This month we're giving you not one or two but four speed problems. No, we're not being extra-generous; these problems are of a very easy nature and shouldn't take but an instant to solve.
And, knowing us, you know that therein lies the catch. We're giving you all of ten seconds to solve each problem. How good is your pattern recognition? Can you achieve instant gratification by immediately seeing the solutions, or will you be caught by our unforgiving time clock?
Click on Read More to check your solutions, but we doubt you'll need much help here.
Problem One (extremely easy)
Problem Two (extremely easy)
Problem Three (very easy)
Problem Four (very easy)
Problem 1
6-9 13-6 1-10 25-22 10-14 Black Wins.
Problem 2
7-11 16-7 3-10 26-22 10-14 Black Wins.
Problem 3
15-18 22-15 6-9 13-6 1-28 Black Wins.
Problem 4
14-18 22-15---A 7-11 16-7 3-26 Black Wins.
A---23-14 7-11 16-7 3-27 Black Wins.