Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #50
2020-03-21 through 2020-04-30
So far 273 visitors have viewed this contest 887 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little, the composer of Shark Bait , which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #50.


Of the five problems in Contest 50, three with the terms White to Play and Win took turns leading and trounced the two draws.

Shark Bait, by Roy Little, won with 6 votes (his 20th win or 1st place tie).
Following in order were Differential Calculus, by Bill Salot, with 5 votes; Inner Outcome, by Ed Atkinson, with 4 votes; With Relish, by Jim Loy, with 2 votes, and Wyllie Corrected, a lost problem by the legendary G.H.Slocum and C. Hefter, co-authors, with 0 votes. Their correction joins Slocum's previous entries, all of which were non-winners disqualified due to prior publication.

Shark Bait got Mark Sokolovsky's vote.
Differential Calculus got votes from George Hay and Liam Stephens.
Inner Outcome got votes from Gene Ellison and Lloyd Gordon.
With Relish got Kathy Wirthwein's vote.

Here is the updated Voters' Ladder:

1&2 tie - Mark Sokolovsky & Leo Springer (Netherlands) picked 3 winners in 4 tries (75%)
3 - Liam Stephens (Ireland), 10 in 17 tries (59%)
4 - Slava Gorin (Russia) 7 in 13 tries (54%)
5 - Kathy Wirthwein 8 in 15 tries (53%)
17 others have either picked fewer than 50% winners or have voted in fewer than 4 contests.

Contest 50 had 273 visitors, 17 of whom voted.

Contest 50 was introduced as follows:

Correct me if I am wrong. I count 914,819,352,480 possible 3x3 settings on a checker board. Here are 5 of them.

But these are special in that they represent some of the best work of current and past World Champions in the art of checker problem composing.

They are presented in alphabetical order, with 3 wondrous wins preceding 2 dramatic draws, all in celebration of this, the 50th consecutive contest for the coveted title.

Solve them if you can. Check your work against their animated solutions. With the press of a button, vote for the one that impresses you most.

To test your skill, make public your vote by e-mailing it to the address below the diagrams. This will automatically get you on the Voters' Ladder. Climb the ladder by coming back, and picking more winners.

Compose a little magic on the checkerboard. Enter it in a future contest. Become a World Champion on your first try. It has been done by several players: Roy Little, John Acker, Leo Springer, Wilma Wolverton, and Mark Sokolovsky.

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It's the place for us to be.
Yes on that we do agree.
Differential Calculus
Composed By: Bill Salot
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*10 14A, 17-21, *25 22, 21-25, *14-17, 25-30, *17 21, 30-26, *19 15, 11-25B, 21 23White Wins
ANot 25 21, *11-15, Draw Not 10 7, *17-21Draw
B26-17, *21 14, 11-18, 14 23White Wins
Inner Outcome
Composed By: Ed Atkinson
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*17 13, 9-14, *30 26, 16-19, *13 9, 14-18, *9 14, 18-23, *14 10, 23-30 *10 7, 30-21, 7 23, 21-17, *23 18White Wins
Shark Bait
Composed By: Roy Little
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*2 7A, 10-15B, *12 16, 15-18C, *16 20D, 18-22E, *7 11, 22-25, 20 16 {or 20 24}, 25-29, 16 19 {or 30 26 first}, 29-25, *30 26, 25-29, 19 15, 21-25, *15 19, 25-30, *11 16White Wins
ANot 2 6, *10-15, 12 16, *15-18Draw
B10-14, *7 10, 14-17, 10 15, 17-22, *15 11, 22-25, *12 16 (forms Trunk after 9th move, 20 16)White Wins
C4-8, *7 10, 15-18, 30 26White Wins
DNot 16 19, *4-8Draw
E4-8, *30 26, 21-25, *20 24, 25-30, *26 23White Wins
With Relish
Composed By: Jim Loy
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*21 17A, 23-26B, *22 18C, 26-23D, *18 14, 23-18, *14 9, 18-14, *9 6, 14-21, *6 2Draw
ANot 8 3 (not 22 17, *23 18, RW), *7-11Red Wins
B10-15 (23-19, *22 18, 19-23, Trunk Draw), *17 14 (not 17 13, *7-10, RW), Draw
CNot 8 3, *10-14, Red Wins
D26-22, *17 14, jump, *8 3, jump, 3 19, Draw
Wyllie Corrected
Composed By: G. H. Slocum & C. Hefter


Previously published by the same authors in the Chicago Inter Ocean 10/15/1892
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
View Animation
Trunk*10 7A, 19-15, *7 3, 15-11B, *25 22, 9-14, *4 8, 11-4, *3 7, 12-16, *7 10, Draw
ANot 10 6, *19-15, 6 1, *15-10, 1 5, *10-14, 5 1 or 25 21 or 25 22, *9-13, etc., Wyllie, July 1892 Red Wins
B15-10 (9-14, 4 8 or 3 7, Draw), *4 8, 12-16, *8 4, 9-14, 4 8 or 3 8, Draw
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at