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- 21st Century Checkers Volume 3
- 21st Century Checkers, the 12-16s
- 21st Century Checkers: 10-15s
- 21st Century Checkers: 11-16s
- 21st Century Checkers: The 11-15s
- 21st Century Checkers: the 9-14 "Double Corner" Ballots
- 2nd Edition of "How to Win at Checkers"
- 8th International Match Book Now Available
- A Bristol Broadside
- A Bristol Broadside Part 3
- A Bristol Broadside, Part 4
- A Bump in the Road
- A Couple of Surprises
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- A Trap With A Tale 1
- A Trap With A Tale, Continued
- A Trap With A Tale, Part 2
- A Trap With a Tale, Part 3: An Easy Tale
- A Trap With A Tale, Part 4: A Narrow Draw
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- Are You Dunne Drummond Yet?
- Are You Dunne, Yoeman?
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- Bailey's Blackjack
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- Basic Checkers Part 8
- Basic Checkers Part Eight
- Basic Checkers, 2010 Edition
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- Blind Man's Bluff
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- Bristol Broadside, Part 2
- Buchanan's Block
- Busb(o)y
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 10
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 11
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 2
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 4
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 5
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 6
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 7
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 8
- Capers on the Kelso, Part 9
- Capers on the Kelso: An Even Dozen
- Capers on the Kelso: Lucky 13
- Capers on the Kelso: Part 3
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- Checker Games of James Ferrie
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- Checkers 2006
- Checkers for the Novice Now Available
- Christie's Shot
- Clan M'Millan
- Clapham Common Draughts Club
- Clayton's Clipper
- Complete Checkers, 2nd Edition
- Complete Checkers, 3rd Edition
- Complete Checkers, by Richard Pask
- Complete Checkers: Insights
- Complete Checkers: Insights Hardcover!
- Complete Checkers: Repertoire
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- Conroy's Slider
- Cowan's Coup
- Cowan's Coup Revisited
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- D. Robertson, Clockmaker and Checkerist?
- Deans' Position
- Deans, Pearson, and Quinlan: Laying Down the Law in Checkers
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- Does Cress Make You Well?
- Double Arrow
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- Draughts Down Under
- Drink (Some More) Water
- Drummond Up Some Business
- Dunne It Again
- English Open 2013
- Famous Shots II
- Famous Shots III
- Famous Shots IV
- Famous Shots VI
- Famous Shots VII
- Famous Shots VIII
- Ferrie's Famous Five-Piece Freeze
- Ferrie's Flourish
- Fifth Position
- Find the Differences
- First Issue of Draughts Razoo Now Available Online
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- Frank Dunne's Shot
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- Heffner's Hurricane
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- How to Win at Checkers
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- Key Themes Is Now Available
- Lee's Loophole
- Leeds Express
- Let's Play Checkers
- Lieber's Catapult
- Logical Checkers 2: Freestyle Expert
- Logical Checkers Vol. 3: Two-Move Expert
- Logical Checkers Volume 5
- Logical Checkers Volume Four
- Logical Checkers, Volume One
- Long Winter School Days
- Lucky 13
- M. January
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- Martins' Meatchopper
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- McKelvie's Masterpiece
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- Not Quite PC
- Now You Dunne It
- On the Edge
- One Last Gem
- One Thousand and Four
- Our Reasoning Powers
- Overlooked by Mail
- Petterson's Drawbridge
- Pretty as a Picture (Frame)
- Priest's Pulverizer
- Principles of Strategy
- Quigley's Rule
- Razor Thin
- Reed's Delayed Brooklyn
- Reed's Rattler
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- Richard Jordan: A Jim Loy Book
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- Schaefer is the ...
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- See It And Believe It
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- Small, Square, Two Inches of Ivory
- Solve This, Not That
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- The Hand of D.E.O.
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- The Noble Vine
- The Paisley Pickle Barrel
- The Pied Piper's Fife
- The Return of Mr. Sturges
- The Spring Chicken
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- The Twins, Bowen's, Of Course
- The Varsity Team
- The Wyllie One
- The Year of the Checker
- Theory of Fun
- Thirkell's Folly
- Three Bridges
- Three of a Kind
- Through Thick and Thin
- Tommy Meets Marvin
- Tommy's Big Match
- Tonkin
- Traffic Jam
- Transcription Error?
