When traveling abroad, do we change currency or exchange currency? Or do we change currency at a Currency Exchange? We can probably say that's all a matter of semantics.
Not so much so, though, in our game of checkers. If you solve the twin problem below, sent to us by regular contributors Lloyd and "Gosh Josh" Gordon of Toronto, you'll see what we mean.
Black to Play and Win
These are not terribly difficult. The Black win is especially easy, and as for the White win, we've practically given it away. Find the solutions--- time yourself if you want an extra challenge--- and then exchange your mouse position with Read More (or should we say change your mouse position to Read More) to see the solutions.
White to Play and Win
15-10---A 7x14 18x9 27-31 9-14 31-26 14-17 26-31 17-22 23-27---B 32x23 White Wins.
A---At some point, White has to make the exchange to change the move and attack the piece on 23. Note how this plays out and why the move is important.
B---31-27 would lose two pieces!
Black to Play and Win
This one is quite straightforward.
27-31 18x27 31x24 32-28 24-19 Black Wins.