In this installment from Willie Ryan's classic Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard, Willie pulls no punches in his characterization of the lions devouring their weaker prey. Let's listen in as Willie speaks.
"The Cross opening is a perpetual favorite with all classes of players. For some unexplainable reason, it is infested with more early pitfalls than any other opening on the board. Here, in one concise arrangement, you will find four of the best-known and most commonly employed 'shockers' that experienced players are constantly using to slay the innocents.
11-15 | 23-18 |
8-11 | 27-23 |
4-8 | 23-19 |
9-14---A | 18-9 |
5-14 | 22-17 |
15-18 | 26-22 |
11-15---B,C | 17-13 |
7-11 | 13-9 |
6-13 | 24-20 |
15-24 | 22-6 |
1-10 | 28-19 |
11-15 | 31-26 |
15-24 | 26-22 |
13-17---D | 22-13 |
2-6---E. |
See the diagram.
A---Another early demise follows 9-13, which loses as follows: 9-13, 26-23, 6-9, 30-26, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 32-27, 1-5, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 11-20, 22-17, 13-22, 25-4, and white wins.
B---If 18-23 is employed, then counter with 19-15, 10-19, 24-15, 11-18, 22-15, 14-18, 31-27, 7-10, 17-14. At this stage, 10-17, 21-14, 6-10 is drawable, but 10-19 allows the shot by 14-10, 6-15, 25-22, 18-25, 27-4, with which white wins.
C---A natural-looking move is 11-16, but it cracks up quickly by 22-15, 16-23, 31-27, 10-19, 17-10, 7-14, 27-9, 6-13, 24-15, and white wins.
D---This has been erroneously rated a losing move, but it produces a draw as shown in Note E. The accepted draw moves at this point are: 14-17, 21-7, 3-10, 22-17, 13-22, 25-18, 8-11, 29-25, 2-6, 25-22, 6-9, 22-17, 24-28, 17-13, 10-15, 13-6, 15-22, 6-2, 11-15, 2-7, 15-18, 7-10, 18-23, 10-15, 22-26. Andrew Anderson.
E---This is the real loser, since it allows the shot which follows. Black can still draw at E by playing: 14-18, 25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 8-11, 13-9 (best chance), 10-15, 9-5---F, 15-19, 5-1, 19-23, 1-5, 11-15, 5-9, 3-7, 9-13, 12-16, 20-11, 7-16, 13-17, 15-19, 22-18, 24-27; a draw. Wm. F. Ryan.
F---If 22-17 is used, follow with: 15-19, 17-13, 19-23, 9-6, 2-9, 13-6, 24-27, 6-2, 27-31, 2-6, 11-15, 6-10 (21-17, 23-26, 30-23, 31-26 ends in a draw), 3-8, 10-26, 31-22, 32-27, 8-11, 27-23, 12-16, 30-25, 22-29, 21-17; a draw. Wm. F. Ryan."
You needn't have this problem become your tombstone; avoid the hungry lions by clicking on Read More to see the short and snappy solution.
Continue: 32-27, 24-31, 30-26, 31-22, 25-2, and white wins.