The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 5: By Ben Oldman


White to move and win

A gem by the greatest living master of the problem art.

Solution to Problem Number 4:  19-15; 20-24 16-19 (if 5-1, then 24-20 draws); 24-27 26-22; 25-18 19-23 (if 5-1 here, then 18-22 draws); 27-24 23-14; 24-19 14-17 (the dodge); 21-14 5-1; 19-10 11-7; 10-3 1-17. White wins.

Game Number 5. 'Cross' Opening

Black: Derek Oldbury; White: R.S.Thomson. Set black men on squares 1 to 12; white men on squares 21 to 32.

Start moving: 11-15 23-18 (gives the name to the opening because it 'crosses' the direction of the first move); 8-11 27-23; 4-8 23-19; 9-14 (making a strong centre formation) 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 15-18 26-22; 18-23 (starting an attack) 22-18; 11-16 (reinforcement) 18-9; 6-22 25-18; 16-20 Forms Diagram: White to move

Continue:  31-27 (to patch up the hole, but 19-16 was proper); 10-14 (a little shocker) 18-9; 1-5 27-18; 5-23 and the man on 24 was gone. Black won. From the 1950 British Championship Tournament.