- Transpositions
- Triple Threat
- Typesetting Problem Causes Release Delay
- Uncle Ben's Porch
- Uncle Ben's Porch
- Uncle Ben's Porch: A Sad Day
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Back To School
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Cookies and Checkers
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Girl Trouble
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Making Varsity
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Moving On Up?
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Second Team
- Uncle Ben's Porch: The Checker Maven
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Tommy Goes to Brooklyn
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Tommy Goes to High School
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Tommy's JV Debut
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Tommy's Tryout
- Unpublished Variation(s)
- Up The Creek Without A Paddle
- We Got Problems
- We're Dunne
- What Happened to "Let's Play Checkers"?
- What Is Checkers?
- When Wyllie Wavered
- Whitney
- Willie's Windmill
- Win One For Uncle Ben
- Win or Draw? It's Fifty-Fifty!
- Workman's Whizzbang
- Wyllie's Switcher Swindle
- Wyllie's Waterloo
- Fiction
- 15th Anniversary
- 18 Wheeler
- A Bittersweet Day at The Beacon Cafe
- A Holiday Gift
- A Midnight Encounter: The Sequel
- A New Member---A Beacon Cafe Story
- A New Season at the Beacon Cafe
- A New Season at the Beacon Cafe
- A Rival Club
- A Saturday in August
- A Slight Disagreement
- A Snowy Day at the Beacon
- A Windy Day: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Admiral Grey
- An April Storm: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Anticipating Thanksgiving at The Beacon Cafe
- April in Bismarck
- Baby It's Cold Outside
- Back to the Beacon
- Beacon Cafe: A Gift for Joyce
- Beacon Cafe: A Valentine's Day Gift
- Beacon Cafe: Among Friends
- Beacon Cafe: Cake vs. Pie
- Beacon Cafe: Challenge Returned
- Beacon Cafe: Frostnip
- Beacon Cafe: Holiday Travels
- Beacon Cafe: I'm Here To Help You
- Beacon Cafe: Louie's Girlfriend
- Beacon Cafe: School Board Meeting
- Beacon Cafe: State Championships
- Beacon Cafe: Sylvia Takes Ill
- Beacon Cafe: The Challenge
- Beacon Cafe: The Rematch
- Beacon Cafe: Turkey or Prime Rib?
- Beacon Cafe: Veteran's Day
- Big Jim: A Holiday Story
- Bye For Now
- Checkers Are Red: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Coffee and Cake at The Beacon
- Election Day
- Engagement Party: A Marvin J. Mavin Story
- Freezing Rain: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Getting Even
- Gone Fishing: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Gosh Josh at Ditzy World
- Halloween At The Beacon
- Happy Holidays From The Beacon Cafe
- Holidays Ahead! A Beacon Cafe Story
- It's April Once Again: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Marvin and Josh
- Marvin and Priscilla's Christmas Trip
- Marvin at Home
- Marvin at the Checker Academy
- Marvin At The World Series: Part One
- Marvin At The World Series: Sudden Death
- Marvin at Training Camp
- Marvin at Training Camp, 2021
- Marvin at Work
- Marvin Concedes
- Marvin in Japan
- Marvin in Las Vegas: Good Luck 13
- Marvin in Maine
- Marvin in the Playoffs, Part 1
- Marvin in the Playoffs, Part 2
- Marvin in Winnipeg
- Marvin J Mavin: Fightin' Words
- Marvin J Mavin: The Playoffs
- Marvin J. Mavin: A Very Large Problem
- Marvin J. Mavin: Another New Year's Eve
- Marvin J. Mavin: Tax Day
- Marvin J. Mavin: The Rest of the Story
- Marvin on Tour
- Marvin Returns To Summer Training Camp
- Marvin Takes A Stand
- Marvin Visits Grackle, ND
- Marvin Visits Waikiki
- Marvin's Agreement
- Marvin's Hearing
- Marvin's Holidays
- Marvin's Month of June
- Marvin's New Year's Eve
- Marvin's New Year's Eve
- Marvin's Reconciliation
- Marvin's Return
- Marvin's Thanksgiving
- Marvin's Thanksgiving
- Marvin's Training Camp: 2023
- Marvin's Vacation
- Marvin's Valentine's Day Gift
- Opening Day
- Return to the Beacon
- Revenge! Part I
- Revenge! Part 2
- Revenge! Part 3
- Sal and Sylvia's Anniversary
- Sal Goes to Jamestown
- Sal Visits Dickinson
