Unofficial World Championship Checker Problem Composing Contest #5
2012-07-01 through 2012-07-29
So far 0 visitors have viewed this contest times.

We have a tie!

The ACF Website would like to congratulate
Roy Little, Oklahoma City, OK, the composer of Zig Zag and
Bill Salot, Colonial Heights, VA, the composer of Take Two
who have tied with 6 votes.


This tight competition produced another tie. By agreement, none of the composers voted.

Roy Little, the computerless, Oklahoma veteran, continued his unbeaten string. His Zig-Zag, featured a zinger of a stinger and garnered 6 votes. It qualifies for the Back Shot family in Bolands Familiar Themes, Page 21.

Take Two, by Bill Salot, Virginia, used a 2-way fork to also get 6 votes. The problem can be set back two moves to make it more difficult.

Which Way?, by Ed Atkinson, Pennsylvania, had a greater number of deceptive false solutions than any of the other problems, but received only two votes, probably because its camouflaged solution lacked sparkle.

A codetta is a short ending portion of a musical piece or movement.
Codetta, by Jim Loy, Montana, may have been the biggest eye-opener in the contest. Some problems are criticized as impractical. This one was the quintessence of practicality, but did not get a single vote. Go figure.
Codetta can be reached from several openings. It is a previously unpublished correction of:

1 - Bolands White and Colored Doctors, P.50, V.1, Note BB, play by M. Atkinson (not Ed Atkinson) who left Codetta as a RW after espousing the losing 7 11.

2 - Dennis Cayton also fell for the false solution against Mac Banks immediately after Banks incorrectly played 10-15 to form Codetta in a 1987 I-D Double Cross game.
Zig Zag
Composed By: Roy Little, Oklahoma City, OK
Current Votes:
White to move. White Wins
Trunk*5 1, 30-26, *1 6, 7-10, *19 16White Wins
Composed By: Jim Loy, Bozeman, MT
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
Trunk*7 3A, 15-19, *20 16, 18-15, *3 8Draw
ANot 7 11, *15-19, 11 8, *19-23, 8 11, 23-26 or 23-27, 28 24, *12-16Red Wins
Take Two
Composed By: Bill Salot, Colonial Heights, VA
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
Trunk*31 27A, 16-20. *27 24B, 20-27, *10 15Draw
ANot 10 15, *18-23, 15 24, *16-20, 24 19, *20-24, 19 26, *25-30Red Wins
BNot 10 15, *19-23Red Wins
Which Way?
Composed By: Ed Atkinson, Harrisburg, PA
Current Votes:
White to move. Draw
Trunk*19 16ABC, 30-26, *23 19DDraw
A19 15, *30-26, 23 19, *7-11, 15 8, *26-23Red Wins
B18 14, *32-27, 23 18, *7-10, 14 7, *27-23Red Wins
C18 15, *32-27, 23 18, *7-11, 15 8, *27-23Red Wins
DNot 16 19, *32-27Red Wins
Please enter your original, unpublished, dual-free problems in future contests by sending them at anytime to:
Bill Salot
1006 Elmwood Drive
Colonial Heights, VA 23834-2905

or at