For our February speed problem offerings, we present two little cuties; a pair of rather easy problems with charming solutions, at least in our humble opinion. We hope you agree. Give them a try; but remember, our relentless timer won't allow you to solve them at a crawl! Fifteen seconds each is all the time you have.
Speed Problem One (rather easy)
Speed Problem Two (easy enough)
However, if you don't solve them in time there is no need to do a diaper change--- clicking on Read More will bring you the solutions without fuss, muss, or mess.
Problem One: 27-24 28-19 26-23 19-26 30-23-14-7-16 Black Wins.
Problem Two: 31-26 23-27 11-15 10-19 26-23 19-26 30-23-32 White Wins.