- Sal's 4th of July
- Sal's Big Tournament
- Sal's Slip: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Sal's Summer Afternoon
- Sal's Summer Vacation
- Season's End
- See You in September
- Setting the Date: A Marvin J. Mavin Story
- State Fair: Part 1
- State Fair: Part 2
- State Fair: Part 3
- State Fair: Part 4
- State Fair: Part 5
- State Fair: Part 6
- State Fair: Part 7
- Thanksgiving With The Westermans
- The Big Day
- The Game of My Life
- The Last Problem
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 1
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 2
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 3
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 4
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 5
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 6
- The Lindyville Checker Club, Part 7 --- Conclusion
- The Showdown: A Marvin J. Mavin Story
- The Wedding Plan: A Marvin J. Mavin Story
- Three Move Opening, Part 1
- Three Move Opening, Part 2
- Three Move Opening, Part 3
- Three Move Opening, Part 4
- Three Move Opening, Part 5
- Three Move Opening, Part 6
- Three Move Opening, Part 7
- Tommy Goes to Summer Camp
- Uncle Ben's Porch: Tryouts
- Uncle Ben's Porch: When 'Sorry' Isn't Enough
- Valentine's Day at the Beacon Cafe
- Valentine's Day: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Wacky World
- When I Played Checkers For My Life
- Winter: A Beacon Cafe Story
- Games
- 4th of July 2023
- A Checker Wedding
- A Dishpan Move
- A Flora Temple Thriller
- A Great Shot, But Can You Win The Ending?
- A Leak in the Dyke
- A Sports Bar Debate
- A Switcher Autopsy
- A Well-Rounded Gentleman
- Allan Millhone Plays Checkers
- An Exhibition Match
- An Oktoberfest Contest
- Atomic Marvin
- Block Construction
- Did Marvin Blow The Game?
- Did Marvin Blow the Game? (Conclusion)
- Down On The Farm (Team)
- Draughts on a Winter's Eve
- Fix Me
- Fourth of July Picnic
- Happy Holidays 2019
- Happy New Year 2016
- Marvin and the Academic
- Marvin Meets Mary
- Marvin Opens the Season
- Marvin Visits Manchester
- Marvin's Summer Vacation
- Richard Pask At Home
- Season Opener
- Taking On The Champ, Part 1
- Taking On The Champ, Part 2
- The 'Fun Shot' in the Single Corner Opening
- The 11-Man Ballot Game
- The 2005 ACF 9th District Tournament
- The ACF Nationals
- The Cold War Revisited
- The Computer Says
- The Fun Shot in the Single Corner Opening: Conclusion
- The Various Meanings of "Run Down"
- This Way or That Way
- Three Wrongs, One Right
- Undiscovered Draw in Game 5 of Hellman-Ryan, 1949?
- General
- "Read More" Once More
- 100 Years of International Matches
- 11th Anniversary
- 16th Anniversary Edition
- 17th Anniversary
- 18th Anniversary
- 2021 ACF National: A Big Thank You
- 3-Move World Championship Scheduled
- 50th Problem Composing Contest
- 5th Anniversary Edition
- A Coronavirus Update From The Checker Maven
- A Draw Move Is To Be Made Every Time
- A Joe Job
- A Little Summer Housekeeping
- A Message from Gerry and Alan
- A New and Original Online Play Site
- A New Server
- A Small Change
- A Turning Point?
- ACF and GoldToken Sign Contract
- ACF Announces Five Thousand Dollar Youth Prize
- Alex Retains His Title
- American Checker Federation Election
- An Interview With ACF President Alan Millhone
- April Fool Recap
- Arizona Checkers: Ryan Pronk
- Bear Bounty Offered
- Brian Ups the Stakes
- Browser Issues Fixed
- Capers on the Kelso - Part 1
- Carol Joy Cole: A Friend to the Checkers World
- Checker Cruncher
- Checker Hall of Fame to Close as Walker Resigns Positions
- Checker Maven Score Sheets
- Checker Problem Composition Contest
- Checkercycle:Video Instruction on the Web
- Checkers in Hawai`i: A Grand Success
- Checkers in Pakistan
- Checkers in the Outback
- Coming: A New Look
- Computer Cheating in On-Line Checkers
- Contest Prize Will Be $75
- December Downtime
- Definitive Analysis of 11-Man Ballot
- Diagram Display Quirks
- Down Low, Too Slow
- Downsizing
- Eighth Anniversary
- Elegant New Problems in the Offing
- Fast Lane
- Grand Reopening
- Happy 90th Birthday, Mr. Richard Fortman!
