You probably won't be surprised to hear that in The Checker Maven offices, old-time radio shows are popular; but like checkers, their heyday ended with the widespread availability of television programming in the early 1950s. But that really isn't our point today.
In those old radio shows, patriotism was in. Love of country was not only accepted, it was the norm, the expectation, the duty of all. And so as we come up on the Fourth of July, America's birthday, we have to ask: What's happened to us? Why has patriotism today become something that needs an explanation, even an excuse? Why is patriotism seemingly out?
We refuse to buy into that.
We refuse to disparage and apologize for our great nation, as regrettably even some of our top leaders have felt it acceptable to do.
We are patriots and proud of it.
We invite our many US readers to join us in celebrating the wonderful holiday of Fourth of July by affirming the greatness of America and the greatness of her people.
As always, our column recognizes the day with a problem by Tommy Wiswell, a man who served the nation in both war and peace, and arguably America's greatest checker problemist.
This is one of Mr. Wiswell's few composed stroke problems, and it is a fine and pleasing offering. Can you work it out? To verify your solution, click on Read More.
11-7 26-19---A 9-6 2-11---B 10-7 1-10---C 18-15 11-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 3-17 30-16 8-12 16-11 4-8---D 11-4 Drawn!
A---2-11 same play.
B---2-9 10-6 similar play.
C---3-10 similar play.
D---12-16 loses for Black.
A remarkable solution by a remarkable problemist, with enough fireworks for any Fourth of July.