Well, there is really only one Brian Hinkle, but frankly, we're grateful for that much, as Brian has been a stalwart supporter and contributor to the work of The Checker Maven, as well as a top player and reknowned analyst and problem composer in his own right.
A Twin is a problem that has the same outcome no matter whose turn it is to move, and Brian kindly provided us with this sparkling example, which is a creation of his own.
Can you solve both parts of this twin, and determine the winning moves whether White or Black goes first? If so, you're likely to agree with Al Darrow, who called it the finest twin he had ever seen.
White Moves First:
8-11 24-20 11-15 3-7 12-8 20-24 8-3 24-28 3-10 1-6 10-1 23-27 31-24 28-10 Black Wins. A double corner block theme, as seen before in various problems that we've offered.
Black Moves First:
3-7 8-3 7-11 12-8 24-20 8-4 20-24 3-8 24-28 8-15 23-27 31-24 28-10 4-8 10-17 Black Wins. The finale is the same as Willie Ryan's Coffee and Cake problem, published here some months back.
Our thanks to Brian Hinkle for this amazing twin problem, truly one of the best ever!