The Checker Maven

The Speed Problem Returns


We haven't had a regular speed problem in a little while, so today we're returning to that theme and subjecting you once again to our unforgiving Javascript clock. The good news, though, is that the problem is very easy.

Oh .. the bad news? You'll have five seconds to solve it!

Fear not. Most players will see it at a glance, but if it takes you a little longer, no matter. Working it out is what really counts.

When you're ready, click on the link below. After you've solved it come back and click on Read More to verify your solution.

August Speed Problem (very easy, 5 seconds)



Black to Play and Win


10-14 17x10 2-7 10x3 16-12 3-7 12x10 4-8 10-15 Black Wins.

10/03/15 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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