The Checker Maven

A February Short

Even though this is a leap year, February remains as always the shortest month of the year. It's something to be grateful for in wintry North American climes, as this abbreviated month brings us that much closer to spring.

Today's problem is also "short" in that it is a miniature, those minimalist problems that focus our attention and often demand great accuracy and skill. Like their exact opposites, the stroke problem, they are not to everyone's taste, but unlike stroke problems, miniatures are eminently practical in nature.


Black to Play and Win


Don't give this problem short shrift; put it on your short list. After you've solved it, make a short click on Read More to see the solution.


5-1---A 14-10--B 1-5 30-25 5-1 25-22 1-5 22-18 5-1 18-15---C 2-6 10-7 6-10 Black Wins

A---2-6 only draws.

B---30-26 1-6 26-22 6-1 22-18 1-6 and now if 18-15? 6-10 Black Wins.

C---18-14 1-5 Black Wins.

02/04/12 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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