Every year we say the same thing: Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday. It's a wonderful family occasion, it's uniquely American, and the theme of giving thanks appeals to every race and creed.
Similarly, each year we turn to the great American problemist Tom Wiswell for a Thanksgiving treat, another of our "coffee and cake" specials. Solve the problem and then have another cup of coffee and a slice of Thanksgiving pie or cake.
Here's this year's offering.
Mr. Wiswell titled this one ABC, which he said might stand for "A Beginner's Classic." However, he goes on to add that it shouldn't be taken too lightly and has fooled some experts!
Expert or beginner, you'll enjoy the problem. When you've reached your solution, click on Read More to check your moves.
28-24 1-6 24-19 6-10 20-24 10-14 24-27 14-17---A 27-31 17-21 30-26---B 22-25 19-16! 12x19 26-23! 19x26 31x29 White Wins---C.
A--14-18 19-15 12-16 15-10 16-19 10-7 19-23 27-31 White Wins.
B---Not 31-17 22-25 27-23 25-29 23-18 29-25 to a draw.
C---A very fine win for White.
Whew! Definitely time for Thanksgiving pie!