To add still more variety to our "first Saturday of the month" columns, in addition to speed problems and stroke problems, we'd like to offer an occasional "block" problem. Now, we've likely already given away a bit too much, but today's offering does require a bit of visualization skill, so just this once we'll forgo our unforgiving Javascript clock, and allow you as much time as you need.
Here's the position:
Try to work it out without moving pieces on a board, but if you can't get around a mental block, just click on Read More to see how it's done.
27-24 19-23 25-30 16-20---A 31-27 23x32 30-26 20x27 26-31 White Wins as Black is blocked.
A---28-32 loses a piece: 24-20 16-19 31-27 32-28 27x18 White Wins.