Composed By: Ed Atkinson,Pennsylvania
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*5 1, 4-8A, *1 6, 22-26B, *21 25, 8-12C, *6 10, 26-31D, *27 23, 19-26, *25 30, 12 16, 30 23E, 16-20, 10 15F, 20-24, *23 27, 24-28, *27 32White Wins
A22-26, *21 25, 26-31, *27 23, 19-26, *25 30, as in TrunkWhite Wins
B8-11, 6 10 or 21 17White Wins
C8-11, 6 10 or 6 2White Wins
D12-16, 10 15 or 25 30White Wins
ENow a variation of #1687, by T. McLaren, in the Northern Leader, England, October 23, 1909, per Boland’s Bridges, Page 27, Note G.White Wins
FNow Martins v Wyllie 1872 match (from a Single Corner game) White Wins
Composed By: Bill Salot, Virginia
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*12 16A, 4-8B, *16 12, 8-11, *12 8, 11-15C, *8 11, 14-18D, *9 6E, 1-10, *5 9, 10-14F, *9-13, 15-19, *13 9G, 14-17, *11-15, 17-21, *15-24 {into American Position}White Wins
ACorrects previously published 9 6, 1-10, 5 9, *14-18, 9 6, *10-15 (corrects previously published 10-14, *6 9, 14-17, *9 14, WW by 1st Position), 6 10, *18-22Draw
B14-18, *16 11, 18-23, *11 7, 23-27, *9 6, into 1st PositionWhite Wins
C11-16, *8 11, 16-19 (or 16-20 similar), *11 7, 19-23 or 19-24, *9 6, 1-10, *5 9White Wins
D15-18 (or 15-19 similar), *11 7, 18-22 or 18-23, *9 6, 1-10, *5 9White Wins
ENot 11 7, *18-22, 7 10, *15-19, 9 6, 19-23 or 19-24Draw
F15-19, 11 15 or 9 6White Wins
GNot 11 15, *19-24, 15 22, *14-17Draw
Side Ache
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*18 14A, 25-22, *14 9B, 22-18C, *12 8D, 19-15E, 9 5F, 18-22, *8 12, 15-19, 5 1, 22-26, *12 8, 19-15, 7 10G, 15-6, *1 10White Wins
ANot 21 17 19-23 or 25 22; nor 12 8, *19-23Draw
BNot 14 10, *22-18, 10 6 or 12 8, *11-15Draw
C22-26, *12 8, 19-15, 9 5 or 21 17White Wins
DNot 21 17 (Not 9 5 or 9 6, *11-15, Draws), *19-15, 12 10, *18-22Red Wins
E11-15, *7 10White Wins
FNot 21 17 (Not 9 6, *18-22, Draws), 18-14 (or 16-20 first)Draw
GNot 1 6 or 7 3 or 8 3 or 8 4, *26-22Draw
Composed By: Geotge H. Slocum (deceased), Illinois


Prior publication
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*24 19A, 21-25, *6 9, 25-30B, *9 14C, 30-25, *28 24D, 25-30, *19 15, 11-18, 14 23, 7-10, *23 18, 30-26, *24 19, 26-31, *18 23E, 10-14, *19 15, 14-17, *23 18F, 31-27, *15 10, 27-24G, *10 7, 24-19, *7 3H, 17-21, *18 22, 19-15, *3 8, 15-19I, 8 11, 19-23J, 11 7, 23-19, 7 10, 19-23, 10 14, 23-19, 14 18, 19-24, 18 15, 24-28, 15 19, 28-32, 20 16, 32-28, 16 11, 28-32, 11 7, 32-27, 7 3, 27-32, 3 7, 32-27, 7 11, 27-32K, 11 15, 32-28, 15 18, 28-32, 18 23White Wins
ANot 6 9, *12-16, 9 14, *21-25, 14 18, *7-10Draw
B7-10, *9 6, 11-15, *28 24, 25-30, *6 2White Wins
CNow H. Owen v L. Balderson, who missed the win, 1972 US Nat.Draw
DCorrects Balderson's 19 15 (Not 14 18, *7-10, Draws), 11-18, 14 23, *25-22Draw
ENow R Beckwith v A. Moiseyev WCDF 2016 3 moveWhite Wins
FNot 15 10 or 15 11, *17-21Draw
GNow Banks v Ryan 1937 matchWhite Wins
HNot 7 2, *17-21, 18 22, *19-15Draw
I15-10, 8 11, 10-14, 11 7, 14-9, 7 10, Banks v Ryan 1937 matchWhite Wins
JNow J. Webster v V. Monteiro (Colors Reversed) 1971 Florida OpWhite Wins
