Today is a very special one as, thanks to the generosity of Grandmaster Richard Pask, we release an electronic version of 21st Century Checkers 9-13s, which is the first volume of an envisioned series of seven, covering all the accepted opening ballots. More than an extension or rework of Mr. Pask's earlier Solid Checkers (which will also be reissued by us in mid-2011), Mr. Pask has used the computer to take a fresh and comprehensive look at three-move play. The new book contains nearly 15,000 checker moves; consider that Richard Fortman's monumental Basic Checkers contains about 50,000 moves total in all seven parts, and you'll realize the enormous scope of Mr. Pask's new initiative.
The book can be downloaded here, and will eventually appear on our Richard Pask page, as linked in the right-hand column. If you wish to make a printed copy, be aware that the book makes extensive use of color and printing in black-and-white or grayscale may not be satisfactory.
Without a doubt this is a book you will want to have.
So, let's have a quick look! As an example of the book's content, and for this week's problem offering, here is a position that arises out of the 9-13 22-18 6-9 ballot.
Black's pieces are on the edge of the board and White has a king. How can Black save this one? "Book" your solution and then click on Read More to learn where to find the answer.
Download the book, and look just below the diagram on page 14 for the solution!