The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 60: By E.C.Whiting

Black to move and draw; an actual endgame

Solution To Problem Number 59: ... 17-13; 3-7 13-6; 7-10 23-19; 29-25 15-11; 25-22 18-15; 22-18 6-2; 10-14 15-10; 18-15 19-16; 15-8 (if 12-19 11-8; 15-6 2-18 white wins) 16-11; 8-6 2-18. White wins.

Game Number 60. 'Bristol Cross' Opening

A game played in the first inter-county match between Lancashire and Yorkshire. Black: F. Dunne (Lancashire); White: W. Strickland (Yorkshire).

Move: 11-16 23-18; 16-20 24-19; 9-14 (this move is now considered weak; 10-14 is best) 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 15-24 28-19; 6-13 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 20-24 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 16-20 23-18; 7-11 (Black is working down White's double-corner side, with a view to going a piece down) 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 32-23; 16-20 (although Black is a piece down, he has a strong game) 23-19; 20-24 14-10; 24-27 18-14 (White is playing with great skill in getting his pieces away); 27-31 11-8; 31-27 19-15; 27-24 8-4; 12-16 14-9; 24-19 15-11 (White's position begins to look desperate); 1-5 9-6; 2-9 22-18; 19-15 Forms Diagram: White to move

Continue: ... 18-14 (a masterly touch, and a similar idea to Problem Number 59); 15-6 14-10; 6-8 4-20; 13-17 20-16; 3-7 26-23; 17-22 23-19; 9-14 19-15; 14-17 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 10-15 16-11; 15-19 11-15; 19-23 15-18. Drawn.
