The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 2: By Derek Oldbury

White to move and win

Black, a piece down, is in hot pursuit, but White gets the last laugh.

Solution To Problem Number 1: 16-20; 24-19 25-22 (take your choice); 18-25 20-24; 19-10 11-8; 28-19 9-14; 10-17 2-7; 4-11 7-14. White wins. A clean sweep.

Game Number 2. 'Millbury' Opening

Black men on squares 1 to 12; white men on squares 21 to 32.

Start moving: 11-16 22-18; 8-11 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 26-22 (my own invention, and it gets me many wins); 6-10 (of course, if 6-9 then 24-20 wins for White. Did you see that?) 22-17; 2-6 30-26; 11-15 (making a bid to control the centre, but too soon): Forms Diagram: White to move

Continue: 14-9; 5-30 24-20; 30-23 27-2; 8-11 2-9. White wins.  From my secret store of traps.