KNow J. Hynd v J. Birkenshaw (Colors Reversed) 1937 Eng. Op. wins multiple ways, see Border Classics, 1957, p. 31, Note A, this juncture was reached from No. 66 in Sturges Guide, 1800 White Wins
Box Canyon
Composed By: Wilma Wolverton, Missouri
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*32 27A, 29-25, *27 23B, 25-29, *23 18B, 29-25, *18 14B, 25-29, *11 7C, 3-10, 14 7, 29-25, 7 2, 25-29, 2 6D, 29-25, 6 9, 25-29, 9 13, 29-25, 31 27E, 25-29, 27 23, 29-25, 23 18, 25-29, *18 15, 29-25, 15 10, 25-29, 10 6, 29-25, 6 1, 25-29, 1 6, 29-25, 6 10, 25-29, 10 15, 29-25, 15 19, 25-29, 19 23, 29-25, 30 26, 22-31, 13 29White Wins
ANot 32 28, *29-25, 28 24, *25-29, 24 19, *29-25, 19 15,*25-29, 15 10, *29-25, 10 6 (11 7, *3-8, Draws), *22-26 (Not 25-29, *6 1, 29-25, 1 6, 25-29, 11 7, 3-10, 6 15, 29-25, 15 10, 25-29, 10 6 now Trunk at Note D, WW), 31 13, *25-22, 6 1, *22-18, 1 6, *18 15Draw
B(3 places) Moving it the other way draws per Note ADraw
CNot 14 9 or 14 10, *25-29, draws per Note A. Draw
DNow Wyllie, No. 647, Lyman's Problem Book, 1881White Wins
ECannot be played earlier because 22-26 wouldDraw
Napoleon Symphony
Composed By: Liam Stephens, Ireland
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
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Trunk*16 11A, 6-10, *11 7, 10-15, *7 2, 14-18, *30 25, 3-8B, *2 7, 8-12, *7 11, 5-9, 11 7C, 12-16, *7 11, 16-19D, *21 17, 19-24, 26 23 {11 16 also WW, but not 17 14, *15-19, Draw}, 18-27, 11 18, 27-31, *17 14, 31-26, 14 5, 26-17, *25 21White Wins
AArose in A. Moiseyev v J Morrison Game 14 of their so-called perfect 2016 11-Man WTM played to a Draw
B5-9, *2 6, 3-8, *6 2, 8-11, *2 7, 11-16,same White Wins
COr 11 8; both correct Morrison's 26 23, 18-27, 11 18, *27-31, 18 23, *9-14, Draw
D16-20, 11 16 or 11 7 or 11 8,White Wins
Composed By: Jim Loy, Montana
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*17 14A, 10-17, 21 14, 2-7 {1-5, *13 9, man-down WW}, 14 9 {or 18 15 first}, 6-10, *18 15 {9 6, *10-15 Draws}, 11-18, *9 6 , 7-11, *6 2, 1-6, 2 9, 18-22, *9 6, 11-15, 13 9B, 22-25, 20 16, 25-30, 9 5, 30-25, *16 11C, 25-21E, *5 1, 21-25, *1 5C, 25-21E, 5 9, 10-14F, 9 18, 15-22, *6 10, 21-25, *10 15, 25-30, 11 7 {or 11 8}, 30-25, *15 11, 22-26, 31 22, 25-18, *11 16, 18-23, 7 2G, 24-27, *16 20,White Wins
AInspired by a Wagram line in Tescheleit's Master Play; avoid 18 14, *10-15, 14 10, *19-23, 28 19, 15-24, 10 7, *24-28, 7 3, *28-32, 17 14 or 3 7 or 3 8, *32-28, Red Wins
BThis move and the next 3 White moves may be played in any order; the White King must stay on 6 to prevent the 19-23 trade. White Wins
C(3 places) - A White piece must be on 11 when the Red King is on 25. Otherwise Red takes the *19-23 shot to a Draw
DNot 11 7 or 11 8, *19-23, 28 19, 15-24, 6 15, *23-26 Draw
E(2 places) - 25-22 and 25-29 and 25-30 similar White Wins
F21-25, 9 13C, 25-21 (or 25-22 similar), 11 7 (or 11 8 similar), 21-25, *6 9, 25-22, 7 3 (or 7 2 similar), 19-23, 28 19, 15-24, *3 7 (not 3 8, 23-26 or 24-28, Draw), 10-15, *7 11, 15-19, *11 16, White Wins
GOr 7 3, but not 16 20, *23-27, 20 16, *19-23, 28 19, *27-24, Draw
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at