Problem composing contest #57 is now live at!
Sponsored and produced, as always, by the seemingly tireless Bill Salot, this latest composing contest features three new and challenging positions.
Be an active participant by enjoying the problems and then voting for the one you deem best. Both Bill and the problem composers will appreciate your input, but above all you'll get to experience compositions by some of the very best contemporary checker problemists. What more can you ask?
You can also participate in the International Voters' Ladder by attempting to identify the problem that will garner the most votes. Details are on the contest page.
And now, as an introduction to Contest 57, here is a previous contest winner by Leo Springer, called Dutch Treat, which illustrates the new contest's theme of six star moves followed by a sextuple jump.
Click on Read More to see the solution and then go on to enjoy the new contest.
*19 16, 12-19 (or 28-19 first), *26 23, 19-26, *15 11, 28-19, *11 7, 2-11, *10 7, 1 17 (or 3-17 first), *9 14, 3-10, 14 14, WW by sextuple.