Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #35
2017-09-17 through 2017-10-31
So far 336 visitors have viewed this contest 740 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Leo Springer, Netherlands, the composer of Wheel of Fortune, which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #35 .

Results of Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 35 - Double Jeopardy Strokes

For the 3rd consecutive contest, Liam Stephens (Ireland) picked the winner, keeping him securely at the top of the problem evaluation ladder.

George Hay, Richard Marlowe, Mike Ross and Kathy Wirthwein also contributed to the 8 votes for the winning Wheel of Fortune by Leo Springer (Netherlands). Leo also won Contests 14 (2013) and 25 (2015), continuing his string of winning every contest he has entered, all in odd-numbered years.

Tied for 2nd, with 2 votes each, were Four-Leaf Clover by Roy Little, his 3rd consecutive runner-up finish, and Independence Day by Bill Salot, falling short for the 23rd consecutive time.

Last, with 1 vote, was General Store by Ed Atkinson. Jim Somers (Ireland) said, "It is a well-worked draw with good variations".

The contest had 336 visitors, 13 of whom voted.

Here is how this contest was introduced:


Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 35 - Double Jeopardy Strokes - September 17 - October 31, 2017

It is hard to compose short, tricky, multiple strokes in a single problem. Here are four original, unpublished, semi-lightweight examples. At one or more points in each solution, White offers Red a choice of jumping either of two different pieces. That's double jeopardy. The different jumps lose by different strokes. The challenge to solvers is to find both strokes.

Each setting has a total of 11 to 13 pieces; all Trunk solutions are pure strokes culminating with the 3rd star move. Just start giving away pieces. Duck soup for seasoned solvers, right?

Everyone is encouraged to solve these problems. Doing so may change your perspective on their quality. Check your solutions against the animated ones. Only the Trunk lines are animated; so don't overlook the notes describing the alternate strokes. Finally, please vote for the problem you think is best.

If you want to climb the Evaluator Ladder, tell Bill Salot which problem got your vote. His e-mail address is below the diagrams. Currently Liam Stephens is at the top of the ladder with two winners picked in two tries.
Wheel of Fortune
Composed By: Leo Springer, Netherlands
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*26 23A {double jeopardy}, 18-25B {double jeopardy}, *30 21, 19-26, 31 22, 28-19, *27 23, 19 17, 21 16White Wins
ANot 27 23 (double jeopardy), *18-25 (double jeopardy; 18-23, *22 18, WW), *23 7, 10-3Draw
B19-17, *31 26, 28-19, *26-22, 17-26, 30-23White Wins
General Store
Composed By: Ed Atkinson, Harrisburg, PA
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*13-9A, 5-14, 10-17 {double jeopardy}, 21-14B, *20-16 {double jeopardy}, 12-19C, *8 4, 3-10, 6 22Draw
ANot 20 16, 12-19, 10 15 (double jeopardy), *3-10, 15 22, 21-25 (or 5-9 first), 6 15, 25-4Red Wins
B3-10, 6 15, 21-14, *20 16, 12-19, 15 22Draw
C3-10, 6 15, 12-19, 15 22Draw
Independence Day
Composed By: Bill Salot, Colonial Heights, VA
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*14 9 {double jeopardy}, 7-14A, *22 18, 29-22, *15 11, 22-8B, 3 26, 14-18, *9 6White Wins
A5-14, *22 18, 29-22, 18 9, 7-14, *15 11White Wins
BDouble jeopardy; 16-7, 3 19, 5-23, 19 26White Wins
Four-Leaf Clover
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma City, OK
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*27 32, 20-27, *18 15 {double jeopardy}, 25-11A, *26 22, 17-19, 32 5White Wins
A10-19, 23 16, 25-18, 32 21 or 32 5White Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at