- Happy Thanksgiving to our American Readers
- Host Migration Completed
- How Times Have Changed
- In Memoriam Jan Mortimer
- In Times to Come at The Checker Maven
- Increased Hosting Costs for Checker Maven
- Introducing Marvin J. Mavin
- It's Not Just About Winning: A Checker Maven Editorial
- It's Your Turn Once Again
- Joe Schwartz Reflects on Checkers Experiences
- JR Smith Visits Hawai`i Nei
- Ken Lovell
- Key Landings
- KING ME Now Widely Available
- King Me! The Movie
- King Me: Review and Commentary
- Kingless
- Konane Kane
- La Reina de Damas en Mexico
- Leo Is On The Team!
- Let's Play Checkers
- Let's Send Yunior and John to Prague!
- Lucky Day
- Mac Banks, Sportsman and Champion
- Make John Acker Go Away!
- Make Your Own 3-Move Card Decks!
- Marvin's World
- Migration
- Minor Update
- Moving Day
- Mr. Bill Edwards: Grandmaster from Wales
- News From the CSi BBS
- Nine Hours And A Headache
- Ninth Anniversary
- Not Secure
- Office Renovations
- One Year Old!
- Our New Santa Fe Offices
- Privacy Act Notice
- Prize Problem Now Offers $100
- Problem Composition Contest 14 Completed
- Profile of a Checkerist: Anthony Bishop
- Publication Calendar
- Publication Times
- Readers in Oklahoma City
- Rebooting Checkers
- Relocation Complete!
- Reservation Deadline Approaching
- Results of the Checker Maven Reader's Survey
- Revised Electronic Edition of 'Checkers Made Easy'
- Richard Pask's 'The Golden Dozen'
- Richard Pask's Revised 'Key Openings'
- Richard Pask's Supplement to Oldbury's Move Over
- Rule, Britannia!
- Second Immigration: An Interview with Alex Moiseyev
- September 23 is Checkers Day!
- Seventh Birthday
- So This is Checkers?
- Software Upgrade
- Software Upgrade
- Software Upgrade in Progress
- Solutions and Follow-Ups from January, 2005
- Solutions and Followups from February, 2005
- SQL Injection
- Summer Schedule
- Support the US vs Italy Team Match
- Temporary Office Closing
- The Bear Trap Is Still Empty
- The Checker Maven is Looking for Stringers
- The Checker Maven Reader's Survey!
- The Draughtsberg Project
- The Electronic Works of Richard Pask
- The Incredible On-Line Checkers Library
- The Manchester Draughts Club
- The Numbered Board and Move Notation
- The Online Museum of Checkers History
- The Passing of a Legend
- The Sayings of Tom Wiswell
- The Wild Bear Is Still On The Loose!
- The Wyllie Online Draughts Club
- Three Years of Publication
- Today is Bob Murr Day!
- Two Exciting On-Line Developments
- USA vs. Great Britian Internet Challenge
- We're Now Four Years Old
- We're Open for Business
- Website Update Complete
- What's Your Excuse?
- What's on the Tube?
- Who is Your Favorite Checker Book Author?
- World Championship Streaming Live
- Problems
- 02-22-2020
- 10th Anniversary!
- 12 Years
- 14th Anniversary Special Announcement
- 20th Anniversary
- 4th of July 2022
- 4th of July Special
- 4th of July Special
- 4th of July Special
- 4th of July Week
- 4th of July, 2021
- 4th of July: America United
- 4th of July: The Sentinel
- 999: An 18th Anniversary Special
- A 'Maid of the Mill' Surprise
- A (Not So) Easy Problem
- A Bit of a Break
- A Bit of a Break --- for Coffee and Cake?
