The Checker Maven

April 1, 2017


March is over and April has come around again, as it always does, with perhaps a promise of spring. This column is being first published on April 1, 2017, and you might do well to bear that in mind as you take a look at today's checker problem.

White to Play and Win


We rate this one as very easy. You can solve it in seconds if you get the idea. But it's almost surely impossible if you don't see what's going on.

Are you sharp today? Don't fool around; puzzle it out and then click your mouse on Read More to see the solution.20050904-symbol.gif


18-23 27x9---A 17-14 9x25 White Wins.

A---27x25 17-22 25x9 White Wins.

We warned you, it's April 1, and the "April Fool" is that this is actually Losing Checkers (also called Giveaway or Suicide Checkers). We pulled this same stunt eleven years ago, on April 1, 2006. Did you remember it?

In "straight" checkers of course the position works out to be a draw, but what fun is that?


04/01/17 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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