The Checker Maven

Complete Checkers: Insights Hardcover!


It all started with the five parts of Richard Pask's Logical Checkers, published as separate ebooks, and then later as a trade paperback edition combining all five parts into the single volume Complete Checkers: Insights. The first part was also published in trade paper format as Checkers for the Novice and has sold hundreds and hundreds of copies. Insights itself ran to a revised second edition, and now the next step has been taken.

The long-awaited hardcover version of Complete Checkers: Insights is at last available both as an ebook and a printed edition.

A year in the making, the book incorporates hundreds of changes, corrections, and additions. It's been completely re-typeset in a larger 8 1/4 by 11 inch two-column format, printed on cream paper and case bound. If we do say so ourselves, it's quite the book.

Author Richard Pask and your Editor displaying proofs of the new book
Photo: Kathy Pask

The electronic PDF version is available here, as always completely free of charge, making the book available to anyone, anywhere, regardless of location or financial means. The print edition can be obtained from the Amazon outlet serving your country or geographical region. It is priced very reasonably with the objective of just covering our costs and no more.

A hardcover of the companion work, Complete Checkers: Repertoire is in the works and should be available within another year.

Just to hold your interest, here's a sample position from Insights.

White to Play and Win


The solution is found on page 425. Don't wait; download the ebook and if you like it, consider supporting the project by ordering the printed hardcover if your means and inclination so allow.20050904-symbol.gif

03/22/25 - Category: Books -Printer friendly version-
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