Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #46
2019-07-20 through 2019-08-31
So far 347 visitors have viewed this contest 845 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little, Oklahoma, the composer of Double Trouble , which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #46.

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 46 - Mystery Theme - from July 20 to August 31, 2019


The mystery theme was the "In and Out Shot". The four problems demonstrated different ways of executing it.

347 visitors cast 20 votes.

Roy Little and Ed Atkinson reversed their one-two finish in Contest 45.

The two smaller, shorter problems were quadruple-jumpers. They outclassed the two, kingless, midgame, triple-jumpers.

Three consecutive, perfectly timed, counter-intuitive sacrifices helped Roy Little's Double Trouble gather 8 votes for first place. George Hay voted for it; the other 7 votes were anonymous.

Ed Atkinson's Fresh Air used a Slocum stroke with a 5-move preamble to garner 6 votes and second place. Gene Ellison, Liam Stephens (Ireland) and Kathy Wirthwein voted for it.

Jim Loy's game correction, Popeye Pop, a palindrome, and Bill Salot's compound stroke, Mighty Mouse, trailed with 3 votes each. Lloyd Gordon (Canada) and Slava Gorin (Russia) voted for Popeye Pop. Gary Ellison and Tony Gallagher (UK) voted for Mighty Mouse.

The Voters' Ladder now looks like this:
1. Leo Springer (Netherlands) picked 3 winners in 4 tries, 75%
2. Liam Stephens (Ireland) picked 9 winners in 14 tries, 64%
3. Lloyd Gordon (Canada) picked 5 winners in 9 tries, 56%
4. Gene Ellison picked 7 winners in 13 tries, 54%
5. Wilma Wolverton picked 3 winners in 6 tries, 50%
6-7 (tie) Slava Goren (Russia) & Kathy Wirthwein each picked 5 winners in 11 tries, 45%
8. Richard Marlowe picked 2 winners in 5 tries, 40%
9. George Hay picked 5 winners in 14 tries, 36%
12 others voted in fewer than 4 contests or picked fewer than 2 winners.

Here is how Contest 46 was introduced:

For the second consecutive contest, we have a shortage of Kings, but this time the problems are all wins. Their most significant commonality is their mystery theme. If you solve or see the solution to one, you will probably recognize the theme; do it to two, and you will know for sure. The theme is one of the most popular in problemathology, but it never ceases to generate new settings. These entries vary in name, size, length, and maybe difficulty, but not theme.

By voting at this web site, you can declare your favorite entry, and help determine the next World Champion. Also, before the polls close, you can join the International Voters' Ladder by promptly announcing your vote via e-mail or postal mail to Bill Salot at the address below the diagrams.

Also you can compete as a composer by entering your own original, unpublished problem via the same contact.

The Voters' Ladder currently stands as follows:
1. Leo Springer (Netherlands) 3 winners picked in 4 tries (75%)
2. Liam Stephens (Ireland) 9 in 13 tries (69%)
3. Lloyd Gordon (Canada) 5 in 8 tries (62.5%)
3. Gene Ellison 7 in 12 tries (58%)
5/6/7 (tie). Slava Gorin (Russia) & Kathy Wirthwein 5 in 10 tries (50%); Wilma Wolverton 3 in 6 tries (50%)
14 others have either not voted in more than 3 contests or have scored less than 50%. It ain't easy!
Fresh Air
Composed By: Ed Atkinson, Pennsylvania
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*17 13, 9-14, *6 2, 7-11, *2 7, 11-16, *7 10, 14-17, *29 25, 17-21A, 10 15 {or 10 7}, 21-30, 13 9 {or 15 11}, 5-14, *15 11, 30-23, 11 9White Wins
A24-27, *25 21, 27-31, 21 14, 31-22, *14-9White Wins
Double Trouble
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*11 8, 3-12, *29 25, 21-30, *31 26, 23-16, *6 9, 30-23, 9 11White Wins
Popeye Pop
Composed By: Jim Loy, Montana
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*18 14, 10-17, *25 21, 17-22, *30 26, 22-31, *24 20, 31-24, *28 3, 5-9, *20 16, 9-14, *16 11, 14-18A, *3 8B, 2-6, *8 12, 6-10, *12 16, 10-15C, *11 7, 18-22, *16 11, 15-18, *11 15White Wins
A13-17, *3 7, 4-8, 11 4, 2-11, *4 8White Wins
BNot 32 28, 18-23, 3 8, 23-26, 8 12, E. Workman-M. Chamblee, 1946 ACA Nat., *26-31Draw
C18 22, *16-19White Wins
Mighty Mouse
Composed By: Bill Salot, Virginia
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*19 16, 12-19, *30 26, 23-30, 32 16, 30-21, *15 10, 6-22, *16 12, 9-18, 12 3, 21-14, 3 26, 1-6, 5 1A, 6-10, 1 6A, 10-15, 6 10A, 15-19, 26 30AWhite Wins
A(4 places) - Or 26 31 also White Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at