The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 54: By Author Unknown

Black to move and draw; a remarkable escape

Solution To Problem Number 53: ... 26-23; 25-21 23-19; 21-25 11-15; 4-8 15-18; 8-12 19-24 [A pencilled note by DEO reads 'pp from here.']; 25-30 18-22; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 22-18 (if 14-10; 19-23 20-24; 13-9 10-15; now the startling 9-13 15-18; 23-27 24-31; 30-26 draws); 30-25 14-10; 13-17 10-15; 17-22 15-24; 22-15 24-19; 15-24 20-27. White wins.

Game Number 54. 'Laird And Lady' Opening

Analysis by Derek Oldbury, the British and English Champion, showing a fine draw for Black, though two pieces down.

11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 26-23; 13-17 19-15; 4-8 24-19; 6-9 28-24; 9-13 24-20; 2-6 32-28; 6-9 (for 17-21 see Game Number 53) 15-10; 17-22 27-24; 18-27 25-18; 27-32 29-25; 12-16 19-12; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 30-23 Forms Diagram: Black to move

Continue: 32-27 24-19; 27-24 19-15; 24-19 23-16; 9-13. Drawn.
