The Checker Maven

McIndoe's Slingshot

In the right hands (or perhaps we should say in the wrong hands) a slingshot can be quite a fearsome weapon. In this month's installment from Willie Ryan's Tricks Traps and Shots of the Checkerboard, the Bronx Comet shows us how such a weapon can be used over the checkerboard. Willie credits his example to another Brooklyn great. Here's Willie to tell us about it.

"When the tenability of a line of play depends on the execu­tion of a timely shot at the last minute, just when it appears an impasse has been reached, the stroke attains its greatest scientific and artistic value. An unsurpassed example of such a climactic touch is bared in the time-tested gem presented on the next page, by the great Jim Mclndoe of yore, a Brooklyn, New York, boardmaster.


White to Play and Draw

11-15 18-22 12-16
23-19 25-18 27-23
9-14 15-22 16-19
22-17 23-18 23-16
6-9 11-16 7-11
17-13 19-15 16-7
2-6 10-19 3-19
25-22 24-15 32-27
8-11 16-20 8-12---A
29-25 17-14 27-23
4-8 22-25 12-16,
22-17 21-17 yielding the
14-18 25-29 diagrammed
26-23 31-26 position.

A---If 8-11 is moved, a draw results from 18-15, 11-18, 14-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 27-23, 19-26, 30-7."

Can you solve this one? It's a little harder than some of the others in this series, but you can snap up the solution by clicking on Read More. We're sure you'll agree it's a dandy.


"Continue: 26-22*, 19-26, 30-23, 29-25, 28-24, 20-27, 14-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 18-11, 25-18, 23-7, ending in a draw; a fine escape."

03/15/08 - Category: Books -Printer friendly version-
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