- A Bit Too Advanced
- A Cakewalk
- A CCCP Speed Problem
- A Checker Author, Too
- A Checker Engagement
- A Checker Hutzler
- A Cross Loss
- A Crowd Scene
- A Day in June
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- A February Short
- A Friendly Sitting
- A Gentle Stroke
- A Gentle Stroke
- A Good Start
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- A Grand Rapids Speedster
- A Holiday Puzzler
- A Holiday Visitor at the Beacon Cafe
- A January Warmup
- A Little Deceiver
- A Little Lighter
- A Little Mischief
- A Little More Practical, Well, Maybe
- A Little Problem
- A Lot of Work
- A May Day Problem
- A Midnight Encounter
- A Mighty Forest
- A Not-So-Mysterious Stranger
- A Paisley Problem
- A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words
- A Plethora of Names
- A Possible Misstep
- A Pretty Slip (Shot)
- A Prize Problem - Well, Kind Of
- A Problem for the Advanced Player
- A Quiet Scene
- A Real Eye-Popper
- A Real Fooler
- A Real Mind-Boggler
- A Real-Life Checker Problem
- A Rush of Cold Air
- A Shocker
- A Short Speedster
- A Short Stroke for a Short Month
- A Simple Little Fellow
- A Single Corner Singe
- A Small Slice of Veal
- A Startling Reverse
- A Summer of Checkers
- A Taxing Situation
- A Textbook Win
- A Thanksgiving Feast
- A Tommie Wiswell Saturday Bonus!
- A Tricky One
- A Twin
- A Winter Saturday at the Beacon Cafe
- A Wiswell Doubleheader
- Accurate Judgment
- Ace in the Hole
- Action-Packed
- Alex Moiseyev, Problem Composer (Part 1 of 2)
- Alex Moiseyev, Problem Composer (Part 2 of 2)
- All Ahead Full
- All But One
- All In A Row
- All Is Not Lost
- Always Read the Fine Print
- An Afternoon at Benny's: Newark, 1946
- An August Stroke
- An Easy Problem
- An Easy Stroke
- An Exercise in Technique
- An Interesting Combination
- An Untimed Speed Problem
- And The Winner Is ...
- Another Easy Stroke
- Another Snappy One
- Another Two Not So Easy Pieces
- April 1, 2017
- April Showers
- April Speedster
- Are You Faster Than the World Champion?
- As Easy As Pie
- At A Stroke
- At the Stroke of Midnight
- August Heat
- Autumn is Coming On Fast
- Avoidance Maneuver
- Back to School 2013
- Bad Teacher
- Ballroom Dancing
- Barker's Triangle
- Baseball Season: The Horror Of It All
- Bastille Day
- Bastille Day Fireworks
- Be a PAL
- Beat the Heat
- Beeswax Block Buster
- Beginner's Corner
- Beginner's Corner: Seeing is Believing
- Beginner's Corner: Three Principles
- Beginner's Corner: You Have to Actually Win It
- Beginner's Jinx
- Believe It Or Don't
- Better Than First
- Better Than First
- Birthday Special
- Black to Move and Crown
- Bowen and Lyman's Double Play
- Breaking Even: A Taxing Problem
- Brian's Bear Claw Still Unsolved
- Brian's Prize Problem
- Brian's Twin
- Brilliant
- Brooklynite
- Brush Stroke
- Bumped Off
- Burning the Candle at Both Ends
- But Is It Worth Your Job?
- But the Computer Says......
- Can You Be The Third Person In The World To Solve This?
- Can You Escape From The Growling Bear?
- Canadian Checker Class
- Canadian Nights
- Cashing In On The Win
- Changing and Exchanging
- Chases: Problem Contest 66
- Checker Maven Special Edition
- Checker Poetry
- Checker School: All Kings
- Checker School: Coming From Behind, Part 1
- Checker School: Coming From Behind, Part 2
- Checker School: Coming From Behind, Part 3
- Checker School: Cowie's Position
- Checker School: Second Session
- Checker-Go-Round
- Checkers in Hawai`i
- Clever, Clever
- Coffee and Cake
- Coffee and Cake at the Beacon
- Coffee and Cake, 2016
- Complex Interchange
- Composing Contest 77: The End of the Road
- Contest 58: Kingless
- Contest 61: Virile Variations
- Contest 62: Double Breeches
- Contest 69: Kingless Draws
- Contest 70: Pawns Beat Kings
- Contest 73: High Level Strategies
- Contest 74: 16 Pieces
- Cornered
- Country Doc
- Crime Does Not Pay
- Croon in June
- Cute and Acute
- Cute and Tricky
- CV-1 Solution
- CV-2: Brian's Bridge
- CV-3: Sturges Remembered
- CV-4: Donnybrook
- CV-5: Brian's 8x8 Mindbender
- CV-6: Metamorphosis
- Dang Tough
- Dangling
- Dead-End Duffers
- Deficit Spending
- Delicado
- Demolition
- Diagramless
- Diagramless
- Didactic Value
- Different Strokes
- Do It Fast but Do It Right
- Dog Days of Summer
- Don't be a Square
- Double Action
- Double Barreled Action
- Double Crossing
- Double Duty
- Drawbridge
- Easing Into The New Year
- Easy April
- Easy As Pie
- Easy Going on a Hot Day
- Easy or Hard? It All Depends...
