The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 9: By Ken Marriott

Black to move and draw; a useful idea, nicely set.

Solution To Problem Number 8:  5-9; 11-15 9-13; 12-16 13-22; 16-20 22-26; 20-27 26-31; 27-32 30-26 (a charming touch); 21-30 31-27  either jump, and White takes three. Drawn.

Game Number 9. 'Single Corner' Opening

Black: Derek Dalton, aged eight; White: Derek Oldbury. Set black men on squares 1 to 12; white men on squares 21 to 32.

Start moving: 11-15 22-18 ("This move gives the opening its name," I explained.); 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 4-8 24-20; 10-15 18-14 (it began to look as if the boy knew his way around, so I decided to mix it up); 9-18 23-14; 6-9 ("This is the squeeze play," he explained) 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 30-26; 6-9 ("I'm coming after it again.") 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 2-6 31-26; 6-9 ("I like this game," said young Derek) 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 ("This is a really super game," my opponent kept saying) Forms Diagram: White to move

Continue:  25-22 (I now had no choice; if 21-17, then 11-15 would win for Black); 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 20-16; 11-20 13-9 (White would never make it in time); 20-24 9-6; 24-27 6-2; 27-31 2-6; 31-27 6-15; 27-24 and Black won. Played recently on a friendly visit. Remember the name, Derek Dalton. He lives in Rotherham, and he could be a future champion.
