Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #52
2020-07-18 through 2020-08-31
So far 220 visitors have viewed this contest 490 times.

The ACF Website wishes a big congratulations to Roy Little, the composer of The Scorpion , which was voted the winner of
Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #52.

Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest 52 - Zugzwangs - Results

Roy Little, the Babe Ruth of today's Checker Problem Composers, did it again. His incredible double Zugzwang problem, The Scorpion, swept him to his 21st contest win or tie for 1st. Its 7 votes more than doubled the votes for each of its competitors. Gene Ellison and George Hay voted for it.

Tie for 2nd place, with 3 votes each, was The Trap, featuring 3 false solutions, by Leo Springer (Netherlands); and Roundup, a Zugzwang with an extended preamble, by Ed Atkinson. Kathy Wirthwein voted for The Trap, while Slava Gorin (Russia) and Bob Newell voted for Roundup.

Struggling in last place, with 2 votes, was Stragglers' Struggle, by Bill Salot. Liam Stephens (Ireland) voted for it.

As usual, the composers did not vote.

This contest had 220 visitors, 15 of whom voted.

For those who voted in at least 5 contests, the International Voters' Ladder stands as follows:
1 - Leo Springer (Netherlands), picked 3 winners in 5 tries (60%)
2, 3 & 4 tie - Liam Stephens (Ireland) 10 wins in 20 tries (50%); Slava Gorin (Russia), 7 wins in 14 tries (50%); and Wilma Wolverton 3 wins in 6 tries (50%)
5 - Gene Ellison, 9 wins in 19 tries (47.4%)
6 - Kathy Wirthwein, 8 wins in 17 tries (47.1%)
7 - Richard Marlowe, 2 wins in 5 tries (40%)
8 - George Hay, 7 wins in 20 tries (35.0%)
9 - Lloyd Gordon (Canada), 5 wins in 15 tries (33%)
12 others have either picked fewer than 33% winners or voted in fewer than 5 contests.

Here is how the contest was originally introduced:

It is time to display Zugzwangs again. Those are situations where you allow your opponent optional moves, but they all quickly turn sour. He must either concede your win or draw, or let you demonstrate it. They are a blend of beauty and difficulty for both composers and solvers.

Use these problems to learn how to put your opponent in Zugzwang.

See the maneuvers animated; then press the voting button for the one that impresses you most. It will make the Composer happy and maybe make him the champion. Mark Sokolovsky is the current champion.

Publicly pick the winner to climb the voters' ladder. After voting, just disclose your vote by notifying Bill Salot at the address below the diagrams. Mark Sokolovsky & Leo Springer (Netherlands) currently top the Ladder, each picking 3 winners in 4 tries (75%)
The Scorpion
Composed By: Roy Little
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*1 5, 18-23, *3 8A, 12-16B, *5 9, 13-15, *8 3, 15-8, 3 17White Wins
B13-17 or 22-17 or 23-18, *10 6, WW; 22-18 or 23-19, *11 7White Wins
The Trap
Composed By: Leo Springer (Netherlands)
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*7 11A, 6-10, 11 18, 9-14, 18 9, 5-21, *23 18B, 25-30, *29 25C, 30-26D, 22 31, 21-30, *31 27, 30 26, *27 24, 26-22, *18 15, 10-19, 24 15White Wins
ANot 7 10 (not 17 13, *6-10, *7-14, Draw), *5-1 (not 9-14, *10 1, WW), 10 19, *9-14, 17 10, 6-24, 22 26, *25-30, 26 31, 1-6, 32 27, 30-26 or 32-28Draw
BNot 23 19, *25-30 (not 10-14, *22 17, WW), Draw
D21-17, 22 13, 30-21, *18 14White Wins
Stragglers' Struggle
Composed By: Bill Salot
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*27 23, 30-25, *22 18, 25-22, *18 14, 22-31, *29 25A, 31-26B, *25 21, 26-19, *10 6, 2-18, 21 16White Wins
B17-21, (31-27, *25 21, 27-9, 21 5, WW),*25 22, 31-27,*23 19, WW after crowning four kingsWhite Wins
Composed By: Ed Atkinson
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
View Animation
Trunk*7 2A, 6-9B, *2 6, 9-14C, *6 9D, 14-17, *25 21, 17-22, *21 17, 22-26, *17 22E, 26-31F, *9 6G, 19 24H, *16-19,White Wins
ANot 7 10, *15 11Draw
B6-10, *2 6, 10-14, sameWhite Wins
C9-13, *25 22White Wins
DNot 25 22, *23-18Draw
ENot 9 6, *15-18Draw
F26-30, *9 6White Wins
H31-27, *22 26White Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at