- Easy Peasy
- Easy Summer's End Problem
- Editor's Choice
- Ein Feste Burg (A Mighty Fortress)
- Elegance and Style
- Every Way You Look At It, You Lose
- Eyes Only
- Fall Blows in Fast
- Falling Into Fall
- Famous Shots I
- Famous Shots IX
- Famous Shots V
- Farmer Sneed, Ned, and Mr. Hatley
- Fast Relief
- Faster Than A June Bug
- Faster Than a Speeding --- Turtle?
- Faster Than Greased Lightning
- Faster, Cheaper, Better
- Fatal Squeeze
- Fifth Reprise: Two Easy Pieces
- Fifty Years of Composing
- Find Both Solutions
- Fine Summer Days
- Finishing the Job
- For the Love of Thee
- Fore!
- Four In A Row
- Four Kings
- Fourth of July 2020
- Fourth of July Celebration
- Fourth Of July Race
- Fourth of July Special
- Friday the 13th
- From Corner to Corner
- Full Time
- Fundamentals
- Get It Right the First Time
- Get Out and Vote
- Getting Jumpy
- Gibson
- Give A Little, Get A Little
- Goldilocks
- Good Mental Gymnastics
- Hammer It Out
- Happy Birthday America
- Happy Birthday America
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- Happy Holidays 2018
- Happy Holidays 2020
- Happy Holidays to All
- Happy New Year 2010
- Happy New Year 2011
- Happy New Year 2024
- Hard Fall Problem
- Hard Problem
- Hard? Hardly!
- Harder Than You Think
- Haste Makes Waste
- Have It Your Way
- Hefter's Triple Play
- Hidden Beauty on a Draughtsboard
- Hogan's Heros
- Holiday Coffee and Cake
- Holiday Magic
- Holidays 2012
- Holidays 2014
- Honoring the Underdog: The Common Man
- Hopeless
- Hopeless: A Speed Problem
- Hopper: A Speed Problem
- Horse-Radish
- How Bad Can It Get
- How Fast Can You See?
- How Fast Can You Win It?
- Hurry Back to School
- In Like a Lamb
- In Like a Lion
- In Need of a Spare
- In the Grand Manner
- In The Heat Of The Summer
- In the Woods
- Inexhaustible
- Instant Gratification
- Introducing Priscilla K. Snelson
- Introducing Priscilla K. Snelson (conclusion)
- Irish Checkers
- Is It Spring Yet?
- It's A Trap
- It's Easy When You Know How
- Jackpot
- January Kickoff
- January Speed
- Josh and Lloyd Compose
- Josh's Clever Draw
- July Speed Problem
- Jumpin' Jehoshaphat
- June 18: A Nutty Day in History
- June Speed Problem
- Just a Little Bit of Difference
- Just Ask Your Mom
- Labor Day 2011
- Labor Day 2014
- Labor Day 2015
- Labor Day 2017
- Labor Day 2018
- Labor Day 2019
- Labor Day 2020
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- Labor Day 2022
- Labor Day 2023
- Labor Day 2024
- Labor Day Festivities
- Labor Day Race
- Labor Day Race, 2009
- Labor Day Salute
- Le rouge et le noir
- Leap Year Day
- Life Is Full of Tough Choices
- Lightning Stroke
- Little Strokes Fell Big Oaks
- London Bridge
- Look Before You Leap
- Make Haste Slowly
- Man in the Middle
- Man Overboard
- Man Up
- March Craziness: A Beacon Cafe Story
- March Speedsters
- Marvin at Summer Training Camp
- Marvin J. Mavin: Spring Break
- Marvin Returns to St. Louis
- Marvin's New Year's Eve
- Marvin's New Year's Eve Exhibition
- Masterpiece
- May Speedster
- May Stroke
- Maybe
- Maybe Not Quite A Speed Problem
- Mayday 2010
- Mayday! Mayday!
