Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #45
2019-05-18 through 2019-06-30
So far 425 visitors have viewed this contest 900 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Ed Atkinson, the composer of Mining for Gold , which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #45.

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 45 - Kingless Kapers - Results

5 kingless entries turned out to be in a 2-horse race decided by a score of 7 votes to 6. Ed Atkinson's compound stroke, Mining for Gold, a win, edged Roy Little's 5-piece sweep, Hot Spot, a draw. Ed's stroke was triggered by a Domino pitch; Roy's by an In-and-Out pitch. Gary Ellison, Mark Sokolovsky, Leo Springer (Netherlands) and Liam Stephens (Ireland) voted for Mining for Gold. Gene Ellison, Tony Gallagher (UK), Lloyd Gordon, Slave Gorin (Russia) and George Hay voted for Hot Spot.

Tie for a distant 3rd with less fireworks and only 2 votes each were Last Stand, a win that John Aker achieved in a game; Swiss Cheese, a composed escape by Bill Salot; and Sting Like a Butterfly, a co-authored, historical masterpiece by John Drummond (1861) and Jim Loy (2019). Drummond published an intricate win over a stalwart defense in his analysis of a Single Corner game. But 158 years later, Jim found the one drawing twist necessary to validate Drummond's defense. Donald Oliphant (UK) and Kathy Wirthwein cast their votes for it.

Among those who have voted in more than 3 contests, the International Voters' Ladder has a new leader:
1. Leo Springer (Netherlands) 3 winners picked in 4 tries (75%)
2. Liam Stephens (Ireland) 9 in 13 tries (69%)
3. Gene Ellison 7 in 12 tries (63%)
4. Lloyd Gordon (Canada) 5 in 8 tries (62.5%)
5/6/7 (tie). Slava Gorin (Russia) & Kathy Wirthwein 5 in 10 tries (50%); Wilma Wolverton 3 in 6 tries (50%)
14 others have either not voted in more than 3 contests or have scored less than 50%. It ain't easy!

425 visited the contest web site, 19 of whom voted.

Here is how this contest was introduced:

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 45 - Kingless Kapers
May 18, 2019 - June 30, 2019
Since prehistoric times, when checkers was played with stones on grids carved in the floors of caves, some of us devotees of the game have abhorred studying unnatural problems that could not arise in games. This contest is for those of us who feel that studying game settings is the path to a higher national ranking. Two entries in this contest arose in games, and the others look like they might have. There are 3 draws sandwiched between 2 wins, all arranged by increasing size.
This contest is also for others of us who feel that studying counterintuitive play improves powers of visualization, regardless of whether the settings can be reached in games.
Witness the animated solutions and vote for your favorite to determine the winner and World Champion. Before the polls close, consider climbing on to the Voters' Ladder by making your vote public via e-mail to the address below the web site diagrams.
Last Stand
Composed By: John Aker
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk11 7, 27-32, 7 2, 32-27, *2 7, 27-20, 7 14, 15-24, 28 19, 20-24A, *14 18, 24-15, 18 11White Wins
A20 16, *14 17, 16-23, 17 19White Wins
Swiss Cheese
Composed By: Bill Salot
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*20 16A, 14-18B, *22 17, 18-22, *26 23, 22-26C, *24 20, 15-24, *23 18, 12-19, 30 16Draw
ANot 26 23, *7-11, 30 25, *2-6, 25 21, *6-9Red Wins
B2-6, *26 23, 6-9, *30 26, 9-13, *24 20, 15-24, *22 18, 12-19, *18 9Draw
C7-11, 16 7, 2-11, *17 14Draw
Hot Spot
Composed By: Roy Little
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*22 18, 15-22, *31 27, 22-31, *5 1, 31-24, *23 18, 14-23, *17 14, 10-17, *1 26, 2-6, 21 14, 24-19, *26 22, 19-23, *22 18,23-26, *18 15, 26-22, *14 10Draw
Sting like a Butterfly
Composed By: Jim Loy
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*20 16A, 6-9, *14 10, 7-14, *22 17, 8-11B, *16 7C, 3-10, *28 24D, 19-28, *17 13Draw
ANot 22 17, *6-9, Drummond 1861Red Wins
B14-18, *17 13Draw
CNot 17 10, 11-20, 10 6, *3-7, 6 2, *7-10, Drummond 1861Red Wins
DCorrects 17 13, *14-18, 13 6, *19-23, Drummond 1861 Red Wins
Mining for Gold
Composed By: Ed Atkinson
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*15 11A, 6-13, *11 8B, 3-12, *28 24, 19-28, *27-24, 12-19, 24 6, 2-9, 17 3White Wins
ANot 27 24, 6-13, 15-6, 2-9, 17 10 or 24 15Draw
BNot 27 24, *10-15 (not 19-23, *11 8, WW) Red Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at