The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 47: By James Smith

White to move and win
One for the beginner, by the English Champion of 1885

Solution To Problem Number 46: ... 31-26; 5-9 26-23; 12-16 20-11; 10-15 21-17; 15-22 23-18; 22-26 17-14. White wins.

Game Number 47. 'Denny' Opening

Black: B. Pankhurst (Bournemouth); White: E. C. Whiting (Rotherham).

Move: 10-14 22-18; 6-10 (one of the hard three movers) 25-22 (the strong move for White); 12-16 (at the time this game was played, any other black move was given to lose) 22-17 (24-20 is also strong); 16-20 17-13; 1-6 29-25 (24-19 is also strong); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 19-15 (a strong attack, new at the time); 10-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 (14-17 21-14; 9-18 is given to draw) 21-17; 7-10 31-27; 3-7 (loses, but it is doubtful if Black has a draw at this stage) Forms Diagram: White to move

Continue: ... 26-23; 16-20 23-19; 20-24 25-22; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 19-15; 11-16 17-14; 31-27 14-10; 27-23 10-1; 23-14 13-6. White wins.