- Medium Problem
- Memorial Day 2020
- Memorial Day Special
- Merry Christmas 2021
- Miles To Go
- Minority Rules
- More Pictures: Problem Composing Contest 68
- More Than One Way To Do It
- Mr. Hatley in the Library of Congress
- Mr. Hefter
- Mr. Scissors
- Neatly Trapped
- New PDN Files Available
- New Year Action
- New Year's Day 2022
- New Year's Edition 2014
- New Year's Edition 2015
- New Year's Eve 2016
- New Year's Eve Spectacular
- Nice and Neat
- No Problem Is A Problem?
- No Winter Slowdown Here
- No Work Today: A Midweek Bonus Problem
- North Dakota
- Not Exactly a Speed Problem
- Not Quite So Fast
- Not So Fast
- Not Too Tough
- Novice Lesson
- Now We Have a Nice Problem
- Oh My Goodness
- Oh No!
- Oldies But Goodies
- On the Banks of the Jordan
- Once Again to Knighton
- Once More Around the Block
- Once More Into The Breeches
- One for New Year's Eve
- One of Those Things
- One Stroke
- Our Northern Neighbor
- Our Second Anniversary: Let's Have Coffee and Cake!
- Patterns
- Perpetual Motion
- Pictures At An Exhibition: Problem Composing Contest 67
- Playing Hardball
- Playing Like A Robot
- Popularity
- Position Beats Possession
- Post-Holiday Blahs
- Precision
- Presidents' Day
- Pretty Complex, But ....
- Pretty Tough
- Problem Composing Contest 59: Compound Strokes
- Problem Composing Contest 63: Mystery Theme
- Problem Composing Contest 71: Pitches
- Problem Composing Contest 76: Two-Part Blends
- Problem Composition Contests Are Back!
- Problem Contests Move to Checker Maven
- Professor, What's Your Opinion On This?
- PS-I or I-PS
- Published in 1885
- Push 'Em Back
- Pushed Into The Corner
- Pyramids
- Quick As a Bee
- Really Easy
- Rebound
- Reid's Rocker
- Relatively Easy; A Speed Problem
- Remarkable, Indeed
- Return to The Beacon
- ReVEALed
- Robertson's Tool
- Roybn's Fast Shots
- Rush Hour
- Rustic Charm
- Sal Returns To The Beacon Cafe
- Saving the Game
- School Bells Ring, and Children Sing ...
- Secret Hideaway
- Seeing Stars
- Send in the Marines
- Sextuples: Problem Composing Contest 57
- Shardlow: Checker Friendy?
- Short and Neat
- Showdown in Abilene
- Showdown in West Texas
- Simple Elegance
- Sixth Anniversary Edition
- Smaller Than Life
- So What, and Big Deal
- Solution to Brian's Prize Problem
- Solution to CV-3: Sturges Remembered
- Solution to CV-4: Donnybrook
- Solution to CV-5: Mindbender
- Solution to CV-6: Metamorphosis
- Some Good Exercise
- Some Things Don't Work Out
- Sorry About That
- Sort Of
- Spectacular Finale
- Speed Department
- Speeding Into Beulah
- Speeding Into Spring
- Speedy Delivery
- Speedy, Short Month
- Spring Into Spring When This One Springs
- Springing Into Spring
- St. Maurice
- Star Wars
- Starting Off The Year
- Starting the New Year
- State of the Art
- Strategic Non-Strokes: Problem Contest 65
- Strokes in June
- Sturges the Great
- Summer Speed
- Summer Speeds By
- Summer Speedster
- Summer's End
- Super Easy
- Sweeps
- Symmetrical
- Take The Short Road
- Thanksgiving 2011
- Thanksgiving 2012
- Thanksgiving 2014
- Thanksgiving 2015
- Thanksgiving Edition 2013
- Thanksgiving Weekend
- Thanksgiving Weekend 2016
- Thanksgiving Weekend 2017
- Thanksgiving Weekend 2018
- Thanksgiving Weekend 2020
- Thanksgiving Weekend 2023
- Thanksgiving, 2010
- Thanksgiving: Time for Coffee and Cake
- The 'Masked Man' Returns for March
- The 4-Stroke
- The American Checkerist
- The Bear Trainer
- The Big Dipper
- The Bizarre World of Strokes
- The Block Game
- The Captured Bear
- The Challenge of Checker Problems
- The Checker Maven: 19th Anniversary
- The Checker Murders: Part Five
- The Checker Murders: Part Four
- The Checker Murders: Part One
- The Checker Murders: Part Seven, Conclusion
- The Checker Murders: Part Six
- The Checker Murders: Part Three
- The Checker Murders: Part Two
- The Death of Expertise
- The Deckhand
- The Deep End
- The Depths of Winter
- The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
- The Dodger
- The Double Steal
- The Engineer
- The Fastest Ever
- The Fastest Month
- The Fastest Speedster Ever
- The First Move
- The First Stroke of Spring
- The Four Kings: Kings At Play
- The Goose Walk
- The Grandmaster Gem --- Solved!
