The assorted meanings of the word "caper" intermingle in our columns with various "capers" on the 10-15 Kelso opening. The photo above is of a Morris Dancer executing a caper, or leap.
Back in the world of checkers, though, we continue our series drawn from Willie Ryan's Tricks Traps and Shots of the Checkerboard. Recall that Willy was looking into variations ("capers") that occur some little way into the opening. For the sake of convenience, we'll repeat the full run-up (without the notes).
1. | 10-15 | 22-18 |
2. | 15-22 | 25-18 |
3. | 11-15 | 18-11 |
4. | 8-15 | 21-17 |
5. | 4-8 | 17-13 |
6. | 9-14 | 29-25 |
7. | 6-10 | 24-20 |
8. | 1-6 | 28-24 |
9. | 8-11 | 23-19 |
10. | 15-18 | 26-23 |
11. | 14-17 | 23-14 |
12. | 17-21 | 32-28 |
13. | 10-17 | 19-16 |
14. | 12-19 | 24-8 |
15. | 3-12 | 28-24 |
16. | 7-11 |
Willie now goes on in Note P, "Mr. Banks saw his chance for a draw and went after it. However, he grossly underplayed his position. I was in trouble. After the game I pointed out to him that he could have worried me by playing 27-23, leaving black in the plight indicated on the diagram shown on the next page. After a few trial runs, I managed to demonstrate a narrow draw for black, which is replete with tactical brilliancies."
This brings us to our problem position (after 27-23).
The problems in the latter part of Willie's book certainly aren't easy, but they are good, and this is no exception. Cavort with it a little and then scoot your mouse to Read More to see the solution and notes.
6-10* | 18-23 | 27-31 |
31-26 | 25-22 | 21-14 |
2-6* | 23-27*---S | 31-24, to a |
23-18---Q, | 22-18 | draw.---A1 |
10-15*---R | 21-25* | Wm. F.Ryan. |
18-14 | 30-21 | |
15-18* | 6-10* | |
24-19 | 14-7 |
Q---"If 25-22 is played, either 5-9 or 10-15 will produce a draw; if 24-19 is played, the draw is gained by: 11-15, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 15-19, 16-11, 10-15, 11-7, 6-10, 7-2, 19-23.
R---5-9 allows a classical knockout by 18-14*, 9-18, 26-22, 17-26, 30-7, 21-30, 7-2*, 6-10, 2-6*, 10-14, 6-10*, 14-17, 10-14*, 17-22, 24-19*, 22-26, 14-18*, 30-25, 19-16*!, 12-19, 18-23, and white wins. Wm. F. Ryan. This is a sparkling example of super-scientific forced checkers.
S---Another fadeout is 21-25, 30-21, 23-30, 22-18, 30-26, 19-15, 26-22, 15-8, 22-15, 14-10, 6-9!, 13-6, 15-18, 21-14, 18-2, 8-4*, 5-9, 4-8, 9-14, 8-11, 14-18, 11-15, 18-23, 20-16, 12-19, 15-24, and white wins. Wm. F. Ryan."
A1---This brilliant analysis, done by Willie in a day long before powerful computers, is as flawless as it is amazing. Play might continue 13-9 24-19 9-6 11-15 7-3 15-18 14-10 18-23 10-7 19-15 6-1 and the draw is obvious---Ed.