- The Holidays Sped By
- The Joker
- The June Bug
- The Lancashire Checker Newsletter
- The Last of the Masked Men
- The Last Song
- The Leaves Fall Quickly
- The Leaves Fall Quickly in the Fall
- The Little Fooler
- The Long Crooked Trail
- The Long Pitch
- The Long Road Home
- The Lost Soul
- The Luck of the Draw
- The Masked Man is Back in Town
- The Masked Man Rides Again
- The Merry Month of May
- The New Year 2013
- The New Year Has Arrived
- The New Year is Coming
- The New Year Is Coming In
- The New Year Rushes In
- The Old Checkerist
- The Other Benjamin
- The Outdoor Life
- The People's Journal
- The Post-Holiday Blahs
- The Search for Speed
- The Side of the Road
- The Simple Life
- The Single(s) Corner
- The Six Move Blitz
- The Slowest Speed Problem
- The Speed of "May"
- The Speed of Winter
- The Speed of Winter
- The Speed Problem Returns
- The Squeeze
- The Stumper
- The Tax Man
- The Teacher Gets an "F"
- The Time Machine
- The Twelve Move Sack
- The Weasel
- The Winner Is: The Computer
- The Zephyr
- Theft! Problem Composing Contest 64
- There's More Than One Way To Do It
- Thinking It Over
- Three by Mac
- Three by Three
- Three Easy Strokes, Part Three
- Three Easy Strokes, Part Two
- Three Easy Strokes: Part One
- Three Kings
- Time Flies
- Tina and Joey
- Today Is The Day
- Tombstones for Tyros
- Total Insanity
- Trouble In The Old Fourteenth
- Tupper-Ware
- Two Easy Pieces
- Two Easy Pieces, Fourth Installment
- Two Easy Pieces: Sixth Edition
- Two Final Not-So-Easy Pieces
- Two For The Price Of One
- Two Little Cuties
- Two More Easy Pieces
- Two Not-Quite-So-Easy Pieces
- Two Parts from Denvir
- Two-Fisted Checkers
- Uncle Ben's Porch
- Uncle Ben's Porch: An Argument with Mom
- Unsure
- V for Victory
- Valentine's Day Celebration
- Vesuvius
- Warm Up
- Wednesday is 'Anything Can Happen Day'
- Welcome to Checker School
- Welcoming the New Year
- What Is A Gem?
- What's Your Call?
- What's Your Hurry?
- What's Your Speed?
- White to Move and Draw, Again
- White to Move and Draw, Cowboy
- Who Was That Masked Man?
- Who's Number One?
- Will The Real Doogz Please Stand Up?
- Willard Who?
- William Veal
- Winter Break
- Winter Speedster
- Winter's End
- With Deliberate Speed
- Without
- World Healing Day
- X the Unknown
- Yet Two More Easy Pieces
- Yin and Yang
- You Can't Win 'Em All
- You Did What?
- You'll Get A Kick Out Of This
- Young Bill Salot at the Beacon Cafe: Contest #72
- Zig-Zag
- Zugzwang! Problem Contest 60
- Programs
- 10-Piece Endgame Database Now Available
- Marujito: A New Checker Playing Engine
- A Winter Stroke
- Checker Apps for Android
- CheckerBoard 1.64: All We Can Say Is "Wow"!
- Checkers Has Been Solved
- Checkers: Apps for the iPhone
- Checkersland
- Double Cross in the Double Cross
- GUI Checkers: A Solid Entry
- Jump? How High?
- KingsRow Continues to Dig
- KingsRow Digs Into the Last of the "Lost" 3-Move Ballots
- Machine Learning Comes To Kingsrow
- Major Update to Program Reviews
- New Release of KingsRow
- Review of Blondie24
- Solution to CV-2: Brian's Bridge
- Taking A Break
- Thanksgiving Weekend
- The Almost Shortest Month
- WCC Platinum Programs/Cake Manchester Databases Soon To Be Available